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Yamada was just getting back from his show it was 5:30 when he got back to the teachers housing he went to Aizawas door and knocked he usually slept with Aizawa after his show because his room had a quieter atmosphere and people wouldn't bother him. Mostly because they didn't wanna bother Aizawa and they didnt know were Yamada was.

Yamada smiled at Aizawa "mind if i  come in?"

"you know your always welcome here after your show"

Yamada changed into some of Aizawas clothes they were a bit big but they could be tightened. Aizawa came up behind him and ran his hands through Yamadas hair to loosen the gels hold he knew Yamada would wash it out tomorrow.

"thanks Sho" he turned around and burred his face in Aizawas neck 

Aizawa half carried Yamada to the bedroom and got him situated then laid down next to him.

In the students dorms there was an alarm you could pull just in case something was happening that needed the teachers attention. It would only go off the the main teacher housing that way if it was really serious the teacher could get help

Around 6:15am it went off, ringing in Aizawas room he bolted up and grabbed his gear, Yamada was up seconds later, it couldn't hurt to have two heroes help. They raced towards class As dorms tired but alert. They busted in ready to see what the emergency was or ready to protect the students, to there surprise all but one of the students looked as tired as they did most of them yawning or half asleep on the tables.

Aizawa soon realized there was no danger "who pulled the alarm and why?" he growled at the students

all the students moved and looked at Mineta 

Aizawa glared at him "why did you pull the alarm"

Mineta backed up "i-i didnt know it was a big deal"

"you thought it would just be fun to tiger it at 6:15 on a Saturday?"

Mineta was silent

Aizawa was about to say somthing before Yamada cut in "Your telling me that YOU pulled it as a JOKE?!"

Class A hadn't noticed Yamada up intill he started speaking, and they had never seen him upset. They all backed up a few feet.

"DO you even know what time my sHoW ENDS?!" Yamada hissed, he had lowered the pitch of his voice a little known trick he could do. Now his voice was much lower than Aizawas

Aizawa noted how terrified his students look, he guessed it was because they had never seen Yamada angry or heard his voice that low. Aizawa looked at Yamada, tired, hair messy, clothes to big and lowering his voice it could almost give Aizawa the shivers.

Aizawa put his hand on Yamadas lower back "Hizashi, lets just go back to bed im going to deal with him tomorrow" then he whispered "i think your scaring the rest of the class"

Yamada looked around the room to see the students faces and they did look horrified "fine lets just go back to bed"

Yamada walked out and back towards Aizawas room. Aizawa turned and looked at Mineta "ill talk to you went i get up, the rest of you continue with what you were doing before this"

They got back to Aizawas room

"do you think i went overboard?" Yamada looked at Aizawa

"i think you had a right to be mad, lets just sleep im tired" Aizawa cuddled up to Yamada and fell asleep 

Aizawa woke up around 12pm the next day, Yamada was still sleeping so he made breakfast for the both of them and left and note telling him that he was going to go take care of Mineta.

Aizawa walked in to Class As dorms grabbed Mineta and took him to Nezus office.

"im recommending  he be expelled"

Nezu looked at Mineta "hes the one who pulled the alarm? hy did you pull the alarm?"

Mineta looked at the floor "i didnt think it would be a big deal and i was curious"

Aizawa looked at him "you could have asked any of the teachers, and on top of that, that alarm is only to be pulled if someone needs emergency medical attention or if there are villains attacking"

Nezu looked at the two "unfortunately i agree with Aizawa, Mineta go pack your things ill call your parents"

They both left and Aizawa went back to his room. When he walked in Yamada was eating food and watching tv

Yamada muted the tv "so how did the Mineta thing go"

Aizawa rubbed his head "he was expelled"

"i guess i expected as much, cant have someone like him here anyways"

Aizawa just grunted and looked around "i gonna go have a talk with the rest of the class ill be back"

Aizawa walked over to Class A's dorms and gathered everyone but Mineta who was packing upstairs "As you know Mineta pulled the emergency alarm last night, he is expelled and is currently upstairs packing. Just as a reminder, you pulling the alarm makes a alarm go off in my room that alerts me that someone here is ether seriously injured or that there are villains attacking. Therefore if you pull it for any reason other than a emergency you will be expelled"

Aizawa looked around and noticed that Midoriya was scribbling something in his one of his notebooks, he also noticed it was on the pages Midoriya had dedicated to him. "alright i will see you on Monday, Midoriya may i speak to you?"

Midoriya stood outside the dorms and looked at Aizawa "am i in trouble?"

"no i wanted to see what you were writing down in your book"

Midoriya blushed "oh its just a theory"

Aizawa sighed "if its a theory about me i can confirm or deny it"

"oh ok" Midoriya handed him  the notebook

Aizawa went to the pages about him, impressive amount of information...Just as he had thought Midoriya had theorized about him and Yamada being together. "how did you come to that conclusion?" Aizawa asked pointing to the theory

"well last night i though Present Mic was wearing your clothes, and you guys arrived together but none of the other teachers did, then you said the alarm sounds in your room so Present Mic must have been in your room with you"

"very observant of you" Aizawa tilted his head "is this information important to your hero analysis"

"i guess not" Midoriya rubbed the back of his neck

"then erase what you have here and keep your thoughts to yourself" Aizawa walked towarda his room for the second time today

Yamada was just getting out of the shower when Aizawa came in. Yamada walked over to AIzawa and kissed him "how was that"

Aizawa breathed in the smell of Yamada "it was fine, Midoriya figured us out"


"how told me it was how we arrived last night and i told them that the alarm only goes off in my room, i think hes the only one who knows i told him to keep it to him self"

Yamada carried Aizawa back to the bed room and laid down "ok sounds good to much, wanna nap?"

"you know it, love you zashi"

"i love you to Sho"

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