Part 10

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A.N: I'm planning on bringing this story to a quick end. I'm bored of it and frankly.. it isn't very good. I plan to make another LGBT story. It's gunna be gay 🌈  Srry If this chapter seems sloppy and seems rushed. I'm just rushin' to get this thing finished.

I sat down in my math class, bored at ever. I woke up in a bad mood today.  The teacher was talking at the front but to me it just sounded like the teachers from the Peanuts. Suddenly there was a knocking at the door to the classroom. I immediately looked towards the door. A girl entered the room. She wore her mint green hair in a curly pixie cut. She had a septum nose piercing. I noticed that her ears looked like they used to have ear piercings. It looked like it had been torn out of her ear. I sincerely hope that I'm wrong about that observation. She wore a striped crop top and some black shorts. If I'm going to be honest, she looked awesome. I want to be her friend. The teacher looked at her and spoke actual words. "Hello. You must be the new student. Come up here and introduce yourself." The girl smiled and I noticed that her walk and posture was full of confidence. She walked up to the front of the classroom. "Hey. I'm Samantha. You can call me Sam. I'm also non-binary but I still prefer the pronouns she/her," she explained, smiling brightly at the class. Samantha walked down the aisles of the seats  until she found an empty seat. Coincidently, that seat was next to me. I stared at her as she walked down the aisle. "Hey cutie," she greeted me as she sat down in her chair. 'Very forward. Aren't cha'.' I thought.  I felt a light blush creep to my cheeks. "Hey. Non-binary huh?" I stated, crossing my arms and raising one eyebrow. She nodded and leaned back in her chair. "Lesbian huh?" She retorted, smirking at me. "Indeed," I replied, smiling softly. Is it that obvious? I tried to hide my worry. "Girlfriend?" Sam asked. Mmm. I wish. I placed a finger to my lips. "Not yet," I responded, winking. "Oooh. You got your eye on someone~." She stated. "Something like that."

Samantha walked with me to lunch. We were talking while we walked. I heard a sly, "Who's your friend?" whispered into my ear. I looked up to see Nick staring at Sam like a cat stalking its prey. "Samantha. You can call her Sam. Non-binary b*tch here. Prefers she/her." I replied, chuckling. "Nailed it!" Sam exclaimed, giving me a thumbs up. Nick leaned closer. "I'm Nick. Wassup, hotshot?" He said, smirking in his feline way. Sam stood on her tippy toes and peered at Nick's shiny, white teeth. He stepped back, startled. "What?" He asked, a little uncomfortable by her odd gesture. "That's a nice pair of canines, ya got there~." She commented, smiling with eyes shut. Nick rubbed the back of his head. "Uhh... thanks?" He said in a questioning manner. "Your welcome~." She sang. They talked back and forth with each other. I feel like a third wheel. "Uh.. err. I'm going to eat now..." I said, uncomfortably. They turned to me and looked as if they forgot I was there. "See ya!" Nick exclaimed, waving. "Later, cutie," Samantha stated and winked at me. Nick looked offended. "She's taken," Nick said in annoyance. "Obviously. How could a cute girl like her not have a s.o." Sam stated, smiling. "Not yet," I said, smiling shyly. I shifted on my feet and walked away. Lisa ran up to me and intertwined her fingers with mine. "Hey, girl~." I said, kissing her on the cheek. Lisa blushed. "Hello~." She replied, smiling at me. "Fag!" Someone screamed as they walked past us. 'Oh hell naw.' I thought to myself as I approached them. "Why do you f**king think it is appropriate to yell slurs at people just because they're different from you?" I asked. 'I am not dealing with this sh*t today.' Lisa looked startled. I don't stand up for myself very often. But, today I'm tired of the homophobia in this goddamn school. Lisa is good at ignoring them but for me it's practically impossible. The person who called us fag also looked startled. "Uh. It's disgusting," he replied, looking uncomfortable by the encounter. I held up my middle finger. "I get more pussy then you'll ever get." I said and looked down at Lisa. I pulled her away while blushing. I was quite a bit embarrassed. But, now I had an idea.  "Hey Lisa?" I said after we had our escape.  She still looked startled by my sudden show of aggression. "Uh... Yes?" She replied, shifting on her feet. "Could you... perhaps... be my girlfriend?" I asked, holding both of her hands and looking down at her with a pleading expression. "O-Of course..," Lisa replied, smiling happily. She seemingly forgot about my aggressive behavior. My plan worked!~ Truth is, Lisa looked quite scared of my aggression, my guess is that she hates fights. So, my plan was to ask her out with would definitely make up for my abnormal behavior. I know it's sh*tty of me to do. I guess I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.

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