Quirk: Summoning

1.5K 8 1

Type: Emitter

The ability to summon beings or objects for assistance. This may range from invoking simple implements to mighty familiar spirits.

Example: The user can summon familiars which is almost any type of animal. The animals will appear translucent but they all have a certain color that they appear to be and will look like they are kinda glowing. They will also have around them what some call 'pixie dust'. The user can only summon up to three familiars at a time if they are larger animals. If they are smaller they can summon up to five animals. These animals can also be mythical creatures.

If Mastered: The user can summon more familiars without draining all their power so quickly.

Drawbacks: Include migraines, fatigue, passing out, and losing the ability to summon a certain animal.

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