The Orbit of Your Soul

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Your soul spans many stories gone by
It has traveled so far, its reach spread wide
As a petal it lay, and on waves it did flow
In mountains it roamed, and in time it did grow

Until through the ages your soul gave birth
To a beautiful being of power and worth
And from many trials your soul has endured
You've attained a spirit that has matured

So many lives you have both led
And the knowledge and wisdom of which you have fed
Will follow your path wherever it goes
Because the orbit you traverse is fixed to your souls

You cannot avoid what is written in fate
No matter how petty, noble or great
Because the story you tell, it will not cease
Until your soul has achieved the ultimate peace

Your souls will continue across all time and space
Entwined together, you will ever keep pace
And all that you hope for and all you desire
Was gifted to you, from the Infinite Sire

This is your story, that no man shall take
For the future is only for you to create
Ahead may lie the darkness of night
But the Infinite Fire will cast out its light

So be happy be merry, have fun with your life
And never shall burdens cause you to strife
For this is the end of a very long tale
One which you created a brightly lit trail

For future generations to come
And each deed you make, they will tally the sum
For the story you weave, each will they crave
For the glory you've laid for their own souls to pave

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