Injuries Are Fatal but Death Is Forever

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The Malano surged into the Dark Asher and Ashen was a bit surprised at smoothly the entry was. She spoke too soon for anything else though. They crashed into the side of the walls and she thought the ship was going to implode and leave her body limp and lifeless.

Beside her though Drax had thrown his arms up and was cheering as if he was on a ride. He was laughing like and insane maniac and is Ashen could she would have like to scoot closer to Grenade. Drax was beginning to frighten her.

"Freak," muttered Grenade under his breath as he snuck a look at Drax before recoiling a bit and sighing heavily.

The ship suddenly came to a screeching halt and Drax hooted and cheered madly. Gamora leaned over to Peter with excited eyes. "We're just like Kevin Bacon!"

Ashen hadn't known where she had heard that from but she just shrugged it off. She lowered her head and sunk her teeth into her seatbelt. It released her obediently and when she peered over at Grenade she saw that he had already undone his seatbelt and was climbing down. Her braced his shoulders back in pride and Ashen tried doing the same but it made her look foolish.

"Ready," asked Peter to them.

Ashen gave a curt nod before she padded forward with Grenade at her flank. They stepped out onto the tough ground and Ashen narrowed her eyes. She could see very well in the dark and so could Grenade. However she could tell that her team was having problems.

"It's so dark," Peter murmured as he blinked his eyes, pleading for them to adjust.

"You get used to it," called Grenade over his shoulder as his fur spiked. "It just takes a while."

"We don't have a while feline," corrected Drax and Grenade just rolled his eyes in the darkness.

Suddenly Ashen saw light out of the corner of her eye. She swiveled her head around and saw small brightly colored objects coming from the tree. They began to dance around the sky and she gasped in awe. It was so beautiful and she longed to just stare at them forever.

"How did he do that," asked Gamora as she looked around in awe as well.

"I believe the answer is I Am Groot," answered Peter for Groot as they all continued forward now guided by Groot's magical light.

Ashen longed to leap on one and pin it down but she knew how pup-like that was and didn't want to embarrass herself. She could tell Grenade was thinking the same thing when an object danced in front of his face. He saw his whiskers twitch a bit as if he was studying where it might land and burn out. However he kept his composure and forced himself forward. They could both play later when they made it out, if they made it out.

They continued for a while before Drax decided he was going to speak. "Thank you all for being my friends despite my blunders," he began and Ashen hoped this wouldn't turn sappy. "Peter Quill you are my friend." Peter smiled a bit before Drax looked to Groot. "This dumb tree is my friend." Groot tipped his head a bit, not bothered by what Drax had said about him.

Ashen felt his powerful eyes on him and she knew that he was probably going to say something about her that she didn't like. "That courageous canine with an exception kin watching over my family is my friend."

Ashen let a growl roll in the back of her throat before she turned to look at Drax. "Do you even know my name," she asked with a slight hum to her words.

Drax shook his head. "Why do I need to name a name when I now spirit?"

"Because I don't like being called canine and I'm sure Grenade doesn't like being called feline," she answered stubbornly. "My name is Ashen. Ash-en. Just look at my pelt. That's how I got this name."

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