Harvest festival

30 1 9

You decided to leave agent-Z be, she was probably getting some berries, sure enough she came back with some Oran  berries and moomoo milk. She grabbed your sleeve and dragged you aside

Agent-z: Hey, I heard what squidy and sky said about a double battle, Mind if I help out?

You: I'm fine but how?

Agent-z giggled and dragged you to a clearing filled with Audino's

Agent-Z: you can fight these guys, they give a ton of Xp

You nodded and started training, agent-z stuck around to keep an eye on you. You managed to get 4 levels on frokie, 3 levels on spheal and 3 levels on vulpix, a Pokemon used double kick on frokie

Mystery Pokemon challenge 

Mystery Pokemon used double kick, -23Hp

Frokie used water pulse, -14Hp, not very effective 

Mystery Pokemon used leach seed, frokie was seeded, -5Hp

Frokie used tackle, -21Hp

Mystery Pokemon used high jump kick, -24Hp

Frokie took damage from leach seed. -5Hp

Mystery Pokemon used high jump kick, frokie dodged, mystery Pokemon took damage

You threw a poke ball




Mystery Pokemon was caught

Lv.23 deerling (Shiny)

Agent-z: can't wait for that to fully evolve

You: I didn't expect that

Agent-Z: no one does

You noticed a master ball on he belt along with five other different poke balls

You: what's in the master ball

Agent-z: you'll find out

You headed back to the festival with agent-z before heading back to the Pokemon center and resting your Pokemon.

~~right I have choices

Fight with shadow 

Fight with agent-z

~~GL everyone

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