Part 8

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I walked to the cafeteria and stood in the line. I got some lunch and made my way towards the table Ace and the others were sitting at. I walked, absentmindedly. Holly stuck her leg out in front of me and I tripped, spilling my food all over myself and the ground. I groaned angrily. "Holly!" I screamed, shaking my hands. "This school is a goddam* nightmare!" I said, picking up the food and tossing it into the trash. Lisa rushed over to me and protectively put her hand on my shoulder. Seems like people have been doing that a lot lately. She helped me up and walked with me to the bathroom. I looked over my shoulder and saw Nick cracking his knuckles, a look of pure hatred embedded on his face. Holly looked up at him, quivering with fear. "H-Hey hottie." She said quietly. "Hello." He said coldly, tilting his head. I opened the door to the bathroom and was followed by Lisa. I turned on the sink and splashed water on my face. "I don't know how I'm going to survive this school year, Lisa." I said, rubbing my eyes with my hands. She sighed. "You'll make it," she stated. "No. Lisa, you don't understand." I replied, covering my face with my hands. "I-I can't.," my voice cracked. I felt Lisa hug me from behind. "Shh.. It'll be alright," Lisa whispered. I chuckled and turned around so I was facing her. I kissed her forehead. She squeezed me. "It'll be okay." She whispered, playing with a strand of my hair. "Let's go back now, okay?" She said, breaking away from me. "Okay." I replied quietly. She gripped my hand and walked out the door. I flinched. "What if people see us?" I whispered. "Don't be ashamed of who you are, Willow. Like my grandma always said, 'You have to love yourself before you love someone else.'" She replied, smiling at me. "So work on it for me, okay?" She added, squeezing my hand.  "Okay." I replied, smiling. How cute. Lisa walked into the cafeteria with me and gripped my hand tightly. "Come on, sweetheart." Lisa spat, venom tainting her words. Scary. The venom seemed directed at the people staring. Holly chuckled. "Fag." She said, forgetting Nick was next to her. Nick glared daggers At her. "I-I mean what a cute couple..?" Holly said, shrinking down. I smiled. I was enjoying this. Lisa pranced over to our table. "Hello~" She said, honey coating her voice. Ace waved. He pulled Nick down. "Sit, kitty." He commanded, chuckling. Nick laughed and punched Ace lightly on the shoulder. I rested my hand on top of Lisa's and she blushed. "Queer." I heard someone whisper behind us. "Fag." Another whispered. "Gross." "Disgusting." "...Going to hell."  I looked over my shoulder at the people staring. Nick flashed a toothy smile. "Hell is gunna be lit if we are there~." He declared, leaning back in his chair. We laughed and I heard a couple other people chuckle too. I pulled his ear. "Cheesy~." I sang. "Gross." "Lame." "Fag." "Die." I heard a couple comments from people. Nick glared daggers at the people whispering. "Why are y'all so obsessed with us." He spat. I reached up and pat his head. "Shh. Just ignore them, kitty cat." I said, reassuringly. He smiled his usual toothy grin. "Kitty cat? Is this a new nickname for me now?" He asked, jokingly and crossed his arms. The people who were staring, all returned to chatting amongst themselves. Ace smiled like the dork he is.  I nodded, enthusiastically. "Yes~." I said, petting Nick's head. The blue eyed boy smiled and purred like a cat. I laughed in amusement. "Good kitty~." I said, smiling down at the catlike boy. "Mmm. Yes I am a good kitty cat~." He purred in response. Lisa and  Ace observed with amusement. "Hey~. You guys should come to my house after school!" I exclaimed, sitting back down. I smiled brightly with a lot of enthusiasm. "Is she always this hyper?" I heard Nick whisper to Ace. "No..." he replied, quietly. "Why's she so hyper today?" Nick asked. "Hell if I know." The pink haired boy replied while shrugging. "I'm just happy today~." I said, smiling. "And why is that?" Nick inquired. "I haven't been friends with many people lately," I replied. Lisa and Nick looked at me in confusion. "But... you seem very sociable," Lisa said slowly. I nodded. "And... many people know you.," Nick added. I nodded again. "Yeah. I used to be considered 'popular'," I said, using air quotes around the word "popular". "Used to?" Nick pushed. I nodded. "Yeah. I met Ace and he seemed to be the only one that understood me, so I just stopped hanging out with all my 'friends'" I replied, chuckling. The black haired boy looked at me in pity. "Awe. Don't worry about me. I'm fine~." I said, softly. Nick raised an eyebrow at me. His blue eyes pierced my soul as he asked the question, "Are you really, though?"

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