Chapter 5

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When Saguru's mom came home from work a few hours later, she could feel something was wrong in the house before going to check on her beloved son to find him not in the room.

"Huh. Where could he be? His belongings are still here," she mused before calling one of the maid as she went to the kitchen. "Have you seen Saguru, Michelle?"

"No, madam. When I was calling him for lunch time he hasn't answered. So I thought he was sleeping, I left."

"I see. Thank you," she said before calling for another maid. "Jane, have you seen Saguru?"

The lady perked up curiously. "Young Master hadn't left his bedroom still? He's been in there since he came back from school."

That was when her heart started to beat rapidly before she ran towards his room again and to the bathroom. She banged the door desperately but the door was locked. "Saguru! Baby! Honey, please open the door!"

The maids called their bodyguards to help her open the door by ramming themselves into it and the door finally smashed open.

And the sight it held wasn't exactly pretty.

The women screamed at the horrific sight, the smell of copper filled their nose.

On the floor, in his own pool of blood, was Saguru. The bloody blade was scattered on the floor. The pill bottle was on the floor near the blade as well. Some of the pills were spilled out but they all knew Saguru had swallowed more than half of it.

One of the bodyguard, James, checked for a pulse and sighed when he found it even though barely there.

They immediately called the ambulance and while waiting, the blonde male's mother saw a blood written message on the mirror but she couldn't read it since it was in kanji.

She snapped the picture and sent it to her husband. The moment he saw the picture, he immediately called her to ask what happened.

She was sobbing as she explained the things she knew. "I thought he was getting better, honey! He smiles and talks and laughs! I really thought he was getting better! Not burying himself deeper into depression!"

Her husband sighed and said that he'll be coming to England to check on him.

"What was the message about, dear? What did Saguru write?" she asked with sadness laced in her voice as she mounted the ambulance as they drove hurriedly all the way to the nearest hospital to get the pills pumped out.

"It says, 'I will always love you, Kuroba Kaito. I hope you're happy now.'" he said over the phone. "I'll take a flight to England tomorrow. I'm going to start packing. Stay safe, darling."

"You too," she croaked out as she grabbed on her pale son's hand tightly in hers, praying to every God that could hear her to save her son's life.

*                   *                   *

Saguru's father sighed as he stared at the wall blankly thinking about his son's wellbeing with worry.

Kuroba Kaito. That name sounded so familiar. Ah yes, he thought. Saguru's magician classmate.

He called for Saguru's baaya and told her what happened to her little grandson. She stared at him in shock before crying at the shocking news.

He called his office to tell them all that he's taking a week leave because of family matters. They agreed and wished him safe before he ended the call.

He started to call Nakamori Ginzou to ask him if he knows a name of Kuroba Kaito since he vaguely remembers Saguru mentioning that he was friends with him and Nakamori Aoko.


"Ah, Nakamori-san. This is Superintendent Hakuba speaking. Can I come to your house to speak of an important matter?" he said straight to business.

"Ah, yes. Yes. Of course. Sure."

"I'm on my way now."

The high rank man ended the call and drive his way to Nakamori's house with a grim expression.

The two Nakamoris greeted him along with a boy with wild hair who looked at him with curiosity.

"So what brings you here, Hakuba-san?" Ginzou asked at the dining table.

"My son suicide."

The three others stared at him in pure shock. "What?!" Ginzou bellowed in disbelief.

"Saguru-kun killed himself?" Aoko's voice cracked as she cried softly for her dear friend. The boy only looked pained and frozen. "Why?" she asked.

"From what I gathered from my wife and his baaya, he got rejected by his soulmate by the name of Kuroba Kaito," he said.

The two Nakamoris stared at the wild haired boy in shocked.

Aoko looked so crushed and betrayed. "K-Kaito.. w-why.." she shook her head as she staggered backwards. "Why would you do that to him?!"

"O-Oh god.." she looked like she was about to vomit her dinner. "I kept sending him pictures of us on a date," she said weakly.

Kaito stared at his feet, completely zoned out. Aoko kept hitting him as she cried out.

"Saguru is in the hospital right now," the chief said.

"I'm not sure why you rejected your own soul bond since soulmates are so rare to find nowadays but I hope you fix this, Kuroba-kun. I don't want to lose my only son just because you pushed your soulmate away for whatever pathetic reason you have right now."

Kaito hid his face away under his bangs before he rasped out weakly, "I don't want him to date a criminal. Besides, I like Aoko."

Ginzou looked at him with confusion. "What do you mean by 'date a criminal'?"

Saguru's father stared at Kaito as he wrapped his arms around himself. "I'm Kaitou KID," he said and Aoko looked even more disgusted than she was before.

Ginzou sat down in shock.

The light brown haired man stood up slowly. "I don't care whatever reason you became Kaitou KID for but you need to fix this."

"I'll come with you to England. I'll.. I'll make it right as best as I could."

Saguru's father figure sighed, pitying the broken boy in front of him. "You look so much like Saguru, trying to shoulder everything and hide away from everyone. I'll come and pick you up tomorrow morning."

He turned to look at Ginzou. "As much as he is the wanted thief and you wanted to put him to jail, don't. Saguru needs his soulmate. Besides," he glanced at Kaito. "I'm sure he has a reason doing this."

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