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Warning implied sexual activity 

"come onnnn Yamada it dosent taste that bad"

"yes it do, besides im not trying to drink to much."

"how about you Aizaw? you wanna taste it?"

"No thanks im one my last drink now. What about Toshinori?"

"no thanks in advance i dont drink and besides im gonna head out i have to be up early"

"okayyy see you around Toshi"

After Toshinori left Nemuri got back to trying to get Yamada to drink her mix...

"what would i have to do to get you to try it" she said suggestively

"ill try it if you stop doing whatever your trying to do right now" 

"meanie, but ok now drink it"

Yamada mouths help me to Aizawa, then he precedes to drink the mix

"seeee it wasn't that bad"

cough-cough Yamadas eyes start to water "yes it is whats in that, why is it so strong?"

"oh you know a little this, a little that, a lot of a few things"

"come on Aizawa just taste a sip, dont let me suffer alone"

"no like i said im just gonna get soda or maybe a light drink"

"your not suffering...yet"

"yet??? what dose that mean Nemuri"

"well you know sometimes things will take a minute to hit you"

"yeah, yeah whatever...let finish this next baseball game then lets go."

Nemuri had stoped drink for the night but was still relatively drunk by the 8th inning of the baseball game, Aizawa was basically sober, however Yamada had kept drinking not thinking that Nemuris drink was gonna hit him around the 5th inning after he had had at lest 2 more drinks.

"heyy, sho do you think you could come ovr?"

Aizawa looked at Yamada. red checks stupid smile on his face, definitely to drunk to get himself home. "yeah ill help you get home after the game"

"ok you two im out ill see you guys on monday"

"bye Nemuri"

Yamada was ordering another drink, so he didnt notice her leaving.

"Hizashi, what are you doing the game is almost over?"

"immmm, getting drunk"

"i cant see that, put the drink down you dont need it"

"i have to pay for it so im gonna drink it"

Aizawa dipped his finger in the drink and tasted it "how strong is that anyways"

"i dnt know it lookd good so....i got it!"

"sigh.. ok but after that were going home"

Hizashi gave him a look "you mean your coming home with me?"

"yeah ill make sure you get home."

"nooo i waant you to stay for a bit"

"ok ill make sure you get to bed."

Hizashi raised his glass "sounds like fun to me" and gave Aizawa a little smirk

Aizawas face blushed red. what is he getting at im gonna go home make sure he sleeping and leave...

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