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Quirk Questions

Kirishima: Does his hair harden along with his skin? If so, does he have to shave his armpit hair because it would get in the way? Is that why he has those red arm things; to hide his shaved armpits? (As I typed this I realised that his hair moved in the sports festival arc when monoma took his quirk by touching it.)

Hagakure: Why can't we see food inside her mouth even if it's like a full, non-digested Oreo? She's invisible so why can't we see stuff inside her?

M*****: Is he stuck with that haircut? Good. He looks terrible.

Tsuyu: This isn't about her quirk but how does she do her hair? Like damn I wanna try that...looks fuckin awesome...

Mina: Does she get damaged by her own quirk? How is the acid made?

Bakugou: Does he get damaged by his own quirk? As in the explosion part, not the recoil.

Aoyama: How tf did he find out he had a deadly belly-button? Does it looks different because of his quirk? Is it shiny??

Ojiro: Did he grow his tail??? WaS iT a LiTTlE nUb At oNE pOinT?! I NEED BABY PICTURES PLEASE AND THANK YOU!

Sero: Where does the tape come from? What's it made of?? Is there some special stuff in his elbows that have the properties to make tape???

Mezo: Were his extra arms little nubs at one point or was he born with extra arms and they grew like normal ones?


Stay safe kids. Don't drink. Don't eat. It could all be poisoned. Instead, use photosynthesis.

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