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It was close to dark Alex and I stayed together, seeing as it was to dangerous now to do our regular routine and we were okay with that, until day four rolled in and the hut was deemed safe once again and our routine fell back into place. I had to admit it was weird to not be around him all the time him cracking jokes and us swapping short stories, it was fun and it made me realize just how much I missed human contact.
"You okay?" Alex asked noticing that you were zoned out completely.
"Yea just thinking about how to get out of here. I was thinking tomorrow we could go to the transportation shed and head to the next level."
"Sounds good."
"We have to be careful only have three lives use them wisely."
*Inside the Transportation shed*
"Okay so we're inside what do we take?" I asked.
"Well uh..we could take the hot air-balloon out there."Alex replied walking over to it, while I just gave him an are you serious look.
"Are you joking those guys have guns they could easily shoot us down."He was already starting the balloon when we heard banging on the door.
"You got a better idea? The banging was getting louder.
"Well not at the moment." As I hopped in. The door to the shed bursted opened and they ran to where we were shooting and our hot air-balloon wouldn't get off the ground, we ended up getting shot losing a life and the next time we tried to leave our airplane ended up getting shot down by a couple of orangutans and that was it we were both down to our last life and there was nothing we could do so we stayed in the hut leaving only when needed and that was that...well before they showed up.
<Other story>
"So shape shifting that's a pretty cool strength."-Alex

"Yea Its pretty cool I only shift when I need to."-Jennifer/Lilith

"Oh so you needed to save my life?"-Alex

"I didn't need to I wanted to cause if you haven't noticed jungle life is a pretty lonely life."-Jennifer/Lilith

"Yea it is." Everything was silent that was until we heard a few familiar dings we both looked up and then to each other.

"New players!" We both said in unison.

Alrighty then this was fun and I enjoyed it but good things must come to an end.

Lilith's jumanji lifeWhere stories live. Discover now