Part 5

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An: I apologize in advance for the romantic cliches. 

Ace was right. Shopping does make me feel better. He walked with me into the store. I got excited immediately. "Let's go there!"I squealed and pulled him along to some store. We split up while inside and I started browsing my options. My eyes lit up when I saw  an adorable pair of black skinny jeans. I reached for it and my hand touched someone else's hand. "Ah. Sorry." I apologized and looked up to see the most pretty girl I've ever seen in my entire life. I blushed immediately. She had black hair and one side was shaven . The shaved side was dyed rainbow. She was wearing an open flannel that had sweatshirt sleeves and a pentagram on the breast pocket  with a graphic tee underneath that said 'Love Is Love'. She wore shorts and was holding a Starbucks in her right hand. She had a rainbow beanie on her head. Do you believe in love at first sight? DAM* GIRL! I THINK I'M IN LOVE! I looked her up and down. Yasss sexy mamma. "I'm sorry." She said sweetly. Her voice sounded softer than I expected, like she's shy. I looked at her eyes. She had one brown eye and one blue eye. Woah. It's so pretty. Heterocromia? "It's alright." I stated. "Hey? Have you been crying?" She asked, grippig her other arm with her hand, as if she was nervous to be talking to me. "Yes." I replied. "Do you maybe wanna go get some lunch with me later today and talk about it?" She asked, shifting her feet, uncomfortablely. She looked down at the ground. I smiled at the shy girl in front me. I put a finger underneath her chin and made her look at me. "Like a date?" I asked her, closing my eyes and smiling, "I-I guess." She stuttered. How cute. I chuckled. "Give me your phone~." I demanded, holding out my hand  with my other arm behind my back. She handed me her phone and pulled her sleeve to her mouth, biting it. Awe. What a cute anxious habit. I typed in my phone number. "The names Willow." I said giving her back her phone that was of course, rainbow. "Lisa." She said, pulling her sleeve out of her mouth. I noticed that both her sleeves were a little wet. She must do that a lot. "Let's meet in the food court in the mall. How about at 1?" I asked her, ruffling her hair. She wasn't that short but, she was about shoulder height. She pulled her black hair hair behind her ear and blushed. The blush really stood out on her pale skin. She nodded and looked down at the pair of jeans. She shrugged and walked across the mall into Hot Topic. Of course. I followed her like any stalker would. I ran to catch up with her. "Wait." I said and put my hands on my knees, huffing and puffing. She's faster than she looks. "What?" She asked, annoyed. "Lisa. I'm coming with you on your shopping journey." I declared. She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms and walked across the store. Some loud rock was playing throughout the store. Of course. It was Hot Topic after all. I followed her, my hands behind my back. She looked a pentagram ring that stood out to her. "Paganism?" I asked her. Lisa jumped but then relaxed when she saw it was just me. "Finally! Someone who thinks it's not Satanism. Gosh it's such a pain to explain to them." She said, smiling up at me. My heart skipped a beat. I put my hand on her head. She narrowed her eyes at me. So pretty. "So cute~" I squealed. She swatted my hand away and went to look for more clothes. "Ooh! They have some cute clothes here." I said as I looked around. She ignored me. I eyed the bras. "Hey Lisa~" I said, a smirk spreading across my lips. "No. No. No. Whatever you're going to suggest, forget it!" She said, as if she already knew what I would say. "Fricking pervert." She muttered as she walked around. She looked up and eyed a black tank top with bullets forming the shape of a heart. "I want." She muttered, reaching up to grab it. "Ugh!" She groaned as she couldn't quite reach it. She looked around for a chair. "Nope. Bad idea. Let me help you." I said and rested a hand on her shoulder while reaching up for the shirt. "Size?" I asked. "Small." She replied, looking at the floor, embarrassed. "Shorty." I commented and handed her the shirt. "S-Shut up." Lisa said. I laughed as she punched me in the arm. I glanced at the watch on my wrist. "Would you look at the time." I stated and grabbed her by the hand pulling her along with me. "W-Where are we going?" She stuttered. "Our date~." I sang and danced along the mall until we reached the food court. She looked around and excitedly pointed to the pizza stand. "I want~!" She squealed like a little kid. I laughed. How cute. We walked up to it and order 2 slices of pizza. We ate together while talking about our lives. I'm a lot more energetic than her. At one point she grabbed me by my wrist. "Now can you explain to me why you were crying?" She asked, looking up at me with puppy dog eyes. I nodded and swallowed. "My mom... died." I said, brushing my hand through my hair. I swear to god if I cry. MMMM SOMETHINGS GONNA HAPPEN. "Oh.. I'm sorry for your loss," she said and tightened her grip on my wrist. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked me, softly. I nodded. I felt a sob rising up in my throat already. NOT YET. I spilled my feelings out to her. This stranger I've met an hour ago. I managed to restrain myself from crying. I chuckled. "I'm sorry for that sob story." I said, averting my gaze. "It's fine." She smiled and pulled me across the table in a hug. "You can always talk to me." She whispered and looked at the clock. She pouted. "I should get going." She said and got up. Lisa waved by and walked away.

"Normal"Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon