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Deku: *breaks his bones*

Deku: ...

Deku: ...

Deku: ...

Deku: well this isn't ideal


Aoyama: *sneezes*

Deku: *about to say 'bless you'*

Ayoama: No need to bless me, I'm already blessed.


Deku: breathe if you want to date me

Bakugou: *passes out*

Uraraka: *heavy, loud breathing*

Todoroki: *hyperventilating in the back*


Denki: I always thought Harry Potter would turn out gay...

Bakugou: What?

Sero: yeah, he didn't spend all that time in the closet for nothing.

Bakugou: How fucking long did you morons take to think of that shitty pun and why do I feel like it's been rehearsed?


♥ All of these belong to me ♥

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