Shifu Did You Know (NSFW)

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Excerpt from Kunlun Mountain 4 - Matrimony Part 2 - Mo Yuan

Shifu did you know that many hearts today will break
Women the world over will be suffering in your wake
But did you also know that their words will turn to rants
Because the gossip they all heard
Is there's a snake inside those pants

Oh their eyes will water, as each will mourn their loss
Inside their chambers hidden, their curtains drawn across
But Shifu do not weep for their loneliness and strife
Because the one who soon will own
the snake less pants will be your wife

I'm sure she'll love you anyway regardless of this wrong
So do not hang your head for being born without a dong
There really isn't anything of which to be ashamed
Not every man is well endowed
And nor can he be blamed

Though Shifu there is something else that we have heard
That the reverence of which you're held is based upon your word
From speeches to debating, the accolades are sung
So regardless of the lack of meat
At least you have a tongue

So raise aloft your pants and pull the drawstring tight
And save the girl from seeing what really is a ghastly sight
You don't need to show her just how poorly you are hung
When all you have to do
Is spread her legs and flap your tongue!

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