Chapter 11

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Saguru woke up, feeling disoriented and fuzzy all over his mind. Memories of what happened to him resurfaced and he sighed in relief. At least Kaito was safe..

"You're awake," Kaito said, seeing Saguru blinking at the ceiling and not moving, as soon as he entered the room. "The wound  was fatal but luckily Shinichi called the ambulance as soon as possible before it could get any worse," Kaito smiled as he placed the food down on the nightstand.

He helped the detective up to sit down properly, head against the headboard.

"I brought food by the way. You've been out for 2 days so I thought you might be hungry," the magician shield his face away from Saguru's view as he hand over the water bottle. "Drink this. You need to stay hydrated."

The taller looked at the bottle before taking it gingerly, sipping a few times to relieve his dried throat before speaking for the first time, "Y-You're okay, right? You're not injured, are you?"

Kaito clenched his fists tightly, hands trembling in anger which didn't escape Sagurh's keen eyes. "Yeah. I'm fine."

Saguru nodded with a light smile, relaxing against the headboard again. "I'm glad then that you're okay," he said.

"Glad? You're glad I'm okay?" Kaito growled out, eyes shining and his face turned a little red. "What about you? What about you? You got shot and what do you think I feel?" the moonlight thief said.

"I thought I almost lost you, Saguru. I thought I almost lost you again and the main reason is me. Before this and now this, I was the reason you got hurt and you're 'glad I'm okay'?"

Saguru stared at Kaito's face for a moment before smiling. "I came back because my heart told me to. It told me to come to Japan. When I heard about your heist then I understood that the unsettling feeling inside me is because of you. I got hurt not because of you, Kaito. I got hurt because of them who shot at me. You didn't shot at me, right? So it's not your fault now, is it?" He flashed Kaito a sweet smile.

"You.." the young magician trailed off weakly before bowing his head down, surrendering. "I hate you for putting yourself in danger like that," he said.

"If it means that my actions would keep you alive then I'll gladly do it all over again," Saguru said, smiling.

Kaito glared, tears slipping out of his eyes and Saguru gasped slightly at the vulnerable look his boyfriend had. "No. You will not do it again. What's the point of me surviving in the end if you ever died? My life will be a complete-" Kaito stopped before lowering his head again. "My life would be nothing without you. So, goddamn please don't fucking do that ever again," he begged.

The taller male reached out his hand and held Kaito's right hand gently, rubbing his thumb over the knuckles. "I won't promise but I'll try not to out myself in danger like that unless it's necessary," he gave the other a teasing grin.

Kaito brought the hand to his face and nuzzle it, holding the warm palm against his cheek. "You're so beautiful and I love you so much. Please don't ever leave me and I've turned so desperate right now. You drive me absolutely crazy, doll."

Saguru nodded and caressed the pink tinted cheek. "I won't leave you, Kaito. I.." he turned a little shy. "I love you too," he blushed.

"You're absolutely a perfect human being and I'm so whipped for you already. What kind of love potion is this?" Kaito mumbled to himself but Saguru heard him, which caused the latter to blush even harder.

Kaito's grin turned feral and mischievous when he saw the blush. "How odd to see you blushing like a shy pretty school girl when you were pretty dominant while you demanded me to suck you off the other day, Saguru~"

That comment got Kaito a smacked to the face with a pillow. "Shut up!" Saguru huffed, pouting at him.

Kaito smirked before the smirk turned into a soft smile on his lips. "I love you."

Saguru's face turned scarlet red but his gorgeously stunning maroon eyes gleamed happily. "I love you too."

Kaito felt his insides melted.

He's so whipped for the blonde already. His heart sored with the amount of love he had for him.

*                    *                    *

Saguru immigrate back to Japan after finishing his studies earlier and took his finals there. He resumed his detective work as usual, joining forces with Division 1 and became someone whom Shinichi adored so much, much to Kaito's and Heiji's chagrin though Heiji was actually slowly starting to warm up to the other male.

He was offered to have a higher rank by his father but he refused not unkindly. He told the elder that he wanted to stay with Shinichi and Heiji as they went to the same university and studied Criminology: Homicide together. Though, Shinichi did take Arts and Entertainment: Acting as a minor course for him since his mom, Kudo Yukiko was an actress. Heiji took Biochemist much to the other three's surprise since Heiji didn't really seemed to be interested in Biochemist in the past. Haibara occasionally helped the male out whenever she could.

Kaito entered the same university too after retiring from being Kaitou KID. He had found Pandora and disposed it with the help of Shinichi, Heiji and Saguru themselves. KID took it as his last show and the phantom was never to be seen again much to his fans' disappointment.

Kaito, a little different from the three detectives yet the same also took Arts and Entertainment but in the Performing department and also Criminology in Theft department.

Saguru's relationship with Kaito had gotten better over time and they rarely even argue anymore. If they did, both of them would apologised to each other after a few hours since they couldn't stand the thought of being mad at each other for so long. It was sweet and the next day after reconciling with each other, they would go out on a date.

That makes Saguru very happy with their relationship's amazing development.

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