Going Down

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Ashen was surprised when Grenade bolted up to her side a few heartbeats later. He looked almost as worse for wear as much as Ashen did but at least he was still walking. "Are you ready," he asked before Ashen grasped Grenade's gun in her mouth and slung it over her shoulder.

"I suppose," she muttered as she took a step forward. She nearly fell but Grenade was there and managed to catch her. She grunted before she hung herself upward and lumbered forward, her eyes narrowed to slits.

"Just keep focused on each step," suggested Grenade as the rest of them surged after Ronan. Grenade saw the terror leap into Ashen's eyes. The fear of being left behind. "It's alright. They're not leaving without us."

"They better not," fumed Ashen as blood dripped from her jaws. "Or I'll rip their skin from their body!"

"Pretty strong sounding coming from a wolf who can barely walk," muttered Grenade in amusement as he watched as Ashen struggled to lumber forward.

"Oh shut your muzzle," she snapped as she wrinkled her muzzle a bit. Her breath began to sound rattly and raspy in her chest from all of the activity but it didn't seem to faze Ashen. She managed to pick up the pace a bit and every time Ashen staggered Grenade was right there to nudge her back on track. She'd dip her head respectfully to Grenade and he smiled back.

They made it into a long hallway and it reminded Ashen just how much further she had to go. Grenade was encouraging though. He kept at her sluggish pace and when she wanted to stop he'd weave behind her legs and urge her forward. A few times he suggested flying but she didn't think her wings would be able to take her very far. They were saturated in Kree blood as well as her own and when they were wet like that it made flying nearly impossible.

"Are you coming," called Drax and Grenade rolled his eyes. Couldn't he tell that Ashen was injured?

"We're hurrying," Ashen howled back in the cheeriest voice she could muster. It still sounded weak and hollow to Grenade but Drax seemed to believe it and turn around.

"We can make it," breathed Ashen to herself and Grenade enjoyed that she was trying to keep her spirits up.

"Yes that's right," purred Grenade as he lumbered beside Ashen, now walking on four legs to make her feel better. "You're doing great and we don't have a lot longer left."

"Don't baby me," she growled to him as her ears plastered against her head. "I'm not an invalid!"

Grenade just lashed his tail against her haunch and she snarled at him, snapping her jaws dangerously close to Grenade's neck. "I'd say you are an invalid," he meowed matter-of-factually before he leaped just ahead of Ashen so that she couldn't get to him.

Ashen swore under her breath before she realized that the group was only about a pace away. They were taking down Krees left and right and she wished that could be her. She swallowed her jealousy and focused on making it to the door. When she did she realized it wasn't open. She whimpered and pawed at it.

"Shouldn't it be open," broke in Grenade as he pushed against it but of course it wasn't going to open.

Peter gave a nod. "Gamora hasn't open the door yet!"

"Yeah no kidding," grunted Ashen as she pushed her full weight against it. It was cold and it seemed to relax her muscles. Secretly she didn't want it to open since it was soothing her so much.

The door then did open and the team bolted through. Gamora had shot some Krees and was now standing close to them. They took down a few stray Krees protecting him before Peter took the shot. It hit the exact target and smoke wheeled from the spot.

Ashen and Grenade cheered while Drax looked the happiest Ashen had ever seen him. "You did it," he told his companion with eyes lighting in gratitude.

Peter was about to say something when Ronan's hand shot up. Ashen gasped and despite herself she darted behind Groot, terrified he'd come after her for revenge after the battle they had had on Knowhere. Groot seemed to understand this and stood protectively in front of her with his branches bared if that's possible.

When Ronan finally stood it was Drax who darted toward him. He roared in hatred and sprang for him. Ashen squeezed her eyes tightly since she didn't want to see it but she could already tell what had happened. Ronan had grasped Drax's throat and was beginning to choke him. It would be a slow and painful death and that wasn't what Drax deserved.

Before Ashen or anyone could more to help a massive ship surged into the bridge through the window. Ashen was thrown out of the way by Groot and Grenade leaped after her. He landed in the center of her back and she quickly turned and thrust him under her. She spread her wings as best she as a shield for both her and Grenade.

After what seemed like a lifetime she lifted her head painfully and sniffed the air. It was smoky and hazy everywhere. Sparks leapt dangerously toward her but they never made contacts. Once she was sure it was totally safe she dragged herself off of Grenade. His breathing was shallow and he coughed painfully. Ashen hoped she hadn't suffocated him but she was pretty sure it was from the smoke. Grenade had been in a fire when he was younger and he had told Ashen how much smoke irritated him.

She grasped his scruff gingerly in her mouth and limped over. She felt as if every time she moved her bones were shifting painfully under her but she had no proof. She just sunk her teeth deeper into Grenade's scruff and that alleviated some of her pain.

When she got closer Gamora came and pulled her into what seemed to be a secure and safe tree ball made by Groot. She clambered in and set Grenade at her chest. She began to groom his fur and tried to get him to wake up. She noticed that Peter was holding Rocket and she let out a whimper.

Rocket stirred a bit and looked at her. Concern shown in his eyes for her but she shook her head. Peter then set him down and Rocket rushed to Groot. He placed his hand on the large Tree's chest.

"Groot no," he begged as his voice broke a bit. "You'll die. Why are you doing this?!"

Ashen heart ached a bit for Rocket as she saw him like that with his friend. Ashen and Grenade were the exact same way.

Groot took one of his small twigs and brushed away a tear that was falling down Rocket's face. "We are Groot."

Ashen perked at this new word but knew that he wouldn't live to say anymore. She knew that it was only a matter of time before the ship crashed and no one knew what would happen then.

Ashen closed her eyes tightly and held her breath as she pushed her head into Grenade's body as he stirred a bit. After that everything went black.

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