In search

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After a month we are still in search of the Jaguar shrine, the others had given up hope on finding it, but they were in it for the money and as for me well I was the hunter, protector, and peace keeper when the others were growing tired of each other I would interfere and make peace. Van pelt was insane threatening anyone who dared to question his authority, and Nigel well he was the field guide, he showed us just about every inch of Jumanji, Van pelt asking for my suggestions, we were heading southwest, I was close to Van pelt but a little behind to make sure the others didn't try to kill each other, we all soon came to a stop.
"Have I finally found it?" I quickly moved up ahead to get a better look at why we had stopped.
"The Jaguar shrine." We all hurried towards the Jaguar,Van pelt the first one on scene, he had already begun the climb, we all waited patiently for him to come back down their was a sudden shift in the atmosphere this once pleasant land turned into darkness, Van Pelt had removed the sacred jewel possessing the abilities to control the animals of Jumaji, he was cursed.
"Van Pelt! Van Pelt! We beg you too put the jewel back." Me and Nigel pleaded.
"No! You are in no position to tell me what to do!"
"Van Pelt you are making a huge mistake." He growled lowly in warning to you and Nigel.
Later that night Nigel had stolen the jewel and ran off into the jungle, everyone was searching high and low for the traitor, the others were going to kill him. while I wanted to help him. There was a loud ding coming from the sky, we could all see the person as the crash landed.
"Find him, and kill him we can not let him live." A group of 11 guys walked over to their bikes to go and search for them.
"Winchester you go with them." I nodded and shifted into a hawk, I wanted to find him before they did, I had to protect him. I shifted in to human form when we neared the Bizarre, 6 of us were at the Bizarre the others were else where. We were walking around, looking for anyone out of the ordinary one of the guys spotted a man who didn't look like the others, they men split up coming at him from all directions, quickly pulling out my gun I shot three of them, I grabbed the man and ran we were a decent distance away when he yanked his arm back.
"Who the hell are you?" I rolled my eyes at him.
"I don't have time for your silly questions right now we need to go."
"Why!?" He was shouting a million questions a minute.
"Listen!" I shouted at him to make him stop.
"Come with me if you value your life." A moment of silence he was looking me up and down trying figure me out.

"How do I know I can trust you?"
".......You can't."
"Oh that's really fucking comforting."
"I just saved your arse, need I remind you?"
"Who are you."
"I am Dr.Jennifer Winchester." It was like a lightbulb went off in his head.
"Nigel spoke of you,!he said you'd help me."
"Then let me help you." And with that I grabbed him into the sewers, making sure he followed everything I did so he wouldn't die.
"Thanks." That was the only word he had spoke since we got down here.
"Welcome." It was short and simple conversation.

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