Quirk: Telekinetic Shadow

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Type: Emitter

The ability to possess powerful telekinetic extensions of oneself.

User has telekinetic extensions of themselves (generally in the form of additional limbs) controlled through both conscious thoughts and instinct, as if they were parts of their own body. The limbs are invisible (depending on users choice), intangible and with variable shape. Their number, reach and strength varies by how strong the user is, but they remain invariably centered on their body. The arms possess incredible strength, are extremely fast and precise, possess a perceptive aspect, allowing the user to instinctively sense everything that's around them and anticipate impending threats. They can be used to deflecting attacks, creating a for defense, offense, etc, generating pressure-wave to cause area effects, attacking opponents lethally or for subduing and being essentially intangible, they can phase through most protections target directly the vulnerable parts (like internal organs or a vehicle's pilot), etc.

If Mastered:User can control the telekinetic aura at a cellular or molecular level, allowing them to be used for healing oneself and others or to perform highly delicate surgical operations.

Drawbacks: Include migraines, fatigue, and passing out

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