Born from a Rock

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Of all Time

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Of all Time

The stone stood for eons
Untouched, Unseen, Unheard
Not one knew of it's existence.
Yet within each yawning breath it took
It's desire to be known
Never once diminished

Time took its toll
As the earth grew about its shoulders
Exposing only its underside to its westerly neighbor
The birds too ignored its lament
For even they saw nothing
In its unremarkable cloak.

Yet hidden deep within its core
A prize. A prize so precious
Whole Nations would turn upon itself
To catch even a glimpse of what
lay within. A secret so severe
Wars would cease under the power
it wielded.

Trapped, waiting, watching
for the one who would release its agony
Yet Time continued
and the Stone stood still.
Biding its time for the coming of
its Liberation

Who would end
Its very existence
Who would create it again
The one who would release the fury hidden within
To cease all that mattered
and all that did not

How many eons more
would it have to wait?
For all time. And for no time
For within the husk of the cloaked one
Lay the very first spark
Of all. Of all Creation. Of all time

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