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"That's How you painted your gun?" I tried to ignore that and other comments like that from my group. I was proud of it though, and I have to admit that it kinda stung.

"We're going on a raid tonight. If you're not ready we're leaving you." The leader, a killjoy names deathfire tells me. I just nod. Once we're in the car, we go. We get to the slums of battery city to wreck some havoc and just generally cause chaos. I'm busy spray painting my symbol on the wall, a rectangle half shaded in and a circle going through it when I hear a member of my group, neon storm yell "blow!"

The wall I'm painting explodes, trapping me in the rubble. I yell for someone to help me but I hear deathfire say to forget about me. I struggle, and finally get free. I try to run, but my leg got fucked up and I end up limping. I can see the car in the distance. I try calling for them again, even though I know it's hopeless.

"Get down!" Someone pulls me down an ally. "Dracs are probably on their way."

The person who pulled me is kinda short, I have a few inches on him. He has longish black hair and tons of tattoos. "Fun ghoul." He held out a hand.

"Y/K/N" i shook his hand. "Why'd you just help me?" I ask, genuinely confused.

"Cause that's what 'joys do, isn't?" He says. "We gotta get out of here and fast." He helps me as we half-run down a maze of alleyways.

"Ghoul!" Someone whisper-yells. A painted car pulls up with someone with bright red hair in the driver's seat, and person with a helmet in the passenger. He brings me with him into the car.

"Who are you?" Red hair asks.

"Y/K/N." My group always made fun of my name, but I stuck with it anyway.

"Im party Poison, that's Jet Star, and you've met fun ghoul. If ya don't mind me asking how'd you get into the city?"

"I came with my group, but I got seperated and the left me for dead." I say, fiddling with my gun.

"That's fucked up. You don't leave your team like that. Wanna join us?"  Jet Star asks.

"Seriously? Fuck yeah!" I say.

"Sweet." Fun ghoul gives me a fist bump.

"So Y/K/N, tell me about yourself." Ghoul prompts.

"My names, Y/K/N. You already know that. Other then that there's not much to tell. It's either a given or boring." I shrug. "What about y'all?"

"Come on, ya gotta do something interesting." Ghoul says. At this point poison and Jet have turned out into their own conversation.

"Nah. Wasn't much time. I was either training, going on a raid, or sleeping. I'm pretty good with a gun but it was never enough for my old leader ya know?"

"Aw I bet your great. I like your gun by the way, it looks cool." He pointed to it.

"Thanks. The little details took forever!" I say, handing it to him and he looks it over.

"Oh shit. Better hope it works well because we got company." Party says, looking in the rearview mirror. Me and ghoul look back to see a white car chasing us. We're right at the edge of the city. We look back At each other and he nods.

We both lean out the window and shoot back, one of us manages to get a hit on a tire.

"Fuck yeah!" Ghoul yells and we duck back in. "High five!" When I give him one he laises our fingers together and doesn't let go. I give him a look but don't say anything.

—————-time skip————————

It's been a few months since I joined the fabulous killjoys and the other three like to say me and ghoul are attached at the hip. We tell em to go fuck themselves but I guess it's fair.

Inseparable {fun ghoul x reader} Where stories live. Discover now