Part 2: Falling in Love

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​It had officially been a month since the day Alisha and Sharae literally ran into one another on that fateful spring morning in Central Park. They talked all day and everyday about all things such as their day, goals, values and what it was that their heart cherished and desired. They avoided the small talk with talks of their past, present and future. The spiritual realm had a lot of depth within these intimate conversations and as the days went on, their connection grew stronger. Sharae was doing excellent in school; receiving nothing less than A's; a focused young woman she was, and she was determined to not allow anything or anyone for that matter interfere with her dreams that she planned on making a reality. One of her goals was to look for places of her own as soon as she graduated although Adam and Shelly didn't mind her staying with them for as long as she needed. She felt that it was time to be independent and gave herself a timeline of a year to move out and be on her own once and for all. She knew that her Godfather felt it was his responsibility to take care of her since her parents passed and that was the promise he made before God when she was only a year old. On the other hand, Alisha was getting ready for the school semester that was to begin in the fall at New York University. She ensured that all of her financial obligations and deadlines were met as well as stayed in contact with the people who owned the place she would be moving into during the summer. She would be moving into a two-bedroom apartment on six west 126th street, which was a fairly new building, and she also had a great view of the city. The rent was pretty pricey but she had been saving up for this move and was thankful for the great paying job that her uncle hooked her up with. Between that and working on her Ph.D. she knew that she would be fairly busy. She hadn't had a sexual slip-up since the encounter with Kori's on the evening they talked and Kori seduced her, but Alisha knew what it was that she was doing and was angrier at herself for not being able to find an ounce of control. Although she and Sharae were not an official a couple, she felt guilty and wanted to give her the respect and courtesy as if she was her girlfriend. Being that she was different from the rest of the females she had come across, she wanted to start this off on a good and clean slate, which she intended on doing once she was back face to face with her in the city. After the meeting between Ayana and Sharae, she did all she could to show Sharae just how serious she was about them. Sending flowers to her school, at the barbershop and even to the house. Sharae never accepted these tokens of pleading for her forgiveness in order for them to move on. She felt that there was no moving on when it pertained to them unless it was moving on as individuals which was what she had been doing and planned to stick to just that. When she told Trish of their encounter, she confessed that she was worried that Sharae would get sucked back in and wind up going back to Ayana. When Sharae told her the details of their conversation, she couldn't be happier and show just how excited she was that her friend finally had the guts to tell Ayana to her face that it was over. She decided there was no better time for them along with their other close friends to celebrate with a girls night out on the town.
​It was Saturday night and the weekend before Memorial Weekend. Sharae, Trish and a couple of their mutual friends; Bianca and Charisma were getting ready at Sharae's house in her room for their night out. Sharae had her hair pulled up into a tight, neat bun; her baby hairs accentuated her pretty brown face. She wore a silk baby pink low cut, short sleeve halter-top with no bra since she didn't have much in the breast department but her cleavage was still relevant. Ripped denim jeans accentuated her hips and hugged her booty just right and baby pink stilettos were on her feet. A black clutch purse held her phone, driver's license, cash and debit cards. The girls planned on taking an Uber to Henrietta Hudson's which was a lesbian bar and grill with a dance floor located further downtown. Once everyone was ready and the Uber had arrived, Adam and Shelly told the ladies to be careful and gave them the whole speech about not leaving their drinks unattended as well as not leaving the club without one another. Something the ladies knew all too well.
​It was close to midnight by the time the ladies reached Henrietta Hudson's. It was Queen Night, which meant plenty of men dressed in drag and tearing up the dance floor along with the many gay and lesbians that accentuated the walls of the club. The ladies ate before they arrived at the place and were there to drink, dance and have a great time. Finding a few vacant chairs by the bar, the ladies decided to help themselves and ordered four shots along with a couple of Long Island Iced Teas.
"Cheers to being single, sexy and free!" Bianca said as the ladies clinked their shot glasses together. Licked some salt from off of the back of their hand then took the entire shot to the face.
"Shit!" Charisma and Sharae both said in unison.
"Can we have another round and keep them coming?!" Trish said as she gave the bartender her credit card and told her to keep her tab open for it was going to be a long night. They planned on breaking day in the club if the DJ kept playing all of Hip Hop's finest. There would be another Drag Queen competition within the next hour. For now, dancers took advantage of dancing and moving their bodies to the rhythm of the beat on top of the bar and on the poles located throughout the club. Bad and Boujee by Migos featuring Lil Uzi Vert bumped through the speakers and the ladies decided to take another shot, grab their drinks then head to the dance floor. Sharae danced with her friends as well as some strangers who had some moves of their own. She grinded and sipped while enjoying herself as she felt her phone vibrate in her purse. Trish noticing that her best friend was attempting to pull her phone out grabbed it before she could, and put her phone in her purse.
"No texting! If it's Alisha she'd understand and want you to enjoy yourself!" she yelled over the music. Sharae wrapped her arms around her best friend and began dancing with her while smiling; definitely feeling the buzz.
"Your phone is going off like crazy tho but fuck it! It's your night!" Trish said. Bianca and Charisma joined their friends and sooner than later they started a dancing train with Sharae leading the way and Trish right behind her. The four ladies had all eyes on them being the LITtest and having the most energy. The DJ urged them to get on stage and show out before the next competition... No sooner had he said that Panda by Desiigner began bumping through the speakers. Trish, Charisma and Bianca allowed their friend to go on stage and show out since she could basically dance to anything and show out she did. The crowd was going crazy as she started free-styling and going crazy with the beat. Her friends cheering her on with the help of the crowd then the DJ mixed it up with Travis Scott's Antidote and Sharae toned it down just a little and with the help of her friends got off the stage. The ladies then went back to the bar for some more shots. Since majority of everyone in the club were on the dance floor there were more vacant seats for them to sit at. While the bartender was fixing some more shots for the ladies, someone came up behind Sharae and covered her eyes with their hands. Trish's eyes got real big when she realized who it was but didn't say a word. Bianca and Charisma on the other hand couldn't stop lusting after the sexy woman who had her hands over Sharae's eyes. She felt around and then reached for the stranger's hair and felt locks. Her hands began to wonder some more and she felt a firm ass, and that was when Alisha removed her hands because she was ticklish there. Sharae turned around and literally jumped into Alisha's arms she was so happy to see her.
"Oh my God what are you doing here?!" she asked excitedly.
"Ms. Shelly told me where I could find you... tried texting but I figured you wouldn't be able to hear it so I came out here to see wassup with you!" Alisha said as she gave her that smile that made Sharae melt from the inside out. She hugged her again getting a whiff of the scent of her cologne; closed her eyes and put her face between the space of her neck and shoulder. Alisha was looking really good, wearing all black; black jogger pants with black Air Max Nike sneakers, a black graphic sleeveless t-shirt and a black on black leather Yankee fitted.
"I thought you weren't coming until next weekend!"
"I wanted to surprise you... Trish it's nice to see you again," Alisha acknowledged Sharae's best friend.
"I can say the same about you. Been hearing nothing but great things about you..." Trish said. Sharae put her hand over her best friend's mouth before she said too much. She then introduced Alisha to Bianca and Charisma who blushed and began to act all giddy.
"Did you come all the way out here alone?" Trish asked her.
"Nah I got my best friend with me this time... She's somewhere around here," Alisha said as she began looking towards the crowd for Jodi but she couldn't find her.
"What ya'll drinking?" Alisha asked.
"Long Island Ice Tea... you can sit with us," Sharae said. Alisha took that as an invitation to pick her up, take her seat and then seat her on her lap.
"Thanks," she said as she called for the bartender and ordered a Long Island Iced Tea as well.
"I got a tab open... it's a celebration!" Trish said.
"Thank you but I got it. Matter fact close that tab... open up another," Alisha said as she pulled out her card and handed it over to the bartender. The bartender took it and closed the tab that Trish had opened then handed her back the card along with her receipt. Trish leaned over to Sharae and said:
"Sure as hell ain't no Ayana with her cheap ass!"
Sharae started laughing, as she couldn't stop moving on Alisha's lap being she was buzzing and excited at the same time. She couldn't believe that Alisha came out to the club to see her yet alone back to New York at all. Although she told her that she would, she trusted actions more than words being that she grew accustomed to nothing but disappointments from her last relationship. Once Alisha's tab was open Bianca and Charisma decided to order something else.
"Yo, I'm gone for five minutes and you already surrounded by nothing but beautiful honeys!" Jodi was back and joined her friend at the bar.
"Ladies this is my best friend Jodi, Jodi this is Sharae... Trish, Bianca and Charisma," Alisha introduced the ladies like she had known them for years.
"Sharae... pleasure to finally meet you. You all this nigga talks about nowadays," Jodi said as she greeted Sharae along with her friends with a kiss on the cheek.
"Damn and her friend is fine!" Bianca said.
"Thank you sweetheart," Jodi said as she found a vacant seat next to her and they started to chop it up.
"So what is it that we celebrating anyway?" Alisha asked.
"Me!" Sharae said as she took a long sip of her drink.
"Being single, sexy and free!" Trish said as she clinked her glass with her best friend who winked at her. Diamonds Dancing by Drake and Future began to bump throughout the club.
"That's my shit! I gotta go!" Sharae said as she got up off of Alisha's lap with her drink, grabbed her by her hand and led her onto the dance floor. She knew she was fine with a good head on her shoulders and the chemistry between them was definitely there but could she move? Sharae could tell a lot about a woman by the way she moved on the dance floor. Surprisingly, while Sharae began to grind on Alisha, Alisha met with her every grind on beat while her hands were wrapped around her waist tightly. Sharae then decided to turn around and grind her ass slowly to the beat onto Alisha who had her hands on her hips; guiding Sharae's movements with her hands. Sharae may have been the professional dancer but Alisha was the one who was in control of her hips and the way she was grinding onto her which said a lot. Alisha then wrapped one of her arms around Sharae's shoulders and put her lips to the nape of her neck.
"Try'na show me up huh?" she asked Sharae.
"Even if I was you wouldn't be having that from the way you got my body moving under your control."
"Is that right?" Alisha asked as she started to get naughty images in her mind of her and Sharae in all different positions. Sharae turned around so that she was now facing Alisha as the DJ changed the song to Syd's Nothin to Somethin...
"Oh that's my shit!" Alisha said as she started bumping real hard with Sharae to the song.
"What you know about Syd?" Sharae teased as the song went into the chorus and both ladies moved in unison to the beat just having a good time and enjoying one another's company.
​It was close to three in the morning when the DJ decided to slow it down with some slow jams starting with Bryson Tiller's Let Me Explain. Alisha and Sharae along with their friends were on the dance floor most of the night. Beyond tipsy and feeling real good; they were off to the corner real close just grinding on one another. Both ladies knew the words to the song word for word: singing to one another. Alisha's hands were wrapped around Sharae's tiny waist as their eyes spoke volumes to one another. Sharae's fingers were playing in Alisha's locks as she smiled right before their lips touched. Alisha gently grabbed her chin and pulled her into her as they shared a deep passionate kiss. Their tongues exploring one another's and tasting the sweetness of each other's nectar along with the Long Island Iced Teas they shared not too long ago. Their kiss got so intense that Sharae's back was now against one of the walls and Alisha's hands were now cuffing her ass. Sharae put one of her legs up and around Alisha's waist; she held her leg up and grabbed the other one so now both of Sharae's legs were wrapped around her waist.
"Damn I want you," Sharae said in-between kissing Alisha's soft lips. The butterflies within Alisha's stomach became more dominant as her hormones started taking over and she became very aroused; not caring that they were in the club and most likely had onlookers. They continued kissing and sucking on one another's lips... Sharae gently sucked on Alisha's bottom lip. The next song was Bryson Tiller's Self Righteous as the DJ commented on how hot the club was getting referring to Sharae and Alisha who were off in their own world making out. Sharae grabbed Alisha's face with both hands as they continued kissing and then Alisha's lips found their way to the nape of her neck. She left soft kisses there; from one side to the other and then meeting Sharae's lips again.
"I want you too," she said in her ear before taking her earlobe between her lips.
"Excuse me!" Trish tapped Alisha on her shoulder and they stopped kissing.
"Wassup?" Alisha asked.
"I'm a need my best friend back... you can come. But it's time to go, I called an Uber. We come together; we leave together," Trish said as she grabbed her best friends hand while Alisha held onto her other hand.
"Come with us," Sharae said to Alisha.
"Aiight lemme find Jodi," Alisha said as she kissed Sharae's hand then went off to find her best friend who was lost among the crowd with Bianca.
"Cock blocker!" Sharae said to Trish as she playfully hit her.
"Ya'll can get a room when we get outta here so shut up! The Uber is like five minutes away," Trish said.
"Damn I'm so fuckin turned on right now," Sharae said.
"Girl you can take care of that when we get outta here!"
Bianca, Jodi and Alisha joined Sharae, Trish and Charisma as all of them exited out of the club. Luckily, the Uber was big enough to fit all of them inside as they headed back uptown to Harlem.
​"You wanna come inside?" Sharae asked Alisha as they were standing outside of her Brownstone. After dropping off the rest of the ladies who all resided in Harlem, except for Jodi who was waiting off to the side for Alisha to either go walk with her back to her uncles house or call it a night there at Sharae's house.
"I think we both know what would happen if I were to come in," Alisha said.
"Is that a bad thing?"
"Not at all... plus your folks are home and I don't wanna cause no disrespect."
"I can be quiet," Sharae said as she smiled.
"Not with me you won't... besides we both had a lot to drink tonight."
"Baby this ain't the liquor talking."
"I know but still... I wanna wait a while."
"Wait a while... you're kidding right?"
"Nah I'm not... I wanna see you tomorrow if you're free that is... still going on your Sunday morning run?"
"It is Sunday morning."
"You know what I mean..."
"Depends on how hung over I am what about you?"
"Why don't you give me a call when you wake up and we can hang out... There's some things I need to discuss with you before we go any further."
"I don't like where this is going..."
"No worries lovely, just trust me."
"Okay... well I guess this is goodnight then. Text me when you guys get home," Sharae said as she turned away to unlock her door but Alisha pulled her back in for a goodnight kiss.
"You sure you don't wanna come in?" Sharae asked her again.
"You and I both know I want to but we need to talk first."
Sharae took a long sigh as well as Alisha and said okay, told her she would call her when she woke up and then headed inside.
​"Why you ain't take shorty up on her offer? She wanted to give you the goods bad man!" Jodi said as she and Alisha continued to walk the few blocks to her uncle's crib.
"Man listen..."
"You really like her huh?"
"More than I'd like to admit."
"I can tell... you two were all over each other tonight. Never saw you smile so damn hard in a minute over some female."
"Maybe because she's not just some female. I told you she was different."
"I can see that... think she's the one that will be able to tame you?"
"Not at all but I do believe she's the one that'll be able to run wild with me and that's exactly what I've been searching for..."
"Plan on telling her what's been going on with you?"
"And Kori?"
"She knows about Kori."
"Nah I mean does she know about what happened between you and Kori since you told her about her?"
"Nah... that was my fault."
"If you really serious about shorty like you seem to be then you need to give her that courtesy of telling her so she can decide if she wants to continue this with you, you know."
"You right and I plan to," Alisha said. They continued their walk talking about the good time they had and Sharae's crazy ass friends. Jodi even got Bianca's number and planned on using it during her time here in the Big Apple with her best friend.
​Sharae went to bed hot, bothered and horny but was way too wasted to even masturbate. She fell asleep as soon as her body hit the bed and didn't even get the text message from Alisha letting her know that she was home until the next day when she woke up.
"Thank you," Sharae texted Alisha as she was running a hot shower.
"You're most welcome for?"
"Not coming in last night."
"We were both wasted... I didn't want you to regret anything in the morning."
"I highly doubt I would've regretted anything."
"Those lips of yours are very tempting."
"As yours are too."
Alisha began to text but then stopped then started again while Sharae had already got into the shower.
"I'm getting dressed now and will be at your place in twenty minutes... No rush. Just wanted to let you know what I'm on my way beautiful," she texted.
Sharae didn't get her message until she had gotten out of the shower then texted her back. She decided to throw on a jean skirt with a beige embroidered halter-top and matching puma sneakers. Her hair was pulled back into a neat bushy ponytail.
​Alisha and Sharae ended up going to Central Park near the same area where they first met. Alisha rode the subway train station with Sharae for the first time who briefly showed her, which trains went where, and how the schedule was during the weekends and late at night. It was sort of a culture shock for Alisha who had never taken a subway train in her twenty-seven years of living until this day. They stopped at one of the food carts and got a couple of hot dogs with a couple of bottled waters. Finding a vacant bench, they decided to sit with one another.
"So what is it that you need to talk to me about?" Sharae asked Alisha.
"You know I like you a lot right?"
"I don't know that," Sharae teased as she raised an eyebrow. Alisha smiled and continued.
"Nah but seriously, I like you a lot. I enjoy your company as well as talking with you and I also feel like I can talk to you about anything..."
"But..." Sharae interrupted.
"I'm a recovering sex addict," Alisha said. Sharae was silent for a moment wondering if what Alisha just shared was true or she was just fucking with her.
"You're a recovering sex addict?" she asked her.
"I am and have been for a very long time..."
"Are you on meds or anything?"
"Not at the moment."
"But you used to be?"
"So what exactly does that mean... you being a sex addict, you just have sex with any and everything because if that's the case how come you didn't accept my offer last night?" Sharae asked as she folded her arms in front of her.
"I think about it a lot... like all the time. There was a point in my life where I wasn't able to function without sex. I needed it... all the time. While I would be at work or at school I would get distracted with my sexual thoughts. I've done some things in the past that I'm not proud of to include the fact that I slept with my ex not long before I came back out here," Alisha confessed.
Silence again.
Sharae was taken aback by the news although she and Alisha were both single and Alisha made it clear of what it was between she and her ex, but she left out the fact that she was still sleeping with her and that didn't sit well with Sharae at all. It hurt her and made her mad because it hurt her.
"So you're still sleeping with her?" she asked Alisha.
"No... it was a mistake."
"Is she the reason why you wouldn't come inside last night?"
"Absolutely not... I didn't take you up on your offer because I like you... a lot. I want to get to know you. Most of my relationships in the past have started off with sex and then just falling into a relationship when I didn't even know the person. I don't want to keep repeating the same cycle and expecting different results."
"So you've been committing insanity ever since," Sharae said.
"Pretty much... Rae... the reason why I'm telling you all of this is because I want to continue what we have going on. I want to at least give us a chance and really get to know you and sex... would only complicate that for me. Does that make sense?"
"With you being considered as a sex addict, yes it does... so you don't wanna have sex with me?"
Alisha smiled and just shook her head.
"Far from the truth," she said.
"Are you thinking about having sex with me right now?"
"Yes... I am to be honest."
"How have you been able to control it aside from the mistake you had with your ex?"
"Keeping myself busy, staying focused... masturbating multiple times a day..."
"How many times a day?"
"Um... at least eight."
"Every day?"
"Every single day..."
"Wow," Sharae said as she was taking in everything that Alisha was telling her. Alisha grabbed both of her hands and kissed them.
"And here I am thinking that I'm the nymphomaniac," Sharae said.
"Yea... my sex drive has always been high like through the roof. No one's been able to keep up with my stamina and just my libido in general..."
"You might have met your match."
Sharae smirked.
"Does your ex know about me?" she asked her.
"She does."
"You just told her or..."
"Remember the night of your performance and you and I were on Face Time; she was eavesdropping by my bedroom door listening to our conversation. She wanted to talk about us and I told her there was no us like I have previous times before and that's when things got complicated... she seduced me and..."
"Okay... so you slept with her the night of my performance. So she was the reason why you went MIA huh?" Sharae asked as she went back on the defensive and folded her arms across her chest. Alisha sighed and heard the hurt in Sharae's voice.
"That's a big reason why I wanted to talk with you..."
"I appreciate you being so honest with me."
"You won't ever have to worry about me being dishonest with you. I have nothing to hide from you Rae. I'm not the type who's only loyal when a title is put into place or when it's convenient. When I'm feeling someone that's it; I'm all about them."
"Yet another thing we have in common," Sharae said as she put her head down. She couldn't look Alisha in her eyes for the moment so she kept her head down. Alisha felt her energy and lifted her chin up so she can see her eyes and gently kissed her lips.
"I apologize for hurting you," she sincerely said.
"I don't know why... it's not like we're together or anything," Sharae said trying to play off her emotions but Alisha knew better; it was all in her body language.
"So we gotta be together for you to catch feelings?"
"Who said I caught feelings?"
"Your actions... your body language... your eyes... I pay more attention to the things you don't say and it's okay. You not the only one who caught them."
"So what do you want from me Alisha?" Sharae asked.
"Wow... I'm back to Alisha today huh? Truth?"
"I want the same things that you want from me."
"And what is that exactly?"
"You want truth; you want compassion; you want effort; understanding; loyalty; adventure; to be wanted; to be respected; to be appreciated for all of you but most importantly you want love," Alisha said. Sharae sighed softly to herself as she thought how right Alisha was and that scared the shit out of her. She wondered how could someone she had only known for such a short amount of time could have known most of the deepest parts of her. It wasn't rocket science, but just communication which is a vital aspect in all relationships. With communication comes listening and there is a difference between listening to respond and listening to understand. Sharae assumed that Alisha being older than her had a lot to do with her patience, understanding and magnetic intellect. However, she only dated older women and realized that age had nothing to do with a person's maturity but it was their experiences. Although she did not know Alisha's entire life, she did know that like her, she lost both of her parents at a very young age and due to that she had no choice but to grow up fast. She was also an only child too just like Sharae and very goal orientated. Aside from being a sexy, driven woman she was also very insightful; in depth and very attentive which was something that made Sharae gravitate to her even more. Ironically, this was the exact same thing that Alisha was attracted to.
"You've figured all of that out in such a short amount of time huh?" Sharae asked her.
"It's not that hard to figure out to be honest... you're not like other women I've been interested in."
"You're not like other women I've been interested in either."
"So that makes me pay attention even more... for example, you don't like flowers do you?"
"Cliché," Sharae said.
"Exactly... I dig that about you for real... which is why I'm coming at you with all of this. I honestly wanted to give you a chance to decide if you want to continue this... getting to know one another and taking a chance or just going about our business," Alisha said.
"Yes really."
"You scare me Alisha."
"Why is that?"
"Because I can't help but wonder when the fairy tale will end?"
"Fairy tales are stories that haven't finished yet... we have yet to even begin and I don't want it to end to be honest."
"See there you go again," Sharae said as she shook her head.
"You're so fluid in your expression that it scares me... I adore it but it scares me. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that trust and I are not the best of friends," she continued.
"I understand... trust is earned not given."
"That's another reason why I wanted to just put myself out there and let you know what's up."
"So what happens when you go back to Miami until you're finally out here for good?" Sharae was curious due to the fact that the more time she spent with and talking with Alisha, the more she liked her; the more she adored her; the more she craved her and the more she felt as if she was beginning to fall...
"When I go back I don't want anything to change between us... if you're referring to my ex, you don't have to worry about that. We see one another in passing; I work days, she works nights and she'll be moving into her own house next month and then I'll be out here for good in the following months."
"But what if she tries to seduce you again?"
"I feel like now that I've shared that with you I will have better control over myself."
"Okay..." Sharae said as her cell phone began to go off. It was a number she did not recognize but she decided to answer anyway.
"I don't know who this is... hello?" she answered.
"Hey Rae it's Maliah!" Sharae's God sister said on the other end of the phone.
"Hey Maliah what's up?"
"Girl nothing much, how you been? It's been a minute. My dad still having his annual Memorial Weekend cook out this weekend?"
"You know he is... everything okay?"
"Girl everything is fine... I'll be staying with you guys for a while... until I get back on my feet so..."
"What happened with you and Trevor?" Sharae asked referring to the guy that Maliah had been seeing and staying with for the past couple of years.
"That's a long story but anyways..."
"Can we talk about it later... I'm on a date at the moment."
Alisha smiled when Sharae referred to them spending time as a date.
"Oh my bad girl and for sure. I'll be over tomorrow... is the spare room still how I left it?"
"You know it is."
"Okay, I love you Rae and see you later."
"I love you too," Sharae said then hung up.
"Everything okay?" Alisha asked her.
"Yeah that was just my God sister... you'll most likely get to meet her this weekend."
"Uncle James was telling me how Mr. Adams cook outs be live!"
"Hell yeah!"
"So is that an invite?"
"You better be there," Sharae said.
"Wouldn't miss seeing you as much as I can for the world," Alisha said. The two ladies spent more time in the park and talked. Eventually they got hungry again and went to a little spot downtown before going their separate ways.
Meanwhile back in Miami:
​"Do you still love her?" Chelsea, Kori's best friend asked while they were having a girl's day out at the nail salon getting pedicures.
"That's not even a question," Kori said. They were seated next to one another in the massage chairs and Kori really needed her best friend's advice.
"Well then you need to get your girl back."
"She doesn't want to be with me Chelsea... She was very clear about that the last time we spoke."
"Is that the reason why you've been staying with me most of the time?"
"Part of it... we just shared so much together and I thought we were only going to take a break and then get back together like we've always done in the past."
"So if she doesn't wanna be with you then why ya'll still fucking?"
Kori just shrugged her shoulders because although they did have sex, there was no connection there whatsoever. It was like she was fucking a stranger and Kori also felt a little guilty about how things went down since she was well aware of Alisha being a recovering sex addict. She took advantage of that through the years which was how they usually connected but it was clear that wasn't working for Alisha anymore and Kori honestly didn't know what to do.
"It was just a lot of emotion going on with me and it made me horny and she was just looking so good as she always does and..."
"And she can't resist you... obviously."
"You're right about that," Kori said as she gave her best friend a high five.
"Well, there you go. You already have the tools; you just gotta put them into play... play more into her mental. From what I know of Alisha through the years she always seemed somewhere else..."
"What do you mean somewhere else?"
"I mean you and her live two different lives. Granted, opposites attract but tell me what do the both of you have in common aside from the sexual chemistry and the fact that the both of ya'll are sexy as hell?!"
"We love music..."
"Okay who doesn't; next!"
"She makes me laugh..."
"Yea but what do you two have in common?"
"We have fun together; both love to travel and experience new things... I don't know like..."
"If you don't know then you need to let it go and stop fucking her! Where is she now?"
"She's in New York with her uncle."
"And her new shorty I'm sure."
Kori rolled her eyes because although her best friend was right and what she said made a lot of sense, she didn't want to believe it. She wanted her ex-girlfriend back and she missed her dearly. Kori was not the type of woman to get rejected or be left by anyone, if anything she was the one who did the leaving and rejection.
"I just don't get it and it pisses me off... one day we're good, having sex on the regular like normal. She does her thing as I do mine and then it's like when she gets back from New York it's a completely different story... I knew we been broke up but we still shared a place together. I was honestly hoping that she would change her mind about going to NYU and come live with me and my beautiful house... It's just frustrating. Like where the fuck did this bitch come from?!"
"Have you looked her up?"
"I don't even know her whole name," Kori said because she did think about searching for Sharae on social media. One problem though, she highly doubted she was the only Sharae in the world and she had no clue how she looked.
"But seriously, if you really love her, you'd let her go. If it's meant to be then it's meant to be," Chelsea said.
"Where'd you get that from; a damn magnet quote?"
"I mean it may sound corny but it's the truth..."
"I'm a call Jodi and see what she doing," Kori said referring to Alisha's best friend as she took her phone out of her purse and dialed Jodi's number who answered on the third ring.
"Hey Jo Jo... what are you doing?... Seriously?... So you're in New York with Sha?" Kori said as she looked over at her best friend.
"Is that her in the background... Alright... Nothing, bye," Kori hung up.
"What happened?" Chelsea asked.
"Jodi's in New York with Sha and Sha's with her new boo thing... I could hear them in the background."
"Move on Kori... trust me, or else you're just gonna keep hurting yourself," Chelsea said but Kori's hurt turned into anger that quick. She felt disrespected and violated to the fact that she had been down with Alisha for so many years and then all of a sudden some stranger comes along and just changes their entire dynamic. She didn't like it and she wasn't just going to shut up and color. She wanted her girlfriend back and she wanted that companionship back as well. The only way for her to be able to do that was to relocate to New York City as well. She knew a lot of people up North especially with her being a well-known adult entertainer as well as a DJ.
"I'll be moving on alright," she said as she laid her head back into the massage chair and closed her eyes. She refused to let Alisha go without a fight; whatever it takes.
​It had been a couple of days since Alisha opened up to Sharae. It didn't change how Sharae felt about Alisha and it actually made her respect and want to get to know her even more. She didn't know much about sexual addictions so decided to do her own research on the matter and realized that if not controlled; it can have the potential to ruin an individual's life. Although she did feel a type of way about Alisha sleeping with her ex, the fact that she told her when she honestly didn't even have to; meant a lot to her. Which was a lot compared to the females (to include Ayana) she's dated in the past. People always took pride in keeping secrets until they were either exposed or forced to tell and then looking for sympathy. Sharae was a firm believer that what's done in the dark always comes to the light and eventually; she would've found out about Alisha and her ex eventually. She was just happy that she made her aware of what it was before she decided to take it a step further. Alisha wanted to take things to the next level with Sharae but she also wanted to be sure and not base her decision strictly on lust and physical attraction although things did get pretty heated that night at the club. It took everything within Alisha to be able to control herself and decline Sharae's offer of finishing what they both started. Unbeknownst to Sharae, that night after the club, Alisha masturbated ten times before finally falling asleep after orgasm exhaustion. Since Jodi was with Alisha on this trip, she took it upon herself to site see around the city since this was Jodi's first time and Alisha's second time in the city.
​Sharae had just gotten home from school and working at the barbershop to find her God sister, Maliah and Shelly in the kitchen catching up over a bottle of wine.
"Hey Rae join us!" Shelly said as she poured her a glass. Maliah got up to embrace her God sister who she had not seen in close to a year. She was always in and out of their lives and mostly came around when she needed something and this was one of these times.
"How you been Rae," Maliah said.
"I've been good how you been?" Sharae asked as she sat down beside her God sister.
"Girl... just so much has happened this year..."
Maliah began to tell them all about the crazy year she had since last spring. Her now ex-boyfriend, Trevor had serious issues and became physical during arguments a couple of times which was more than enough. He had also introduced her to drugs such as crack cocaine and molly, which was something, that Maliah was never with. She was more of a "let's get high" and chill type of female and wasn't really about the hard drugs. However, it was clear that Trevor was not going to change and was taking her along his downward spiral. She had a steady income working at Larry Flynt's Hustler Club downtown, which was a high-class gentlemen's club. She didn't want her father to know and made both Shelly and Sharae promise that they would not tell him. She did not plan on being a stripper forever and had a little stash but needed to stay with them until she got back on her feet. She also had a restraining order on Trevor and felt a lot safer being with family versus by herself in an overpriced apartment with no security.
"Wow," Sharae said after taking in all that Maliah shared with them. Overall, she did not look like she had been through hell and back. Maliah was always a very attractive, thick in all of the right places, shoulder length dark brown hair and honey brown skin woman. One thing about her was that she took care of herself aside from the internal scars that were still lingering, and you would never know that she had went through anything just by looking at her.
"You're more than welcome to stay with us for as long as you need baby," Shelly said.
"Thanks Shelly... but anyways, what's going on with you; Shelly tells me you got a new girlfriend? Whatever happened to Ayana?" Maliah was now ready to give someone else the floor and take the attention off of her.
"I do not have a new girlfriend and Ayana and I have been over for close to a year now," Sharae said.
"Well I'm glad you finally woke up from that nightmare," Maliah said as she sipped some wine.
"You and me both..."
"But who's the new girl; do I know her?" Maliah asked as she raised an eyebrow since it wouldn't have been a surprise if she did know anyone Sharae was seeing. Not only was she in the adult industry but she was also a bisexual who dabbled a few times with the ladies and was debating on crossing all the way over as a full lesbian. She was done with men and wanted to try it to see what all of the fuss was about; plus she was well aware from experience that females gave way better head than males.
"I doubt it," Sharae said already knowing where Maliah was getting at. Although she and her used to be very close growing up. People change and Sharae was well aware that Maliah was the type of woman to be all over some new eye candy and act as if nothing ever happened.
"So... what's her name?"
"Alisha," Sharae said.
"What's the matter baby?" Shelly asked sensing some tension and uneasiness coming from Sharae.
"Nothing... I'm gonna go upstairs and chill out for a bit," she said as she was over this conversation and also wanted to be in her room; with her solitude and her peace of mind. Maliah had a habit of draining the life out of just about anything she could sink her stiletto claws in. She may not have done it intentional, but Sharae had a feeling that her being there was going to cause a lot of drama.
​"What the hell is Maliah doing here?" Trish asked as she had come over after calling her best friend to see what she was doing. They were in her bedroom and Maliah was at work after she was done settling in the spare room.
"She needs a place to stay evidently," Sharae said.
"Can I stay over your place tonight, my mom is getting on my damn nerves," Trish said as she dropped her overnight bag down on the floor.
"Do you ever have to ask?"
"No but I do anyways... so wassup wit'chur fast ass God sister... you know I don't like her right?"
"Yeah I know and she and her now ex-boyfriend were having some crazy issues going on. She had to get away and needed some sanctuary so here she is."
"How long is she staying?"
"Girl who knows... so anyways..." Sharae said once again wanting to change the subject.
"So... last I saw you, Alisha's tongue was all up and through your mouth and ya'll was dead about to start fucking it up at the club!" Trish said.
"Girl..." Sharae said as she just shook her head thinking about the last physical encounter she had with Alisha.
"Spill it..."
"There's nothing really to spill."
"Yeah right... you not gon' sit there and tell me that after all of that happened that you ain't get you anyway!"
"I didn't tho'."
"How long has it been?"
Sharae took a long sigh.
"That long huh?" Trish asked as she shook her head right along with her best friend.
"I wanted to... so fuckin' bad. Plus we were both tipsy, as you already know... I invited her inside cuz I honestly didn't care. That's how bad I wanted her but she respectfully declined."
"She declined? She must have a girlfriend on the side somewhere!"
"She doesn't have a girlfriend Trish," Sharae said not wanting to indulge in the real reason why Alisha made her choice as far as her being a recovering sex addict. She felt that wasn't anyone's business; not even her best friend, because she felt that she wouldn't really understand. Although Trish was Sharae's best friend and they had held each other down for years and were alike in many ways. Trish could sometimes come off to be very self-absorbed and all about herself to the fact that she came off harsh and not compassionate enough for Sharae's liking. Trish was single and had been for a very long time; she did not really do relationships and was more of a casual sex type of woman. There was nothing wrong with that, but when it pertained to Sharae and her sex life (or lack thereof) she and Trish were like night and day.
"So what the hell is her problem?" Trish asked not understanding why two attractive women who had chemistry at that wouldn't just fuck each other already.
"We talked and decided to wait... see where things go," Sharae said and she left it at that.
"Boring! Anyways... Wassup with her best friend tho?" Trish changed the subject quick and Sharae was glad that she did.
"She is a cutie too isn't she?"
"I always had a thing for locks tho too," Trish said and she and Sharae high fived.
"Girl I never knew I did until I first saw Alisha... Lord Jesus," Sharae said as she pretended to fan herself.
"Why don't you set up a double date or something while I'm still interested..."
"Wait... she seemed to be all over Bianca at the club tho," Sharae said remembering bits and pieces coming back to her from that night.
"And? Bianca was wild thirsty, I ain't even get a chance to put my moves on Jodi so hit up Alisha and see what they doing," Trish said.
"You're so bad."
"Good at being bad," Trish said as she winked at her best friend. Sharae picked up her phone to call Alisha who answered on the first ring.
"Hey lovely," she said.
"Hey you..."
"What are you and Jodi getting into tonight?"
"Heading over to the Hustler Club. You wanna come; I can come scoop you real quick!"
Sharae's eyes got wide as she realized that Alisha and Jodi were on their way to where Maliah worked.
"Hold on," she said into the phone then put it on mute.
"What happened?" Trish asked.
"They on their way to the Hustler Club... Sha asked if I wanna come she would come scoop me; what do I say?"
"Isn't that the club that Maliah works at?"
"Well shit let's go! Jodi with her?"
"Wait hold on... Sha?" Sharae said into the phone after she took it off of mute.
"Yes lovely..."
"Trish is here with me... She wanted to know if Jodi is with you."
"Of course she is, why you think we headed to the damn Hustler Club? She's all into the strip joints and we heard that this was one of the best ones. Come thru... I can come get the both of you," Alisha said.
"Okay... we'll be seeing you soon then."
"I can't wait."
"Later," Sharae said as they both hung up.
"I swear every time you're either around or on the phone with that girl, your face just tells it all. You're falling for her aren't you?" Trish asked.
"What; no!" Sharae nearly shouted.
"You can't fake it or hide it Rae... Stevie Wonder can see right through all of that!"
"Shut up! You gon' keep drilling me or you gon' get ready? Alisha and Jodi are on their way to come get us," Sharae said as she went inside of her walk in closet to see what it was that she was going to wear.
"You gonna tell her that Maliah work there?"
"We'll most likely run into her I'm sure so... I don't see any reason in hiding it."
"What if Maliah comes over and starts dancing all over Alisha tho?"
Sharae just looked at her best friend with the side eye.
"Cuz you know her bold ass would do some shit like that... I think she would've fucked your ex on the low and as trifling as Ayana is, she would've let it happen," Trish continued to go on and on about the what ifs. Although she was right about Maliah, which was not what Sharae wanted to hear at the time.
​All black everything was the attire for Sharae. Black leather shorts with her knee high open toe black boots and a black see-thru lace top. A black bra was underneath the revealing top as black lipstick coated her lips. Hair beautiful and wild naptural hair accentuated her pretty face and buttery brown skin. Ironically, Alisha chose to wear the same color as well and looked edible as always. Sharae honestly couldn't stop flirting or taking her eyes off of her the entire time they were all at the club. They were seated in one of the VIP sections very close while Jodi and Trish were out near the stripper poles and action.
"You have some really nice legs..." Alisha complimented since Sharae was seated with her legs crossed leaned into her sipping on champagne. Alisha had a bottle of Corona in her hand just chilling and admiring the view and it had nothing to do with the strippers.
"And you have some really nice shoulders..." Sharae complemented and they both shared a laugh although she was serious but the way it came off was funny.
"Cheers to another first thanks to you!" Sharae said as she raised her glass and Alisha raised her bottle.
"You never been here before?"
"I don't really do strip clubs like that," Sharae said as they clinked glasses and took a sip.
"Yeah I feel you... this is all for Jodi. I got a feeling she's gonna wanna move up here after being here for a week. She loves it here!"
"What's not to love about New York City; I mean c'mon!"
Alisha said nothing as she stared at Sharae taking her all in. Thinking of how sexy she was just being her natural self and not having to try like the majority of the women in the building. In her eyes, Sharae was the most beautiful woman in the club and she smiled to herself.
"What's on your mind?" Sharae asked catching her smile as she turned away.
"The excitement of the unknown..."
"The excitement of the unknown... I like it," Sharae said.
"I like you... a lot," Alisha said as she was closing in for a kiss but they were interrupted by a familiar voice.
"Hey Rae what'chu doing here girl?" Maliah was now in their VIP section, which was the section she mostly worked unless she was on the main stage. She was one of the main girls at Larry Flynt's Hustler Club and with good reason. Wearing nothing but a fishnet body suit, thong and silver pasties to cover her nipples; six-inch stiletto heels were on her pretty French pedicured feet. Although she was acknowledging Sharae; her eyes were locked in on Alisha.
"Just here enjoying great company," Sharae said. Maliah made herself comfortable and sat next to Sharae as she introduced herself to Alisha and after their introductions she was able to put two and two together.
"So this is your new girlfriend Shelly was talking about huh? Nice..." Maliah said as she eyed Alisha up and down like she wanted to sit on her face right there in front of Sharae.
"Girlfriend huh?" Alisha said with a smile as she put her arm around Sharae's shoulders. She could feel the tension and sensed her entire body language shift when Maliah made her presence be known.
"Alisha is a friend..."
"Well, Alisha... the friend. You need anything you let me know... This is my section and I'll be here all night long. Anyways, I just wanted to come by and say hey. See you later Rae," Maliah said as she seductively stood up and walked away; looking back to see if Alisha was staring at her ass.
"So that's your God sister," Alisha said.
"That's Maliah," Sharae said dryly.
"What's ya'll story; I sensed a vibe between the two of you."
"She's just... I don't know; shifty I guess."
"Say no more."
"So you gonna buy a dance from her?" Sharae asked.
"Now why would I do that?"
"If I wasn't here with you, would you buy a dance from her?"
"I'd buy a dance for Jodi... I told you I'm not really into strip clubs like that... they only make my addiction worse to be honest," Alisha said.
"Surrounded by all this ass hell yea!"
"You wanna get outta here?" Sharae asked especially after seeing her half naked God sister and the way she flirted with Alisha right in front of her face. Some fresh air didn't sound like a bad idea.
"Where you wanna go lovely?"
"Just outside for some air," Sharae said.
"Let's go. I'll let Jodi know so she's not wondering where we disappeared to."
"I'll do the same for Trish," Sharae said as both ladies took out their cell phones to text their best friends prior to exiting the club. The bouncer informed them that there was no re-entry, which they were fine with. It was such a beautiful night and both ladies would rather be out in it versus being cooped up in a club.
​Alisha and Sharae didn't go far; just walked around the block and up the street from the club enjoying one another's conversation.
"I've been thinking..." Sharae said as her hand was locked into Alisha's arm.
"Do share," Alisha said.
"Do you see yourself settling in the city for the long run or only until you've completed your Ph.D.?"
"I'm not sure... I've lived in Florida most of my life... traveled to many places..."
"Where have you been?"
"I've been to the Bahamas, Jamaica, California, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Paris, Seattle, Australia..."
"Wow... that's really dope you've been outside of the United States. Most people have never even been outside of their state or to another borough."
Alisha laughed at her last comment but knew she was right.
"What about you, where have you traveled?"
"I've been all up and through the east coast, the DMV area, Philly, Miami, Orlando, Atlanta... went to the Bahamas once with my parents for their anniversary, but I was really young so I don't remember. I'd like to travel more and experience new things..."
"That's what life is all about... experiencing new things and having things to look forward to, but to answer your question as far as me staying in New York for the long run... we shall see," Alisha said.
"I plan on getting my own place once I've graduated."
"Congratulations.... When's the big day?"
"Next summer..."
"I'll be there."
There was a comfortable silence between both ladies until Sharae's cell phone began to go off. She didn't recognize the number but answered regardless.
"You look beautiful tonight," the familiar voice said then hung up. Sharae looked at her phone strangely then looked around behind her then to the left and to the right.
"What's wrong?" Alisha asked as she began to look around as well not knowing why Sharae came off so paranoid all of a sudden.
"Can we go back inside?"
"Are you okay?"
"Can we just go back inside please?"
"Of course," Alisha said as she grabbed her hand, held it tight and they went back to the club; paid for cover a second time and reunited with their best friends in the VIP section.
​"Welcome back!" Trish said sarcastically to both Alisha and Sharae.
"Trish can you come help me in the bathroom with something?" Sharae asked. Trish may have had a couple of drinks but she was well aware of the tone her best friend was using with her.
"We'll be right back," Trish said to both Alisha and Jodi. The ladies then headed to the restroom.
"What's going on?" Trish asked her best friend.
"I think Ayana is stalking me."
"I just got a call from an unknown number and when I answered it she said you look beautiful then hung up."
"Right, so I wanted to come back inside."
"I would've never knew Ayana was the crazy type; lying and cheating type, yes; but crazy stalker no... lemme see your phone," Trish said and Sharae pulled up her recent call log and gave her the phone. Trish began pressing buttons and going from her call log to safari then back to her call log again.
"The number belongs to a Heather Johnson," she said and that's when Sharae knew for a fact that it was Ayana.
"That's Ayana's mother."
"Change your number girl for real but if she keeps calling then you gotta take it to the next level," Trish said and Sharae knew that she was right.
​Ayana had been posted up outside of Sharae's home just about every other day since they talked that day in the park. Although Sharae told her that it was over and there was no chance of them having another chance at their relationship; she did not believe that and felt that her reason for feeling the way she did was due to her seeing someone. Her assumptions were confirmed when Alisha pulled up in front of Sharae's to pick both she and Trish up to join them at the club. She decided to take things to the next level and follow the unknown vehicle to their location, which led her to Larry Flynt's Hustler Club. Ayana wanted to know who this woman was and what was it about her that now had Sharae's attention. She saw the way she looked at her and she saw the way they interacted with one another as they exited the club and took a walk. That's when Ayana decided to park her car, get out and follow them just to see where they were going. She decided to call Sharae from her mother's old phone that she didn't want any more since she upgraded and it was also the phone she used for interacting with her women. She was indeed a womanizer but she was willing to put in the work to change for Sharae because she missed her and wanted her back. Seeing her reaction after the phone call and hearing her voice made her feel different types of emotions. She decided to wait near the club until they exited again and follow them to their next location...
​When Sharae and Trish returned to their VIP section, Maliah was seated between Alisha and Jodi being extra flirty.
"Hey you," Alisha said as her face lit up as soon as Sharae was back and she moved over on the long sofa for her to sit down beside her.
"Everything okay?" she whispered in her ear.
"I'll tell you about it later okay?"
"Okay," Alisha said as she poured Sharae some more champagne.
"Wassup Trish; long time no see," Maliah said as Trish sat on the opposite side of Jodi.
"Hey Maliah... what do you want?" Trish asked her as she rolled her eyes.
Maliah smiled because she was well aware that her God sister's best friend did not like her and the feeling was mutual but she still remained cordial.
"I am still on the clock so I would love a dance..." she said eyeing Jodi up and down. Jodi didn't even think twice as she definitely liked what she saw plus it was a strip club.
"Say no more beautiful," she said.
"You don't mind do you Trish?" Maliah asked sarcastically. Trish sipped on her champagne and just raised an eyebrow.
"I want the full VIP experience!" Jodi said as she followed Maliah to the other side of the club in a private area for a private dance.
"I can't stand your fuckin God sister; I swear," Trish said to Sharae.
"She's something... I know."
"You two hungry; wanna get something to eat when we get outta here?" Alisha asked wanting to change the subject. She knew her best friend and how she was and she wasn't the type that did relationships or be tied down to anyone. She just loved to have a good time, meet people and enjoy herself; besides this was New York City and there were way too many baddies for her to be at the hip with only one for only a short amount of time. She and Alisha only had a few more days left in the city and she wanted the full experience and refused to leave empty handed for future moments when she would visit Alisha frequently when she moved.
"That sounds like a plan," Sharae said as she looked over at Alisha who ran her fingers through her hair.
"Your God sister must've been hawking because as soon as you two got up to leave; she came over here and started conversation," Alisha said.
"What she say?" Trish asked.
"She was just talking and telling us how she doesn't want to be a stripper forever and how she'll be staying with her dad for the time being and about her ex and how she dates only women now and just going on and on."
"Wait... what?" both Sharae and Trish said in unison.
"Only dates women now?" Sharae asked looking confused.
"That's what she said."
"She tried it," Trish said.
"So wassup with your friend leaving my friend hanging like that?" Sharae asked turning her attention to Alisha.
"That's just how Jodi is... my bad Trish," Alisha said to Trish.
"Don't apologize for her; you didn't do anything wrong. As far as I'm concerned she's a free agent just like I'm a free agent. We're all here to have fun right; and that's what we're gonna do!" Trish said as she got up and left the VIP section to go to where the action was down on the dance floor and stripper poles.
"Yeah... she feels a type of way about that but she'll get over it. She always does," Sharae said.
"I'd much rather be chilling in the crib without this loud ass music; all these distractions and some good conversation," Alisha said.
"So when can we make that happen?"
"I fell right into that one huh?"
"Yeah you did..."
"I don't know Sha... maybe when you come back for good and are settled into your new place and maybe invite me over... we can definitely do that."
"I'm a hold you to that..."
"You plan on having a little welcome house warming party or get together?"
"Nah not really... I don't believe in having a house warming unless I'm purchasing a house."
"Yeah it's just an apartment and it's not like it's my first apartment... now you on the other hand should have a welcome to my new place party!"
"Mmm... I see what you're saying and I'm definitely gonna have something."
"Plus I don't like a lot of people in my peace of mind... Never know what kind of energy they're bringing into your home."
"I definitely agree with that," Sharae said.
Alisha gently grabbed Sharae's chin and pulled her face towards hers.
"Everything alright?" she asked because she knew something was up the way she was acting while they were outside. Then as soon as they got back she went with Trish to the ladies room and Alisha was well aware of what those trips to the ladies room meant. Sharae took a long sigh before responding.
"I think my ex is stalking me," she said.
"That was her who called huh?"
"I believe so."
"What she say?"
"She said I look beautiful tonight."
"Whoa... that's kinda scary... you wanna call it a night in a bit?"
"I mean you're here on vacation with your best friend and I don't wanna ruin your time here in the city but I think we are gonna call it a night though. I'll go find Trish," Sharae said as she got up and went to find her best friend. While she was gone, Jodi returned from one of the private rooms with a huge smile on her face. She gave Alisha a pound and let her know that she got Maliah's number and how fine she was and how she ain't never seen an ass so fat then she asked where Sharae and Trish went.
"Rae isn't feeling too hot so she's gonna find Trish and we gonna call it a night, you ready nigga?"
"Wonderful way to end a night! I'm gonna stay until Ms. Maliah's shift is over... if you know what I mean."
"Nigga now you know I don't play that shit. We come together, we leave together; you don't even know that girl," Alisha said getting annoyed and this was the exact reason why she didn't like going out with Jodi from time to time.
"Aiight," Jodi said.
"You got her number so holla at her later... I ain't try'na hear about your ass on the news in the morning," Alisha said. Sharae finally came back with Trish who was giving Jodi the cold shoulder.
"You ladies ready?" Alisha asked them.
"Yeah I was gonna call an Uber," Sharae said.
"What kinda person would I be letting you two take an Uber when I got the whip... After you two," Alisha said as she allowed for Sharae and Trish to lead the way to the exit. On the way to the parking lot, Alisha held on tight to Sharae especially after the information she just shared with her.
"If you begin to feel unsafe promise me that you'll take care of it," Alisha said in her ear out of Trish and Jodi's reach who were not far behind them.
"I highly doubt that she'll do anything more than call but okay."
"That's harassment; especially since you don't want her to and what makes it even worse is that she knows you're out and who knows how long she's been watching you... Ain't she in the military?"
"Yes she is."
"Well she ain't about to be for long if she keeps this shit up."
"I'll take care of it," Sharae said as they finally reached the car and Alisha opened the passenger side door for Sharae as usual before she got in the driver's seat and they all headed back to Harlem.
​"What the fuck is up with your girl's friend?" Trish got right to the point as soon as they were back in Sharae's bedroom. The both of them were getting undressed and getting ready to shower, Trish was already half naked, which was how she was most comfortable as Sharae was too.
"What you expect though like really? She was just all up in Bianca's ass a few nights ago and you only wanted to see if you had a chance because she's cute," Sharae said as she was fully naked and was heading to her bathroom. Trish smacked her ass when she walked by and commented on her ass getting plumper.
"Squats and dance girl!" Sharae yelled from the shower.
"I know that's right, but nah I just wanna have fun too so I feel her but I don't know. I guess I would've handled it differently if it wasn't Maliah. I guess that's why it bothers me a lot."
"We both know how Maliah is..."
"Your God father don't though..."
"Nah he doesn't but she isn't even around long enough for him to even find out."
"Well how long she staying here?"
"You forget that this is her house... this used to be her room."
"Well it ain't no more so how long she staying?"
Sharae laughed while she was washing her body in the shower and allowed the hot water to run over her body. Trish was also in the bathroom relieving herself and then she went on to brush her teeth and wash her face.
"I don't know boo," Sharae said then she asked Trish if she wanted her to leave the hot water on which she did as she got out of the shower so Trish can get in after her. There was a knock on the bedroom door then Maliah came in and sat on Sharae's bed.
"Hey," she said.
"Hey... surprised you came back here wassup?" Sharae asked as she continued to dry herself then proceeded to oil her body with coconut oil.
"Your girl is fine as hell! She coming to the Memorial Day Bash you know daddy does every year!"
"Of course I know, I've been to all of them and she's not my girl and why you wanna know?"
"Because if she comes that means Jodi is coming with her."
"What does it matter, didn't you give her your number?" Sharae asked. Maliah began to laugh as she held her stomach.
"Girl what I look like, I ain't give that girl my number; not a real one at least. Now if it was Alisha she could've gotten my number," she said. Sharae rolled her eyes as she told Maliah goodnight and shoved her out of her bedroom.
"That girl gon' make me punch her in the face one day," Sharae said to herself.
​It's very frustrating going through life with feelings of alienation and not being able to be your true self with anyone. Relationships take work and the problem with most people is the fact that they are too lazy to put in the work. People will half-ass through an entire relationship until it is no longer beneficial to them unknowingly damaging the other person involved. A relationship is about two people, two hearts, two minds, two souls and two spirits. There is a transfer of energy involved with any type of intimacy, which is why it is very important for people to protect their energy. In the case of Sharae and her ex-girlfriend, Sharae was head-over-heels in love with Ayana. She gave Ayana all of her and held nothing back; Ayana was her first love and always seemed to give her nothing but disappointment and pain. There was a time, once upon a time when things between Ayana and Sharae were great. While she would be home on vacation, she gave Sharae her undivided time and attention. She was a part-time girlfriend, a girlfriend who only meant something when Ayana was physically present. On the times when Ayana was not present were the times when Sharae felt at her lowest and the effort that was needed for the relationship to prosper was non-existent. Sharae prayed and wished that maybe the universe would work in their favor and maybe bring Ayana's career to the states and she was even willing to drop her entire life and move to Germany to be with the love of her life, or so she thought. It's funny how God tries His best to pull things apart that people are trying so hard to force together. All things happen for a reason and it is that reason which made Sharae stronger and wiser. With the love and support from her best friend who sometimes does not always give the best advice, but she means well and is always there for Sharae; helping her pick up the pieces of her heart that Ayana broke, ran over and shot with a pistol. Now all of a sudden she wanted her back, sending her text messages and voice mails claiming that she needed her in her life and missed her. Of course she missed her. Who wouldn't miss someone who loved them and showed that love on a daily basis? Who wouldn't miss someone who would drop anything just to spend some time with them? Who wouldn't miss someone who spoiled them with their affection, sentimental gifts, words of love and true vulnerability? Sharae was the epitome of a true woman who loved and loved hard. She was the epitome of a free and vibrating spirit; a spirit who expressed herself through the art of dance. A spirit who spent most of her free time cleansing her energy. A spirit who clearly didn't have time for the bullshit then here comes Alisha... the epitome of divinity in motion (in Sharae's eyes). The epitome of a woman wanting to give and receive the same things that Sharae yearned for. The epitome of humor, sexiness, consideration, caring, understanding, spiritual awareness and enlightenment; the epitome of truth and honesty; wanting to give Sharae a fair chance to decide if she wanted to go any further with this... Sharae had always been skeptical of giving people the benefit of the doubt but it came so easy with Alisha. She had no expectations when it pertained to her and even if she did, she had proven in such a short amount of time that she would indeed exceed those expectations. Alisha was a depth digger as was Sharae and that's exactly what she wanted in her life. She also scared Sharae which was why she wanted to tread carefully especially in unfamiliar waters. She knew her heart and felt that she was slowly but surely falling for this woman who did and said all of the right things. It's sad that when something good happens or when a good person enters an individual's life that they're just waiting for something bad to happen. Sharae wanted to get out of that mindset of negativity and move forward and the first step was her meeting with her ex-girlfriend to tell her face-to-face that it was over. The second step was...
​Adam and Shelly's backyard and house were filled with family and friends on this Memorial Day at his annual Memorial Day Bash. Every year, Adam went all out with decorations, food, drinks, fun, games and a DJ. The grill was filled with BBQ ribs, chicken and pulled pork, hot dogs, hamburgers and Shelly was inside working on a seafood salad among other seafood necessities. She was a seafood lover as well as Sharae. Groups of people were seated at a table out in the backyard playing a game of dominoes while another group had an intense game of spades going on. The DJ was blasting DNA off Kendrick Lamar's album, DAMN, which had the other people who weren't eating getting it on the dance floor. Maliah was of course outside putting on a show and giving attention to anyone who would give it. Sharae was also outside with both Trish and Bianca eating and talking while enjoying the music. It was a beautiful sunny day and Sharae had her thick hair pulled up into a neat bun; her baby hairs were laid and accentuated her pretty face. She wore a mustard crop tight with some denim shorts and denim and mustard colored Nike Sky High Dunks. Simple and cute with her cat eyed eye liner; mascara that made her already long eyelashes look even longer and burgundy lipstick coated her lips. The final touch was the heart shaped, gold hoops that dangled from her ears. James had just got there with Alisha and Jodi and they all greeted Adam who was busy at the grill. He let them know where the drinks were and that Shelly was fixing up a special drink called Tropical Orgasm. He also offered his guest a plate while the sides such as potato salad, Hawaiian rolls, macaroni salad and condiments were off to another table. James and Jodi wasted no time grabbing a few beers and helped themselves while Alisha's eyes zoned in on Sharae. She was looking good as always wearing a red and black graphic t-shirt with a red Yankee fitted that was pulled to the back and her dreads poked out from the back. She also had on denim jeans and some fresh kicks on her feet.
"Wassup lovely... how you doing Trish and Bianca," Alisha greeted them all as she took a seat right across from Sharae.
"Hey boo," Trish said.
"Hey Alisha," Bianca said.
"Who invited you?" Sharae asked playfully as she took a sip from Shelly's special drink.
"Your God father... what you sipping on?"
"Tropical Orgasm... would you like some?" Sharae asked as she offered Alisha her cup. She took it, smelled the cup then took a sip.
"This fruit punch!" she said as she handed the cup back to Sharae.
"That's the whole point... shit creeps up on you. Want some tho fo'real?" Sharae asked as she stood up.
"Oh here they go again," Bianca commented.
"What?" Sharae asked since she was feeling a little buzzed.
"I already know B; these two always find a reason to disappear away from everyone else... did I tell you what happened the other night we went to the club?" Trish chimed in as she proceeded to catch Bianca up on the events that happened that night. Sharae dismissed her friends' comments although there was some truth to it and Alisha followed her back inside of the house.
"Hey Alisha," Maliah said as she approached them.
"Wassup," Alisha said.
"Wanna dance?" Maliah asked her.
"I'm already taken sweetheart so no thank you," Alisha said and right on Q; LOYALTY began to blast from the sound system by Kendrick Lamar featuring Rihanna.
"That's not what Rae said but whatever," Maliah said walking off with an attitude. Alisha paid her no mind as she followed close behind Sharae; the scent of her perfume was like a drug that she yearned for and preceded to follow as they were back inside of the house.
"You're already taken?" Sharae asked her referring to her comment.
"Yeah... you just don't know it yet or you do know it but you're in denial," Alisha said as she greeted Shelly with a hug and a kiss. When she came in earlier with her uncle and best friend, she didn't get the chance to see her since she was so focused on seeing Sharae.
"How you doing baby; mmm you smell good!" Shelly commented after leaving her lipstick on Alisha's cheek, which she gently rubbed off.
"Thanks Ms. Shelly and I'm good how are you?"
Shelly began to fix her some of her special drink.
"I'm good baby... nice to see you again. Feeling like you're growing on not just Sharae but me as well," she said as she winked at Alisha.
"Can I have a refill Shelly?" Sharae asked.
"How many cups have you had already Rae?"
"This is my first one!"
"Mmm... mmm don't wind up on the floor like you did last year with my special drink. You know I make them sweet so you don't even taste the alcohol!" Shelly said as she fixed another cup for Sharae.
"Are you allergic to seafood?" Sharae asked Alisha.
"Nah I love seafood!"
"Me too! Thank God cuz that's Shelly's specialty... ever had seafood salad?"
"Nah I don't think I have."
"Well you have been missing out on life until now baby... I'm a fix you a plate," Shelly said as she went to get a plate for Alisha.
"She's dope man," Alisha commented on Shelly's hospitality and sweetness to Sharae.
"Yeah she is... but back to you being taken. Don't think I forgot about that," Sharae said as she raised an eyebrow. Alisha showed her infectious smile with her dimples that always caused for Sharae to have butterflies.
"I need to ask you something," was all she said.
"So ask me."
"Wait... what's your full name?" Alisha asked and Sharae almost spit up her drink because the question caught her so off guard.
"Is that your question?!" she asked.
"Well I think I need to know these things... my full name is Alisha Kim Chan," Alisha said.
"Damn, you really are Asian; you got both Kim and Chan in your name! What part of Asia did your dad originate from?"
"He originated from South Korea, Seoul to be exact."
"Wow... I've always wanted to go to Seoul. I heard its pretty dope there."
"Yeah me too... that's one place I have yet to visit. I've been to a lot of places but Seoul is one that's definitely on my bucket list."
"Well let's make it happen then!" Sharae said as she raised her glass up and she and Alisha touched cups then took a drink.
"Okay your turn!" Alisha said.
"Well... my full name is Sharae Ava Moore..."
"Ava... that's pretty... so where did your parents originate from; all up in my business!" Alisha asked as Shelly was back with two plates full of seafood salad for both Alisha and Sharae. Alisha dug in, closed her eyes and simmered in the deliciousness of the food.
"Damn that's a good salad!" she said.
"Well both of my parents were born and raised right here in Harlem... My mother was in the Air Force and my dad was NYPD... they met through mutual friends but if you're referring to my ethnicity; full melanin!"
"Mmm! Even better; that's dope. I ain't know your mother was a vet or that your dad was a cop."
"Yeah they were pretty decent people to society but anyways... what is it that you wanted to ask me?" Sharae asked just as Bonnie and Clyde by Mack Wilds began blasting from the backyard. Sharae couldn't help but start to dance in her chair while she continued to eat her food.
"Aiight... listen. This past month has been dope like for real... I meet you and I feel like another person for real in a good way. I feel like me moving here is so much deeper than school and bettering myself as a person and what I want to ask you Ms. Sharae Ava Moore is will you be my girl?" Alisha asked as she stopped eating and her full attention was focused on Sharae's reaction and body language. She had stopped eating and her eyes were locked in on Alisha's. She took a sip from her drink then put her hands around Alisha's neck and pulled her in for a deep passionate kiss. A kiss that said much more than words and left the both of them out of breathe.
"I'll be your girl if you be my woman," she said once they separated from their kiss and unknowingly Shelly was off to the side with her glass of wine watching the both of them. She already knew what was up even though at times Sharae tried to front like she and Alisha were nothing more than just friends.
"I'll be all the woman you need... damn; you can't be kissing me like that," Alisha said as she shook her head.
"And why is that?"
"You turn me on too much with your kisses..."
"The feeling is definitely mutual... so it's official. I can stop fronting now," Sharae said as she smiled.
"Yeah no need for all of that with me. Your heart's safe with me," Alisha reassured her.
"It's about damn time!" Shelly made her presence known embarrassing Sharae and making Alisha smile.
"Oh my gosh," Sharae said.
"You two been playing cat and mouse for damn near two months now. It don't take that long to figure out if you like each other or not. Shit, I saw that shit when Alisha came over for the first time... her eyes were glued to you like white on rice!" Shelly said.
"Damn I'm exposed!" Alisha said as she just shook her head with a smile.
"Shelly please don't go making no announcement!" Sharae said knowing Shelly too well. She was the type to let the entire world know that Sharae and Alisha were now official and make it a point to tell the DJ to make a shout out and play a song.
"Can I at least request a song?" Shelly asked and both Alisha and Sharae laughed. Once they were finished eating and re-filled again on their Tropical Orgasm, they joined the rest of the party in the backyard where Jodi, Maliah, Trish and Bianca were all seated with one another. Walking hand in hand, Alisha pulled Sharae's seat out for her then she sat down beside her.
"Well, well, well welcome back," Trish said sarcastically.
"The offer still stands for that dance Alisha," Maliah said.
"She's taken Maliah," Sharae was over her God sister trying to flirt and make moves on Alisha right in front of her.
"But I thought you said..."
"Well that's changed... go get your own woman because she's mine," Sharae said as she grabbed the bottom of Alisha's chin and gave her a kiss right in front of everybody.
"It's about time you asked shorty!" Jodi said.
"Wait a minute... what happened?" Bianca asked.
"Team Taken is what happened... you better not fuck my best friend over either or else," Trish said to Alisha.
"Your best friend is in good hands," Alisha said not feeling phased by Trish's threats.
"So wait you two are official now?" Bianca asked.
"Yes we are," Sharae said.
"I'd like to request a song please!" Jodi said as she got up to go to the DJ and then she whispered something in his ear. Moments later Come & Talk to Me (Remix) by Jodeci started blasting from the speakers and Jodi began two-stepping as soon as the beat dropped while singing to Maliah and they both started dancing with one another.
"And here I was worried about Shelly," Sharae said as she and Alisha got up to join them on the dance floor.
"We taking it back huh?!" Adam said from the grill as one of his friends took over for a while and he went inside to grab Shelly since Jodeci was one of their favorite groups. Sharae and Alisha sung the chorus in unison and danced with one another, Alisha's hands around Sharae's waist; while her hands were around her neck. Shortly, Bianca and Trish joined their friend and enjoyed the company and silliness from everyone else who was jamming to a classic old school joint. Then Jodi began to pretend like she was singing with an imaginary microphone and danced around both Alisha and Sharae.
"Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me baby..." she sang.
"Come and talk to me! I really want to meet you. Can I talk to you! I really want to know you!" everyone in the backyard was having a blast and singing along with Jodeci as the DJ cut it and began mixing Jodeci with Mase's What You Want featuring Total. He was now in an old school mood and it seemed that the crowd was feeling it, what better way was there to go with the pioneers of Hip Hop and R&B. Sharae then started slow grinding to the beat with her back against Alisha's chest while her hands were still around her waist and they grinded in unison.
"Girl I can tell you was meant for me. I can tell by the way you was sent for me. While I'm on tour trying to make them centuries, and they ask who your man you better mention me," Alisha sang along with Mase to the lyrics. Next was Mary J. Blige's Real Love (Remix) featuring The Notorious B.I.G. and that's when the crowd began to die down a little except for Sharae and Alisha.
"Look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane! Nope, it's Mary Jane, ain't a damn thing changed! Kickin' ill flava with the Teflon Don! Wreckin' shop, getting props! She got it goin' on! So what's it gonna be? The real one, the fake one, ya need a minute to think for whom ya better take! What up? My time is up! Peace out to Brooklyn! Helpin' Daddy-O, hey yo, bring the verse in," both Alisha and Sharae sang along with The Notorious B.I.G. to his classic verse on a classic track.
"Yo what you know about Biggie?!" Sharae asked Alisha.
"Shit what you know about Biggie? Way before your time!" Alisha said jokingly. The evening went on pretty smoothly, with more food, music, games and good times. Adam wasn't a fool, and knew that sparks would fly between his friend's niece and God daughter since the day she came into the barber shop. At the end of the day, he only wanted for his God daughter to be happy and it seemed like Alisha made her very happy and from what he knew thus far about her; she seemed to have a very good head on her shoulders. As long as her God daughter wasn't with a bum and treated her right, he could care less what gender, race or religion the individual was. He saw how they interacted with one another and they kind of reminded him of the times he had with Shelly when they first began to date and eventually fell in love with one another.
​As the evening went on and it was close to nighttime, Adam and Shelly had the fireworks ready and let a bunch off along with their other guests. Maliah left for work and surprisingly; there was no drama between she, Jodi, Trish and Bianca. Everyone managed to be cordial and not take whatever happened between the three of them and Jodi to interfere with the good time that everyone was having. It was looking to be a drama-free eventful evening until Trish's eyes got wide as she saw who just joined everyone out on the balcony. Since she was seated towards the entrance of the backyard and the front door was open. There were so many people in and out of the crib but everyone knew Adam who lived there for a very long time so there was no worry when it pertained to anything missing.
"Girl," Trish said trying to get Sharae's attention.
"Wassup," Sharae said but it was too late, because Ayana already made her way to their table and made herself comfortable seated on the other end of Sharae while Alisha was seated on the opposite end.
"Hey beautiful," Ayana said and everyone at the table was at a pause especially Trish and Bianca.
"What are you doing here?" Sharae asked her.
"Now how could I miss your God father's annual Memorial Day bash?!" Ayana said as if the question of her being there was stupid.
"You sure as hell had no problem missing them while we were together," Sharae said as she took a sip of her drink.
"So this is Ayana?" Alisha asked finally being able to put a face with the one who broke Sharae's heart and was now stalking her.
"Yes I am and you are?" Ayana asked as she sat up as if she was gonna do something.
"Oh shit... she tried it!" Trish said as she took a sip from her drink and Bianca started cosigning.
"The woman who's about to kick your ass if you don't leave but I don't wanna go there out of respect for my girl and Mr. Adam and Ms. Shelly, so if you were smart you would leave," Alisha said calmly.
"Your girl? So this the new chick huh?" Ayana said addressing Sharae.
"You need to leave Yana... Adam! Shelly!" Sharae began to call for her Godfather and Shelly but it was hard since the music was still blasting through the sound system.
"I'm a count to ten... give you time to redeem yourself and then step!" Alisha said still seated in her chair as calm as ever.
"Yo you got me all fucked up!" Ayana said standing out of her chair.
"Not yet... One," Alisha started counting.
"Girl she dead ass!" Bianca said.
"Two..." Alisha continued to count.
"Yo I wish you would!" Ayana said still talking shit.
"Three..." Alisha continued to count. Sharae stood up so that she was now in-between both her ex and freshly current girlfriend.
"Yana I suggest you leave! Adam! Shelly! Like what do you want?" Sharae asked and that's when Ayana got down on one knee.
"Four... Five... Six..." Alisha continued to count and this time stood up with Sharae still standing in-between them.
"Sharae I want you back," Ayana said as she dug in her side pocket and pulled out a velvet box.
"Seven... Eight..." Alisha's blood was boiling by this time and she didn't think she was gonna make it all the way to ten without first punching Ayana in her face for disrespecting her.
"Girl stop!" Trish said as she started laughing.
"I wish one of you would go get my damn Godfather over there being stupid and you see Sha is dead ass about to pop off!" Sharae said to her friends because this was of course a side of Alisha that she had never seen before. She could feel the intense energy steaming from her body as she stood between the both of them. Finally, Bianca decided to be the one to find either Shelly or Adam so they can stop the tsunami that was about to take place in their own backyard.
"Nine..." Alisha was close to ten when Adam and Shelly finally arrived.
"What's she doing in my house?" Adam asked.
"I don't know but she needs to leave," Sharae said.
"Honey, why are you on the floor?" Shelly asked Ayana as she opened the velvet box revealing a 14-carat white gold thin French-cut pave set diamond engagement ring.
"Mr. Adams and Ms. Shelly, may I have your blessing to take Sharae as my wife?" Ayana asked and the music stopped and everyone was now focused on what was going on. Trish and Bianca almost dropped their drinks and looking wide eyed to see Sharae's reaction, which was nothing. She twisted her lips up, rolled her eyes and that's when Alisha got close to ten so she grabbed her hand and led her away from Ayana and the rest of them. Now that Adam and Shelly had finally come to diffuse the situation, her main concern was now on Alisha for she would never say yes to Ayana and her engagement. She thought it was a pretty bold move and disrespectful at that being it was clear she was no longer on the market and her new and improved girlfriend was right by her side; as she should have been.
"Hell no! I know all about you! You need to leave or else I'm a call the police. Get up out my yard, take your ring and get out!" Adam said because although he didn't know the details of his God daughters past relationship he did remember her being very depressed during that time. He remembers the long, late night talks she would have with his wife and he remembers hearing her in tears and that's all he needed to know.
"Daaaaamn!" both Bianca and Trish said in unison.
"Please Mr. Adam... she's the love of my life..." Ayana pleaded as she got up off the floor with a bruised ego.
"I don't know what type of love you talking about but you gotta go!" Adam said to her.
"The exit is this way," Shelly said as she grabbed Ayana by her arm who took one last look at Sharae before being led out the door.
"Wait... that was a nice ass ring though," Trish said.
"Yo ya'll stupid as hell!" Jodi said as she started laughing along with them but she knew her best friend and knew that if it weren't for Adam and Shelly, that girl's jaw would've been broken.
​"Your ex was about to get seriously hurt," Alisha said to Sharae once she had calmed down and everyone was now back to having a good time. She and Sharae were off on the other end of the backyard seated on one of the outdoor sofas.
"What was all of that?" Sharae asked concerned about the calmness yet intensity she just witnessed from Alisha.
"Listen... I'm very territorial is all but I ain't wanna act all wild and crazy in your Godfather's home. I'm just glad that they came right on time."
"I am too... hey," Sharae said as she smiled.
"Wassup lovely?"
"That was sexy as hell the way you handled that," she said with a smile, which made Alisha smile.
"Oh yea, you like that huh?"
Sharae made a cat growl and pretended to paw at Alisha's face, which made her laugh.
"See there you go! Don't let my ex ruin our day or our moment; she's not worth it. I sure as hell ain't gon' let her ruin all of this," Sharae said as she made a dramatic hand gesture for Alisha to get her point.
"Yeah you right... I'm good though..."
"You sure?"
"I promise," Alisha said as she took one of Sharae's hands and kissed it which warmed Sharae's heart.
"One question though..." Alisha said as she couldn't help but wonder.
"The answer is no," Sharae said already having a feeling of what it was that Alisha was about to ask her.
"You ain't even let me ask you yet," Alisha said with a smile.
"You were gonna ask me what I would have said to Ayana's request if you would not have been here and you and I wouldn't have we have going on, am I right or am I right?"
"Exactly... the answer is no because although Ayana and I have history and at that time there was a lot of love there, on my end. A lot of damage has been done and what she and I had wasn't love. It took me a while to realize that but now that I've grown from that experience and know who I am as a woman and what I want in another woman, she definitely was not it and could never be it," Sharae said.
"What is it that you want in a woman?" Alisha asked although she already had a feeling that the same things that Sharae was yearning for were the same things she too was yearning for.
"You're my woman now right?"
"That's right."
"Well then that's all you need to know for now, until then I'm sure that your curiosity will answer your own question. Now let's get back to our friends before they start feeling a type of way," Sharae said.
"Wait one more thing..." Alisha said as she pulled Sharae towards her and they shared a kiss. She was already beginning to feel herself beginning to get accustomed to those soft rose petal lips of hers. Adam then joined the couple and made himself comfortable on the chair across from them.
"You two okay; we took care of it," he said referring to Ayana.
"Yeah, we're good now. I didn't invite her so I don't know why she even came," Sharae said.
"I know you didn't baby. I just find it crazy how she wants to show her face now versus back when you two were together and she was so absent, but anyways, how you doing Sha?" Adam then put his attention on Alisha.
"I'm good Mr. Adam."
"Aiight... I only came over here to see how you two ladies were doing. I'm a get out your hair now," Adam said before going back to host his guest. Sharae and Alisha joined their friends at the table and Jodi was with some of the guys playing bones. The DJ was now blasting The Weeknd's Starboy featuring Daft Punk.
"Ya'll good?" Bianca asked them as they took their seats.
"Yeah we good," both Alisha and Sharae said in unison.
"Girl... that was some bold shit Ayana did with her dumb ass!" Trish said.
"Yes it was..."
"Does your Godfather and Shelly know that she been stalking you?"
"No, they don't and I don't want them to unless it's get out of control. She won't be here for long anyway, she's gonna have to go back to her duty station eventually," Sharae said.
"You don't think her coming here uninvited was out of control?" Trish asked.
"Can we change the subject?" Sharae asked getting annoyed. Trish through her hands in the air and got up to go inside and see what Shelly was up to. Alisha wrapped her arms around Sharae's shoulders and kissed the side of her head.
"You two are so fuckin' annoying and cute," Bianca said commenting on the public displays of affection between her friend and her fine ass girlfriend.
"When do you leave for Miami again?" Sharae asked Alisha although she honestly didn't want to hear the answer but she knew that eventually she had to go back and do what she had to do until she was in New York City for good.
"I'm catching a red eye tomorrow night," Alisha said and Sharae felt like her heart was about to stop but she held her composure.
"I'm gonna miss the hell out of you," was all she said.
"I'm a miss the hell out of you too but check this out though..."
"What's that?"
"I'll be back. My fingers aren't broke and me being gone is only temporary," Alisha said as she winked at Sharae and hearing her say that made her feel a lot better. Although she wasn't always too keen on words, but coming from Alisha was different. Everything she said thus far she's been able to back up and Sharae knew for a fact that she would definitely be back. She smiled at the thought of feeling confident for once within a relationship as far as the individual being about their word and not leaving her room to wonder or question anything.
​The thing with infidelity is that although a person may forgive the other and still try to make it work, the internal scars and mental trauma still remains. The person who was cheated on, whether it was physical or emotional still has the damaging residue that the cheater has done in the past. What people fail to realize is the fact when cheating has become a dynamic in a relationship, in order to save that relationship; there must be healing; there must be truth; there must be honesty and there must be proof. There must be the changing of old habits that led to the cheating in the first place. It's unrealistic to automatically expect forgiveness just because an individual apologizes but has shown nothing that signifies true growth and change. People wonder why issues still remain in the case of infidelity when couples have made the choice to not call it quits but to make it work. However, that does not mean that the perpetrator is off the hook, it means that they have to put in even more work. Work that they failed to put in during the infidelity, because if that were the case; then there would've been no infidelity. Imagine being with someone such as Sharae and loving that person with all of you, only to find out that they are either married or living a double life with someone else. This is also another reason why many people stray away from long distance relationships. Long distance relationships give both parties ample amount of time to cheat and live their double life on the side. It gives them nothing but opportunity to do whatever it is that they want to do and have another woman in another state and/or sometimes in another country. In many long distance relationships, a connection has been established with someone who lives farther away, rather than with the person who is in their face 24/7. This is the case of the double life. So, instead of the individual who chooses to live a life of truth, they decide to string along a love that is not near but they can feel from afar; versus the counterfeit love that is near which they do not feel near or far. This was the case with Sharae and it is understandable to sympathize with her worries and/or feelings in regards to Alisha. However, what makes Alisha so different from regular people (STUDS especially) is that she is honest and considerate. With her, there are no hidden agendas and because she is a woman as well, she knows what it is that a woman wants, craves and yearns for. Being a lesbian all of her life, she would be a fool not to pay attention to the signs that other women give off which is like an open book test to their inner desires. Paying attention costs nothing. Being considerate costs nothing. Letting someone know what's really good and what's really going on; cost nothing and Alisha is aware of this. She is aware that she found something great within Sharae and does not want to fuck that up. With her having the advantage of knowing about Sharae and her past relationship, it leaves her no room for error. That is the open book test; when a woman indulges her deepest and darkest secrets to another that signifies trust. She trusts the other person with her vulnerability and with the things that are not easy to share or put into words. When a woman expresses her hurt to another, that is giving the other person to either make the choice to waste her time and play her just like the rest or coming correct and showing this woman that she is not like the others; good people do exist and all lesbians are not cheating, lying, selfish assholes who only care about themselves. Alisha is indeed a diamond in the rough, which is why her ex is so against letting her go...
​Alisha stayed around to help Sharae, Adam and Shelly clean up the backyard, kitchen and anything else that they needed help with. Jodi left with Trish because although she had a blast in the Big Apple with her best friend and the Memorial Day party was definitely a blast, she wanted to leave with a bang which included her being inside of someone and that someone being Trish.
"Thanks for staying back baby," Shelly said to Alisha as she had just finished the last of the dishes from all the food she and Adam prepared. Many people took to-go plates with them but they still had plenty of food left over.
"Make sure you take a plate with you too before you leave," Adam said to Alisha.
"It's not a problem at all and thanks, I definitely will be taking some extra seafood salad with me as well. Would it be too much if I asked for your recipe?" Alisha asked Shelly.
"I'll give you that when you come back and stay for good," Shelly said as she winked at Alisha and pinched her cheek.
"When do you start school Sha?" Adam asked her.
"End of August, so I'll be all moved in at the beginning of August so I can get situated and everything."
"You need any help, be sure to let us know!"
"Most definitely."
"So will you be flying out here or...?" Shelly asked.
"Nah, Jodi and I will be taking my whip and driving with my lil' man."
"Lil man?" both Shelly and Adam asked in unison thinking that Alisha had a child she had yet to tell Sharae about. Sharae was busying herself straightening up while her Godfather and Shelly talked with Alisha; getting all in her business but she knew they meant no harm. It was nice to be with someone that her family obviously took a liking too. She had never experienced that before and although it was different it was refreshing. Alisha smiled, already knowing what Shelly and Adam assumed about her referring her dog as her lil' man.
"I'm not comfortable with flying with my puppy Blu is all and plus I love taking road trips," she clarified. Shelly and Adam both looked relieved as they looked at one another then at Sharae.
"Oh! You have a dog. Sharae loves animals!" Shelly said.
"Well, ladies I will be calling it a night. Sha, thanks again for helping out... Honey, could you come upstairs and help me with something?" Adam asked Shelly wanting to give Sharae and Alisha a moment alone since it was her last night in the city. He knew how his wife was and although she meant well, if he hadn't said anything she would've stayed downstairs with the ladies not giving them any privacy and wanting to know what was going on. Everyone within the house was an adult so he honestly wasn't too strict on what did and did not go on when it pertained to Sharae; he only asked that she keep it down. Although she had never crossed the line of having sex in the house while he was home as far as he was concerned. He also gave her a lot more leniency being that he took a liking to Alisha; as far as he was concerned she was cool people.
"Mmm! What you need help with Daddy?!" Shelly said excitedly as she told the ladies goodnight and gave them both a kiss on the cheek then followed her husband up the stairs to their bedroom where they closed the door.
"Alone at last," Sharae said.
"Alone at last," Alisha said as she walked over to Sharae while slightly biting down on her bottom lip. She didn't know what came over her, but the closer she got to Sharae the more turned on she became and once they were nearly nose to nose; Alisha looking down at her, she picked her up into her arms and they indulged in a passionate kiss. Sharae's legs were wrapped around Alisha's waist as their kiss became more intense. Walking slowly, from the kitchen to the living room then onto the huge couch, Alisha fell on top of Sharae while still kissing her. Sharae wrapped her legs tighter around Alisha's waist as she took off the fitted cap on her head and Alisha's shirt was up and over her head in a flash. Sharae's hands grabbed and caressed Alisha's back at the same time while slightly digging her short manicured nails into her skin. Alisha wrapped one hand around Sharae's neck while still kissing her and Sharae gasped in surprise and pleasure; with her other hand Alisha cupped the bottom of her ass through the denim shorts she wore. Still kissing, and sucking one another's tongue and biting down on one another's lips with an aggressive passion; both pain and pleasure; the once soft scratches Sharae's nails were leaving dug a little deeper and this turned Alisha on even more. With her hand still wrapped around Sharae's neck she pushed her head back so that her lips were now kissing on her chin then down to the middle of her neck on both sides. She grabbed Sharae's wrist and put her arms up above her head while she continued to kiss and suck on her neck and took the bottom of her crop top between her lips and removed it using her mouth only; she released Sharae's hands only for her arms to be free from her top. Revealing her bare, perky breasts... She was met with her protruding pierced nipples that awaited her lips. Alisha raised an eyebrow as she smirked at Sharae thinking she was an undercover freak. She wasted no time taking her nipples between her lips. She tugged gently on them with her lips and with her teeth, but didn't go any further than what Sharae was comfortable with. From the looks of her reaction, she was indeed just as turned on as Alisha if not more. Sharae's hips pushed up against Alisha's while her arms were fully stretched up above her head. Alisha had full control over her body and the teasing and foreplay was killing her. She continued to suck on her nipples as she was now holding both of Sharae's wrist with one hand while her other hand was busy un-buttoning her denim shorts as she slipped her hand inside of her panties. She was hot... she was wet... she was turned on, and purring like a kitten as Alisha began to feel herself become light-headed by just the touch of her velvet soft pussy. Sharae moaned softly, not too loud but present nonetheless as Alisha teased and tickled her clit with the tip of her fingers. Unbeknownst to Alisha, her nipples were a definite turn on and she believed that the nerves in her nipples were connected to the same nerves as her g-spot. With Alisha playing with her clit like she was playing a guitar and hitting every note with ease almost made her explode.
"Please let my hands free so I can touch you," Sharae begged. Alisha stopped sucking on her aroused nipples only to kiss her lips softly while her fingers found their way inside of her tightness. She obliged by letting her arms free and Sharae wasted no time grabbing a handful of Alisha's locks as their kiss intensified. Alisha wrapped her arm around Sharae's lower back and pulled her up so that they were both sitting up on the sofa, with Sharae straddled on top of her, her fingers deep inside of her hitting her g-spot with precision. Sharae grinded on her fingers while her hands began to un-button the denim jeans that Alisha had on so she was able to feel her warmth and wetness which was an overflow deeper than the Mediterranean Sea.
"You're. So. Fuckin. Wet," Sharae said as she took the bottom of Alisha's earlobe between her lips. Her fingers played with her clit that was pulsing and it seemed the more she played with her clit, the more it began to pulse. Alisha continued to fuck Sharae while she grinded on top of her and their kiss intensified.
"I don't have any limits... when it pertains to sex... I want you to fuck me the way I'm fucking you," Alisha said in-between sensual kisses and that turned Sharae on even more. She slid her fingers inside of Alisha's tight walls and felt her pussy muscles clench tightly around her fingers. Starting slow at first, Sharae's fingers getting very much acquainted with how good Alisha felt then she was on the same rhythm as Alisha was while inside of her. Sharae took Alisha's tongue between her lips and began to slowly suck on it while Alisha's free hand found its way back around her neck. She pulled away from Sharae and looked deeply into her eyes.
"I want you to cum right now," she said to her.
"Right now..." Sharae repeated after her while maintaining their intense eye contact.
"Right. Now," Alisha said and Sharae began to grind harder on Alisha's fingers while still maintaining a good rhythm inside of her as well. Watching Sharae grind on her and hearing her soft moans that intertwined with the moans coming from her own mouth turned her on even more. Her rhythm intensified as she felt herself on the verge of cumming just from how turned on she was. Sharae tried to kiss her lips as her pussy got wetter and wetter but Alisha turned her face and began to bite down on her neck. This was another erogenous zone for her and she knew that it wouldn't take much for her to climax. With the mix of how turned on she was by the touch of Alisha, how good she felt and with her inside of her tight walls...
"Damn. I'm about to cum," Sharae whimpered in-between moans. Alisha felt her insides begin to melt from the inside out as she too was on the verge of cumming. Not long after, both Sharae and Alisha came in unison and aggressively kissed one another to muffle their moans of ecstasy. Alisha took her fingers that were covered with Sharae's nectar and put them in Sharae's mouth, she sucked her juices from Alisha's fingers then at the same time Alisha kissed her with her fingers still inside of her mouth. She even tasted just as good as she looked. Sharae did the same with her fingers that were covered with Alisha's nectar and received the same response. Both of Sharae's hands were now rested on the sofa as she was still on top of Alisha, kissing her; Alisha's eyes were slightly open as she indulged this moment of unplanned pleasure, which made it all the more worth it. Once their hear rate slowed down and kisses slowed down, they were both now looking at one another and smiled.
"I want more... this is gonna be a problem," Alisha said.
"Give me more... we have time," Sharae said. Alisha looked at her as if to say are you serious, but seeing the look on Sharae's face was self-explanatory. She smiled as Sharae got up off of Alisha and grabbed her hand, motioning for her to follow. They both grabbed their shirts that were now on the living room floor. Sharae went to the front door where the ADT Alarm System was located, after everyone except for Alisha left, her Godfather armed it and she had unarmed it so that the alarm wouldn't go off.
"Kicking me out huh?" Alisha asked. Sharae put her fingers on Alisha's lips for her to be quiet then led her to the backyard that was now clean compared to how it was when everyone left. It was a beautiful spring night with a full moon and a handful of stars in the sky; a spring rain had begun which set the mood to perfection. Sharae led the way down the stairs of the backward leading to the large gazebo that sat in the far back of the backyard that was accompanied with. She pushed Alisha onto the sofa and pulled her pants along with her briefs down revealing her bare pussy except for a patch of hair at the top that was shaped like a triangle. Sharae was now on her knees between Alisha's legs as she watched her slowly twirl her tongue from her inner thighs to the lips of her pussy, then back to her inner thigh. The entire time, Sharae's eyes were glued on Alisha's while she teased her clit with the tip of her tongue and it pulsated with every touch. Alisha rested her head back as she closed her eyes, enjoying the way Sharae' was making her entire body feel with only the tip of her tongue. Then she started to slowly glide her tongue along the lips of her pussy while gripping her thighs, she spread her lips apart with her tongue before finding her way inside of her.
"Shit..." Alisha said as she grabbed the back of Sharae's neck and began to grind against her long tongue as it managed to massage not only the outside of her pussy, but the inside as well. Sharae was definitely into pleasing Alisha as the sound of the spring rain lightly fell on the outside of the gazebo. She took her hard clit between her lips and began to suck gently at first then at a quicker speed while she took her fingers and slid them inside of Alisha's walls. It took everything within Alisha not to scream out in pleasure for she felt herself beginning to melt from the inside out all over again and this time she knew that this was definitely going to be a more intense orgasm than the first. Gripping Sharae's head even harder, and grinding against her movements, she came which felt like an out of body experience she never felt before and her entire body went limp but she fought the feeling of exhaustion, wanting to give Sharae the same exact pleasure if not more. She grabbed her by her neck, gently pulling her up so that she can kiss the lips that finished giving her so much pleasure. Tasting herself on Sharae's sweet lips and sucking on her tongue to get even more flavor of her nectar. Sharae let out a moan as their kiss intensified and that's when Alisha told her to stand up. With ease she pulled her shorts and panties all the way down revealing her bare pussy that she couldn't wait to devour. Alisha told her to sit on her lap and Sharae obliged. With ease, Alisha wrapped both of her arms underneath her thighs and lifted her up so that she was no sitting on her face while she was still sitting down on the sofa. She used her tongue to deep stroke her pussy up and down. Sharae, not knowing where to put her hands since she was up in the air but secure with the tight grip that Alisha had around her things; both hands palming both cheeks hard. Moving her hips to the rhythm of Alisha's tongue for she took her time; nice and slow strokes at first then she began to suck her hard clit that pulsated between her lips. Sharae decided to rest her hands on Alisha's upper thighs as she continued to grind up and down on her face. Her movements never changed the flow and ease of her tongue as it became more intense. Never had she ever had someone take control over her body the way Alisha did and never had she had anyone eat her pussy the way she did. She felt as if she was going to cum as soon as her lips touched her sensitive walls. Alisha got more into it as she gripped Sharae's thighs even tighter, pulling her back and forth as her tongue slid in and out of pussy. Sharae's feet were rested at the top of the sofa as she met Alisha's tongue and started winding her hips in circles. Alisha began moving her head in circles going the opposite direction as Sharae. This caused for her legs to shake. Alisha gripped her legs even tighter and Sharae couldn't help but moan a little louder than before. Alisha moaned as well for pleasing Sharae was giving her just as much pleasure while she was between her thighs. Sharae didn't even have to warn Alisha of the intense orgasm she was on the verge of having, Alisha paid attention to her body and knew that this one was going to be even more intense than the previous one. Sharae was not prepared for what was about to happen and to keep her from shouting out and waking the entire Harlem area, she grabbed anything within reach and covered her face to muffle her screams of pleasures. Alisha maintained her rhythm with her tongue as she also came at the same time without Sharae even having to touch her, which was a first for her. Her moans, the way she tasted, the way she moved her body in unison with her tongue was all the pleasure that she needed to signal her mental which signaled her orgasm to take place. Once Sharae's breathing slowed down, she was barely able to sit herself up so Alisha helped her by grabbing her back and lifting her up so that they were now face to face. Nothing was said and nothing needed to be said. The pleasure between the two which was not just physical but mental was all that needed to be shared between the comfortable silence. Sharae grabbed Alisha's face as she did the same and they shared a kiss.
"Wow," Sharae said after their kiss then she wrapped her arms around Alisha's neck and rested her head on her shoulders. Alisha caressed her bare, soft back then sat up while Sharae was still on top of her so that she can pull her briefs along with her pants back up. Once she fastened them, she stood up with Sharae's legs wrapped tightly around her waist. Grabbing what she can with her free hand so as to not leave anything behind while the other was under Sharae's thigh securing her, she walked up the steps to the entrance of the backyard, opened it slowly so she wouldn't wake Mr. Adam and Ms. Shelly, then she shut the door behind her. Walking quietly to the entrance of the front door where the ADT Alarm system was located she turned her back to it so Sharae could access the code to alarm the house.
"Stay with me," Sharae said in Alisha's ear.
"I wasn't planning on leaving..." she reassured her feeling her body against her begin to relax and as her soft, warm breath tickled the side of her neck. Sharae guided Alisha to the laundry room, which was not far from the first floor bathroom where Alisha grabbed a blanket and a pillow. Once she grabbed that, she tossed the pillow down on the long end of the couch in the living room, gently lied Sharae down who was still half naked. Not wanting to make it obvious to her Godfather and Shelly to what just transpired between them, she put her panties and denim shorts back on along with her crop top that were in the same exact place where she left it. Sharae was half asleep while Alisha was dressing her to make it seem like after a night of talking, she decided to stay over and the both of them fell asleep. Alisha put her clothes back on and set both of their shoes off to the side of the couch then she got on the couch behind Sharae and held her tightly, pulling the sheet over their bodies. Sharae turned around and buried her face in Alisha's neck as their legs were intertwined with one another. Alisha kissed her forehead, pulled her closer and moments later they both drifted off into a deep sleep.
​When your reality is better than any dream and you feel as if you have to pinch yourself to wake up... but you're already up. Wide-awake, enjoying bliss with another who speaks the same language as you do: mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The type of bliss that has never been touched or awakened before; the type of bliss you had no idea even existed or happened to just anyone. They say there is someone out there made specifically for everyone. We were not created in this world to spend it alone without companionship. Without relationships, the human race would be no more and not just any relationship but HEALTHY relationships. The type of relationship that needs time to finesse and get to know the other person. Where you feel one another on a deeper level than anyone else you have ever encountered before. The type of relationship that does not need an explanation, for what's understood does not need to be explained. Too good to be true; not necessarily...
​After the amazing night that went well into the early morning for both Alisha and Sharae, Ms. Shelly was not surprised to find the two sound asleep on the living room sofa when she came downstairs wearing nothing but her robe to fix breakfast for everyone. Adam was also sound asleep after the night they had as well, Alisha and Sharae weren't the only ones who got it in that night. Shelly proceeded to mix up some pancake batter, fry some bacon, and crack open some eggs to scramble; added some cheese and seasoning then buttered a pan to put the contents of the eggs into. She proceeded to scramble the eggs while turning the bacon over in order not to overcook it. The aroma of the bacon caused for both Alisha and Sharae to move around and open their eyes; face to face with one another in the same position they fell asleep in only a few hours ago. Both ladies smiled at one another.
"Good morning," Sharae said.
"Good morning lovely," Alisha said as she gave her a kiss.
"Shelly must be up," Sharae said as she arched her back for a morning stretch. Alisha raised both of her arms up above her head for her morning stretch and the ladies got up and went into the kitchen to see what Shelly was cooking up.
"Good morning babies," Shelly said although her back was turned she heard both Sharae and Alisha enter the kitchen. Sharae went into the refrigerator and took out the gallon of orange juice then grabbed two glasses from the cabinet and poured a glass for both she and Alisha. Both ladies gulped down the orange juice like it was the best thing next to air.
"Thirsty? Damn," Shelly noticed as Sharae poured another glass of orange juice for both she and Alisha and this time they took their time drinking the sweetness as their morning thirst had already been quenched with the first glass. Sharae gave Shelly a hug from the back and a kiss on her cheek.
"Good morning," she said.
"You staying for breakfast Sha?" Shelly asked Alisha just as Adam was coming down the stairs.
"Something smells good!" he said making his way to the kitchen. He said good morning to both his Goddaughter and Alisha; not surprised to see her. He gave Shelly a kiss then smacked her ass while walking past to grab a glass for himself as well. Sharae was glad she was out of school until the fall because she did not have the energy for class after the night/morning she just had.
"If you don't mind I'd love to stay then I gotta head back to my uncle's house," Alisha said.
"Of course you can stay... didn't quite make it home last night huh?" Shelly asked as she already had a feeling what may have gone on between the two ladies.
"Nah didn't wanna leave great company," Alisha said as she and Sharae caught eyes and smiled at one another. Sharae turned away for whenever she looked at Alisha she couldn't stop thinking about the night they shared and it gave her stomach butterflies. Alisha realized her cell phone in her pocket hadn't been charged since the day before and saw that it was on twenty percent with missed calls from Kori and a few text messages from Jodi. She read through the text messages from Jodi talking about how Trish got down already knowing that she too had a long night then she asked when she was coming back to the crib. Alisha responded telling her that she was still over at Sharae's crib and told her she'd be back in about an hour or so. They both had to get packed and ready for their red eye later on in the evening and she also wanted to make sure that before they left, there wasn't any last minute tourist things Jodi wanted to do since it was technically their last day. After seeing all of the missed calls from Kori without any voice mails she decided that when she got back to Miami, she could not stay under the same roof as her ex-girlfriend. She didn't want to risk making another mistake especially after making it official with Sharae and the amazing night they shared. She knew that she could control herself, which was part of why she was so built; most of her sexual frustrations were taken out at the gym on a boxing bag, with another opponent, taking a run or working in the weight room. She could not allow her flesh to be weak over a fuck that meant nothing versus how her mind, body and spirit reacted towards Sharae. She looked up at Sharae who was looking at her too and winked; Sharae smiled and Alisha turned her phone off to save battery life. She only had a few hours left with Sharae and didn't want to waste it being glued to her phone or distracted by anything or anyone for that matter. There was no need to charge it until she got back to her uncle's house anyway.
​After breakfast, Sharae walked Alisha to the door and stepped out onto the top of the steps with her. They stood in front of one another, holding hands with their fingers interlocked.
"You even look good as soon as you wake up," Alisha said.
"I can say the same thing for you," Sharae said and Alisha smiled.
"I'm a head back to my uncle's house and get situated... see if there's anything else Jo Jo wants to do before we head back to Miami."
Sharae looked off somewhere else not wanting to face the reality of Alisha leaving.
"I'll be staying with Jo Jo temporarily until I move out here for good. If I gotta pay extra to break our lease then so be it," Alisha added wanting Sharae to know how committed and serious she was about not allowing anyone or anything come between them.
"That eases my heart a whole lot," Sharae said.
"I got you... You gon' be at the barbershop later?"
"Yeah for a couple of hours."
"Aiight... call me when you get home. I wanna see you again before I leave."
"I promise... call me okay?"
"C 'mere," Alisha said as she pulled Sharae's body close to hers and gave her a kiss then kissed both of her cheeks and her forehead. She held her close and tight with her face buried between her neck and shoulder. Sharae held her even closer, taking in the cologne that still lingered on her body and kissed the nape of her neck.
"I love you," Alisha said not even realizing the words left her lips until they had already been spoken. Sharae felt as if her heart was about to drop. Three words that many people took for granted and used so fluently not even really meaning it but the difference was when they came out of Alisha's mouth she felt every syllable and heard her with so much clarity. She grabbed Alisha's face and gave her a kiss with a smile wanting to tell her the same but at the same time the words just couldn't leave her lips so easily. Alisha smiled back at her.
"It's okay... when you're ready you'll know. Besides your actions speak volumes and I'm not the type to just say those three words to anyone. I'll see you later," Alisha said as she gave Sharae one more kiss on her forehead then proceeded to leave; their hands slowly letting go of one another.
"Damn," Sharae said to herself as she watched Alisha walk away and didn't go back inside until she had disappeared around the corner. Sharae did love Alisha although she didn't want to admit it and hearing those words escape her lips really caught her by surprise but in a good way. Since she only had a couple of hours to spare until she had to be at her Godfather's shop, she decided to take a hot bath then take a nap; staying close by her phone just in case...
​"Nigga!" Jodi said as soon as Alisha came back from Sharae's crib. Her uncle was at work but would be back later on that afternoon to drive the both of them to John F. Kennedy Airport. Alisha could not help but smile as one of her hands covered her face when her best friend already knew what was up.
"Nigga!" Jodi repeated and adding dramatization with her movements as she followed Alisha to the guest room that the both of them shared. From the looks of it, Jodi was already packed and ready to go.
"Nigga I know you hear me talking to you! Ass been out all night! No phone call or nothing!" Jodi said.
"Shut up man!" Alisha said as she began to undress and remembered her cell phone being turned off and in her pocket. She took it out and plugged it up to her charger as she went into the bathroom they both shared and started the shower.
"You smell like sex! Straight fucking! So don't lie, I know you nigga!" Jodi said as she followed her best friend waiting on her to spill what happened and how her night went, because she planned on spilling all the tea about her and Trish. Alisha could not hold in her composure and started dying laughing as she began to undress.
"What youuuuuu been doing?!" Jodi asked emphasizing the 'you' in her question.
"Jo Jo..."
"Shut up nigga!" Alisha said as she was fully naked and got into the hot shower, feeling a sense of relief when the hot water hit her exhausted body.
"Aiight... I'm a shut up. For now, but I ain't going nowhere though..." Jodi said as she made herself comfortable on the toilet seat and sat there waiting on Alisha to spill it.
"Yo how was your night?" Alisha changed the subject.
"My night was dope, was with a bad ass female who was a freak with some bomb ass pussy. Can't get any better than that! How was yourrrrr night though?" Jodi asked.
"My night was amazing man... I love that girl," Alisha said.
"Whoa nigga, what?! Come again?"
"You heard me."
"Does she know that?"
"I'd be a fool not to let her know..."
"She love you?" Jodi asked taking the pressure from wanting to know about sex to how her best friend was feeling. It was pretty evident that she cared a lot about this girl but she had no idea that she loved her; this was different.
"She does."
"She tell you that?"
"She ain't have to."
"But you told her?"
"Damn," Jodi said.
"Hey, you know me man. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. When something's real, then it's real. There's no point in running away from a feeling that's gonna chase you the rest of your life. I ain't plan on saying it but I did and I meant every word," Alisha said as she continued to wash her body.
"Man I feel you. You inspire me to love... one day. Just won't be today, I haven't met my 'Rae' yet so until then I'm chilling and doing me."
"How you know you haven't met your 'Rae' yet?"
"Because the way you talk and how you interact with one another and your face... man, do you see yourself when she walks in the room? You be gone. I've never experienced that with a woman, no woman's ever made me feel like I love them; you know that," Jodi said.
"I know... when you fall that shit gon' be hard as hell! I just hope you ready for it and don't deny your blessing whenever the universe chooses to put her in your life," Alisha said as she was done rinsing off and turned the shower off.
"Can you pass me a towel?" she asked her best friend who obliged and Alisha stepped out to dry herself.
"You right... you've always been my voice of reason."
"I got you... so what you wanna do today?"
"Man we been ripping and running all week. I'm definitely coming back in the summer when we drive up here... already got a week approved for vacation. We can just chill today, I'm honestly pretty beat after the night I had and I'm sure you are too," Jodi said. Alisha was relieved that her best friend didn't want to do much of anything because she was pretty exhausted from the night she had with Sharae. She went to her phone and let her know that she was in the crib and about to take it down for a few.
"I feel you and I can't wait to come back either," she said.
"I bet you can't but Sha Sha."
"I'm happy for you man, for real. You and Rae got something motherfuckas see and automatically wanna try and sabotage. Long as you happy... that's all that matters," Jodi said as she gave her best friend a pound.
"Thanks man, now can I have some privacy?" Alisha asked and Jodi left the bathroom and shut the door behind her. Once Alisha got herself together and through on a pair of grey jogger pants and a black Nike tank top, she joined Jodi on the futon that was in the room and watched some television; talked and eventually both of them fell asleep on the opposite end of the futon.
​That evening as promised, Alisha was right back at Sharae's crib who just got back from the barbershop. She greeted Adam and Shelly as usual who told her to have a safe flight and not to be a stranger then Sharae was out in the front with her. James and Jodi were parked out front waiting patiently in the car for Alisha to say her goodbyes. All Sharae had on were a pair of sweat shorts, a white beater and her grey Puma Rihanna Fenty fur slides. Her hair was out and wild which was how she normally had it.
"Well..." Alisha said not wanting to state the obvious.
"Well..." Sharae said as she let out a long sigh.
"I'll be seeing you soon."
"I miss you already," Sharae said as she let out a breath of frustration and rolled her eyes.
"I miss you all the time..." Alisha said as she took both of Sharae's hands into hers and brought them up to her lips. Sharae opened her palms so she was able to hold Alisha's face in her hands.
"You're so perfect," she said to her.
"Far from it nor do I want to be," Alisha corrected her.
"Perfect for me... correction."
"I can live with that," Alisha agreed.
"Okay now get out of here before you two miss your flight," Sharae said.
"Aiight gimme kiss first," Alisha said as she pulled her girl close and gave her a long kiss. A kiss that said so much in only a few seconds that felt like hours.
"Go before I get all emotional," Sharae said as she forced herself to hold back tears that were beginning to swell up in her eyes. Alisha smiled as she stroked the side of her face.
"You ain't never gotta worry about controlling or condensing your emotions with me nor do you gotta put on a front. I'm not the type of woman who plays games or isn't emotionally available when you need me the most. If I ain't want your emotion, I would've never asked you to be my girl..." she said.
"Dually noted," Sharae said with a smile.
"Alright... I'll let you know when I get to JFK."
"Okay baby."
"I like that. Sounds good coming from your lips... aiight I'm a see you later."
"See you later," Sharae said as Alisha went down the steps to her uncle's truck and got in the passenger seat.
"See ya later Rae!" Jodi called from the back seat.
"See ya later Jo Jo," Sharae said as she waved. When Alisha's uncle began to pull off, she took one last glance at Sharae and positioned her lips in a kiss as she winked at her then they pulled off.
​As mentioned, Alisha wasted no time getting as much of her things as she could packed up with the help of Jodi to include Blu and crash at her two bedroom apartment away from Kori. Lucky for her, when she finally returned to Miami, Kori was not home and she had not returned any of her phone calls. However, that did not mean that this was the end of Kori, for she still had a few tricks up her sleeve unbeknownst to Alisha. Keeping her distance was the wisest decision and she still maintained consistent contact with Sharae. Between phone calls, texting and video chatting when both of their schedules allowed, neither one of them missed a beat to be able to get that time in with one another and have deep conversation with a pinch of small talk. It had been a couple of weeks since Alisha had been back to her reality of work, stacking her bread, taking care of what needed to be taken care of and hitting the gym five times a week with her trainer to keep her focused and grounded. She and Sharae hit the gym a lot around the same time of day just to relieve the sexual tension both of their bodies undeniably couldn't ignore. Alisha asked her uncle before she left New York for Adam's address and sent Sharae a jar full of Hershey's kisses with a note that read: "A kiss a day! The less kisses in the jar, the sooner you'll be back in my arms again! I love you, Sha." It was the sweetest and simplest thing that Sharae had ever received from anyone.
"Someone's birthday is in a few days," Sharae was talking to Alisha on Face Time while lying across her bed on her Mac. Alisha was doing the same while lying across the bed in Jodi's guest room.
"Turn up!"
"Ayye!" Sharae agreed while she started bouncing her shoulders up and down and Alisha did the same as the both of them started to laugh.
"So what are your plans for the big twenty eight?" Sharae asked. Alisha started to smile because she had some big plans and although it was her birthday Sharae had no clue what they were or the fact that Alisha had already spoke with Adam and Shelly about her plans.
"What's that big smile about?" Sharae wanted to know.
"You packed your stuff yet?" Alisha asked her. Sharae scrunched her face up looking confused.
"Packed my stuff? Where am I going?"
Alisha could not stop smiling.
"Babe!" Sharae said.
"Yes baby?"
"Fo'real where am I going like why should I pack and I have no clue of where I'm going or when?" Sharae asked.
"Aiight... so me, my best friend and a couple of other mutual friends of ours are leaving for Aspen early Friday morning. That's another place on my bucket list that I can now check off, so I hit your Godfather up earlier this week and..."
"Wait... how you get my Godfather number?" Sharae asked raising an eyebrow with a smirk on her face.
"I have my ways... I'm a doer aiight. When I want something done, I go for it and do it. We've been planning this trip since March and already have our flights and suites booked and all that."
"So I'm a need you to pack something warm cuz I hear its cold over there," Alisha said as Sharae's email alert went off on her iPhone that was charging on her nightstand. She reached over to grab it and saw that it was a forwarded email from Alisha's account, which had her flight information with the time and date for Friday morning leaving John F. Kennedy airport.
"You didn't..." Sharae said as she couldn't stop smiling.
"I want you to come with us. My birthday wouldn't be the same without you," Alisha said.
"No. You. Didn't. Adam!" Sharae called for her Godfather and Alisha started smiling again.
"Adam!" Sharae called again and this time he appeared looking concerned.
"What's wrong baby?"
"Why didn't you tell me that you spoke with Alisha this week and that you two been planning for me to be with her this weekend?!"
Adam began to smile.
"That's your girl, I figure she should be the one to tell you. Better start packing now!" Adam said as he left his Goddaughter's bedroom and went back to his wife who was anxiously waiting for some loving. Sharae looked at Alisha and squinted her eyes.
"Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky..." she said as she shook her head.
"So you coming or nah? You ain't got no choice now do you?!"
"Of course I'm coming but Sha this is... I'm honestly at a loss for words right now."
"I told you I got you and I meant that in every way, shape or form that a person can have another person."
"I'm just so excited that I'll be seeing you this weekend! How'd you know I ain't have any plans though?"
"I asked your Godfather... listen I try to be ten steps ahead of anything I pursue. Just trust me; you trust me?"
"I do."
"Well then you ain't gotta worry about nothing then."
"How you flying me out to Aspen and it's your birthday?!"
"Cuz it's my birthday and that's my gift to myself; you!"
"Shut up!"
"I'm being fo'real baby," Alisha said.
"Well, I must say I am not used to this."
"Well get used to it."
Sharae smiled.
"So where are we staying, I've never even been to Colorado before. I heard it's beautiful there," she said.
"Yeah me either and it definitely is. We'll be staying at the Residences at The Little Nell, it's pretty legit and they have a rooftop pool and hot tub so bring something you don't mind getting wet in," Alisha said as she winked at Sharae.
"Is that your way of telling me to bring a bikini?"
"Nah... I said bring something you don't mind getting wet in."
Sharae smiled and began to blush because she knew exactly what Alisha was hinting.
"Dually noted," she said.
"Are you afraid of heights?"
"Not at all, I'm a certified adrenaline junkie."
"Damn good to know cuz I am too... have you ever been skiing?"
"Nah, black people don't ski," Sharae said and Alisha started to laugh.
"Well that's yet to be proven so let's see if the myth is fact this weekend."
"It's a bet... baby?"
"Tell me something I don't know about you."
"Mmm... well growing up I used to fight a lot which landed me in juvi for some years and once I got out of there I turned my life around and made something of myself..."
"Oh wow... did you fight a lot because of losing your parents at such a young age?"
"I mean... that's the only reason that makes sense to me and niggas fucking with me cuz I was always quiet, shy and reserved and shit."
"When's the last time you had a fight?"
"In the ring or just in general?"
"You box?"
"Yeah I box... I have a trainer and everything. That's one of the main things that helps with my addiction aside from the obvious."
"So you box like for money and stuff or just in the gym?" Sharae asked getting worried. She had seen and heard so many horror stories pertaining to boxers in the ring and she also couldn't fathom anything happening to Alisha.
"Oh nah... Just to work out in the gym with another person of course and relieve some stress," Alisha reassured her.
"You must be a really good fighter because your face doesn't have a scratch, a blemish, not a thing on it... flawless and beautiful," Sharae.
"You're beautiful... nah I protect my face... but yea I was in juvi until I was eighteen of course, got my G.E.D. while I was in there. Went to anger management when I got out, enrolled in college and stayed focused while staying with one of my cousins. Then once I got my associates, I stayed on campus for both my B.A. and my M.A... took a little break and now I'm about to start my Ph.D. end of summer as you already know. But to answer your question the last fight I had was at the gym. I really don't scrap like how I used to unless I'm provoked," Alisha said. She was lying down on her back looking over at her Mac that was beside her on the bed with her locks out and spread across the pillow. Sharae thought back to Memorial Day when her ex-girlfriend stopped in uninvited and asked her to marry her in front of Alisha. Although she had never seen her in action, she felt and knew that if given the chance she would've most likely done some serious damage to Ayana. The type that would most likely leave her medically discharged from the Air Force.
"I think you're an amazing woman and I'm glad that you're in my life... I look forward to learning more about you and falling in love with you over and over again every day," Sharae said.
"I like how you're reading my mind right now."
"You didn't know I was psychic?!" Sharae teased.
"Nah, I forgot to read the fine print before asking you to be my girl..."
Sharae started laughing.
"Don't we all come with fine print?" she asked.
"Yeah but a lot of people make that shit impossible to read, you know... it's like they try so hard to put on a front and wasting time pretending to be something that they're not."
"I call that fraud!"
"And I agree... no fraud zone."
"No fraud zone," Sharae said and they both touched their screens at the same time with their fingertips, which was their way of making an official agreement between the both of regardless of the long distance.
"I do have a confession though," Alisha said.
"It's not bad I swear!"
"What is it?"
"I've never done anything like this before... like the getting to know a person before being physical and this is the first time I've ever done long distance. Granted it's only temporary, and we both know that but this is all new to me," Alisha said.
"Yes... I mean seriously, you meet someone, you like them, you smash and you may or may not claim them but you might still smash though am I right?"
"It sounds horrible hearing you say that but it's so true!"
"That's what I mean and then the distance thing... shit... Not in a million years, but when it's the right person..." Alisha said as she turned her face toward her Mac screen again so that she was now looking over at Sharae.
"When it's the right person whether distance is involved or not, anything is possible," she said.
"You're right... It's not hard though. I don't understand how some people make shit so complicated when it's not."
"Everyone's different in that way..."
"In that way they don't wanna put in the work to make shit work then wonder why shit don't work!"
"Have you been reading my journal entries?" Sharae asked Alisha.
"Nah babe... I just be thinking about a lot of shit sometimes. Observing how others react or feel about certain situations then get mad at the shit they caused!"
"I can definitely relate..."
"So listen to me..."
"I'm listening," Sharae said as Alisha propped herself on her elbow and was now sitting up versus lying on her back.
"All this worldly shit that's going on and people with their negativity ain't got anything to do with us! I want you to promise me tonight that if you ever feel a type of way about what I do, what I say or how I say it; you tell me. When you feel like you can't talk to anyone in this world, at the end of the day, I want you to be able to talk to me whenever; at any time. I don't care of its two, three in the morning and you got something that's heavy on your spirit and you just can't seem to go to sleep; you pick up your phone and call me. I don't want to leave room for any miscommunications between us but if it shall happen... I want us to be able to still talk to one another and come to a resolution even if we agree to disagree. That's fine with me... I don't do good with the silent treatment. I think it's petty and childish and I don't do days, or weeks without talking to my girl and not knowing what's going on with her, you feel me; can you do that for me?"
"Just like you say you got me... I got you and I can absolutely do that for you but..."
"You gotta promise the same for me as well."
"Easy," Alisha said. She and Sharae continued to talk for a few hours until they both became too sleepy to even speak another word. Tomorrow was another day and Sharae still could not believe that she would be leaving for Aspen in three days and be reunited with Alisha. This girl was definitely not only saying the right things but doing them as well, which was something that Sharae wasn't used to.

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