Chapter Three

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I looked at my secretary, "How many more?", I tiredly scratched my head. "Six", she looked at her list and corrected herself, "Seven, one hasn't arrived yet." I nodded and turned back to the stage. A guy stepped in the middle. He had angular facial features, dark eyes and black hair falling into his forehead. "Hello my name is Shiro Mochizuki, I'm not that good in Korean yet, but it'll be fine.", he said in English. I sat up. Shiro Mochizuki handed me his folder, I opened it and nodded. He was talented, had good pictures and could portray soft as well as hard. I took a picture out of the case. "That's Sk8thing, ain't that right?" Shiro Mochizuki smiled. Hoseok leaned towards me, "I think we have a good candidate here.", he whispered. I nodded and continued to look at Shiro Mochizuki.

"Are you relieved now?" asked Hoseok. We had to take a break again because one of the big headlights/spotlights had blown. "I'm thinking about taking the girl with the Harajuku background into consideration.", I said.


I stared at my cell phone, eight percent. I was about to cry. I typed in my code and searched for the number of my best friend. It rang and after a few seconds he picked up. "Kook, where are you?", Jimin asked. I couldn't hold my tears anymore, "I fell asleep on the bus.", " Where. Are. You?" Jimin asked. I sobbed and looked around. At a corner stood a street sign. I gave Jimin the streets name. I knew he bit his lip. "Kook... I don't know if you'll get there on time," I swallowed. I heard Jimin typing and then he laughs. "Everything will be fine," said Jimin, "You're near a taxi service", "I have no money and almost no battery!", "I'll call them and we'll meet in front of VFA*, I'll pay." I sighed, "Than-", the line went dead, and I saw my phone had switched off itself. 

Damn it.

I was sitting at the curb for maybe five minutes when a taxi stopped next to me. "Mr. Jeon?" the man asked, he was old and smiled friendly. "Yes. My friend called you... Is that right?" The man nodded and opened the passenger door for me. "Thank you very much," I smiled.

The ride took too long, way too long. The taxi juddered and I had to try to hold back my tears again. "Don't be afraid, Mr. Jeon, you will arrive on time," the old man smiled. I nodded. " Thanks a lot," I murmured and looked out the window to distract myself. The people on the streets, all in their heads, ran quickly from A to B. I wondered if they even noticed me. The taxi stopped at a traffic light and as if my thoughts had been read, a child in his stroller looked at me and waved. I looked startled to the side. "We'll be there in five minutes," laughed the driver.

*(=V Fashion Association)

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