Are We A Team Or Aren't We?

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Peter and Gamora boarded the ship and Ashen let out a bark of joy. Peter just passed her and it looked like he had a lot on his mind. She just shrugged and looked to Gamora. She too looked like she was thinking about something.

Ashen stopped trying to speak with them and lumbered back to Grenade. He wiggled his haunches before he leaped onto her shoulders and Ashen padded forward. The group made their way to a circle and brought up things to sit on so that they could speak to each other. Ashen knew that this probably wouldn't go well but she couldn't do anything about it now.

She sat on a box beside Rocket and curled her tail around her haunches. Grenade leaped from beside her onto Rocket's boxes that were placed higher up so that he could be eye level with everyone. Rocket didn't seem to mind sharing his space with Grenade but even so Grenade scooted to the far side and looked away from the raccoon.

Drax sat across from then and so did Groot, Peter, and Gamora. At first no one spoke and that made Ashen feel a bit uncomfortable. She though about wanting to say something to break the silence but she had done that before she then she had just embarrassed herself. She just sighed heavily and hoped that would break the silence but it didn't.

Grenade tapped his claws but someone was going to have to speak. Ashen looked up to Groot and tapped him a bit. He looked to her and then to Peter.

"I am Groot."

Peter just curled his lip a bit. "I am Groot. Yes, figures you would say that."

Now that someone had spoken Ashen didn't feel so bad speaking herself. "So what happened on Yondu's ship? I mean you're both still alive, right?"

Peter smirked at her. "Yeah, no thanks to you."

The fur on Ashen's shoulders bristled. "Umm, excuse me!"

"We have everything good with Yondu it's here that was the problem," he replied as he crossed his arms and looked at Rocket.

"What," Rocket argued. "We saved you!"

"Blowing up the ship I was on wasn't saving me," argued Peter as he narrowed his eyes at Rocket. "Five seconds, really?!"

"Well we didn't have time to work out the details of the plan," pointed out Rocket.

"We were limited on time," cut in Grenade as his own fur fluffed out a bit.

"I am Groot," Groot murmured as he looked to Rocket.

Rocket gave a nod. "I know he is ungrateful."

Peter then sighed heavily. "Look I told Yondu we would help destroy Ronan but he's waiting to hear out great plan."

"So your plan is to attack the ones that just beat us senseless," asked Rocket in anger.

"Do you have a better idea," muttered Peter.

"What percentage of a plan do you have," inquired Drax, speaking up for the first time since Peter and Gamora boarded the ship.

Gamora turned on him, waving a figure. "You don't get to speak after the nonsense you pulled on Nowhere."

"I just helped save Quill," Drax pointed out.

Peter rubbed his temples. "We just established that blowing up the ship I was on is not saving me."

"When did we establish that," wondered Drax in confusion.

Anger burned in Peter's voice. "Like two seconds ago!"

Drax leaned back. "I wasn't listening I was thinking about something else."

Rocket sighed before he looked to Peter. "What percentage of a plan do you have?"

Peter shuffled his feet. "I don't know, twelve percent."

"Twelve percent," echoed Rocket before he broke into hysterical laughter.

"That's a fake laugh," muttered Peter as he crossed his arms and frowned.

"It's real," argued Rocket at he stopped his laughter and narrowed his eyes at Peter. "That's the most real, authentic laugh of my entire existence because that is not a plan."

"I am Groot." Groot shrugged and looked over to Rocket.

"So what if it's better than twelve percent," scoffed Rocket as he bared hi teeth a bit. "What the heck does that have to do with anything."

"Thank you Groot." Peter leaned down a bit and patted his hand against Groot's shoulder. "Groot's the only one of you who has a clue." Groot then turned and began nibbling on a leaf that was growing on his shoulder. Peter sighed and shook his head gravely.

Ashen grumbled and lashed her tail. "Yep we're a great team," she mumbled, half to herself.

"Look guys," began Peter as he turned back around and scorched them all with his gaze. "Do you know what I see when I look around? Losers."

Grenade plastered his ears against his head while Ashen worked her claws against the ground. Drax gave Peter a strange look while Rocket frowned and twitched his ears.

"I mean like people who have lost stuff," Peter corrected himself quickly. "And we have, man, all of us." Peter didn't need to say anymore but he did. "Our homes, our families, normal lives." He frowned and bit his lip. "Usually life takes more than it gives but not today. Life is giving us a chance."

"To do what," pipped up Drax as he looked up.

Ashen knew what Peter was going to say so she cut in. "To care," she barked before she gave a curt not to Peter. "To change our fate. To make difference."

"And how do you expect to do that," asked Grenade as he looked at his friend and blinked his eyes a few times. "In case you haven't noticed we're not exactly heroes."

Peter sighed and threw his hands up, a gesture he had been doing a lot of lately. "Yeah I guess you're right."

Ashen plastered her ears against her head. That wasn't exactly confidence and she wished she had never gotten involved in this mess in the first place.

"You're asking us to die," Rocket finally broke in heavily.

Peter shuffled his feet. "Yeah I'm guess I am."

Suddenly Gamora stood up and looked to Peter. "I've spend my whole life surrounded by my enemies. I'd be honored to die alongside friends." She smiled to him and Peter smiled back.

Drax then stood and looked to them. "I will fight to the death and then see my wife and daughter again."

Groot was the next to stand. Of course he only could say, "I am Groot." But he spoke it powerfully and it made everyone know what he meant. He was in.

That only left Rocket, Grenade, and Ashen. Grenade to look to Ashen since he would only be in if she was in. They were a team and a team only worked together.

Ashen heaved herself to her paws and let her wings rest loosely against her sides. "I've never had friends different from me, who hadn't been tortured by Terrans. However I'm willing to extend a bit of trust to you if you're willing to do the same to me."

She got some strange glances so she decided she'd go a bit more in depth with what she wanted. "I need to be treated as an equal, not an animal," she explained as she swayed her tail back and forth in nervousness. If they refused well she wouldn't exactly know what to say. "I will fight beside you." She dipped her head and smiled. "If I would die then I would see my mother, my brother, and perhaps my father again."

Grenade purred before he stood and touched his tail to her shoulder. "I'm in." He threw his head to Ashen. "I made a promise to her brother, Somber, when he died. I told him that I'd watch over his sister when he was gone. I'm not about to break that promise now."

Ashen rumbled thankfully and then pushed her nose into Grenade's shoulder. She never knew that Grenade had made that promise to Somber.

All eyes then turned to Rocket since he was the only one not speaking. He then sat backwards and kicked his legs a bit. "Well I don't have that long a lifespan anyway." He then stood and lashed his tail. "Well now I'm standing, happy?"

Now that everyone was on board it was time for the plan. Peter leaned forward and smiled. "So here's what I'm thinking......"

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