Chapter 7

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Kaito and Saguru's father arrived at the hospital and make a beeline towards the receptionist to ask for Saguru's room number.


Both of them entered the room when they found it to see Saguru screaming at everyone in the private room like a lunatic.

"Leave me alone! Leave! All of you! I don't want to see your face! Fucking leave!"

Saguru's father told the nurses and doctors there to back away with a hard stone look. They all agreed and stepped back as told.

His mother was sobbing by the wall in distress and the Japanese police chief immediately went to comfort her.

Kaito slowly stepped forward to the frightened soulmate of his. The blonde hunched himself to the corner as he stared at the wild haired brunette who stopped at the edge of the bed.

He hold out his right hand to him trying to coax him out of his protective shield around himself.

"It's me, tantei-san.." Kaito whispered out in Japanese. "It's your soulmate.. I'm here.."

Saguru blankly looked at him. "You.. abandoned me.. You rejected the soul bond.." he said, body tensed. "Why now? Why now?!" he screamed with tears leaking out of his eyes.

"Why did you come to me now?! Because I almost killed myself?! Because you felt guilty?! Why now?!" he kept on screaming, hitting Kaito's arm with a tightly clenched fist.

"WHY?!" he screamed again as he pulled on his blonde hair, tugging it in frustration. Kaito felt disgusted of himself as the other sobbed loudly, swaying from left to right and right to left in pure insanity.

The brunette weakly tried to pull Saguru's hands away from the painful tug but the blonde slapped his hands away. "Don't touch me," he seethed.

"Go back to where you came from and leave me here to fucking die!" he hit himself by the head repeatedly before Kaito gripped his wrists and pulled him into his embrace.

The maroon eyed male tried to fight it but Kaito was much stronger than he was. "I know you hate me. I know you don't want me anywhere near you," Kaito said. "But please.. let me fix this. Give me a second chance and I'll make it up to you, Saguru. I accept you as my soulmate dammit."

With those words uttered, both of them started to glow in a white halo.

Kaito, for the first time in his life, felt so completed, like his life now has a wonderful meaning. Saguru is his wonderful meaning. He clutched onto the slightly calmed male in a tight hug. "Mine. Only mine. I'm so sorry for rejecting you but I won't do that mistake again. I'll make it up to you, I swear."

Saguru, even though his life felt complete and less miserable, was still broken on the inside both soul and mind.

He stared blankly, numb and not knowing what to feel or do at the moment as he slumped on Kaito's embrace.

"I don't think I can ever forgive you, Kuroba-kun. That.. that hurts so bad, you know. I just.. Please leave. I want to be alone for now.." He pulled away and looked at his hands with fake interest.

Kaito watched as the tears cascaded down the pale male's cheeks. "Please leave.. Just seeing your face hurts," the blonde whispered out, practically stressed out.

Kaito nodded his head in understanding. "I get it.. I'm so sorry. I'll come back-"

"No. Don't ever come back in my life," Saguru said weakly but not cutting off their soul bond despite his words.

Kaito could practically feel the distress state Saguru was in before leaving silently with his head down in shame.

As soon as he closed the door, he heard his other half cried in heartache, literally heartbroken. He felt the tug from Saguru's bond to his, begging him to come back but he knew if he did, Saguru will go into a rampage.

Suddenly, he felt his phone vibrated in his pocket and he went to check.



As soon as he heard the soothing voice of his beloved soultwin, he broke down crying. "Shinichi, I'm so stupid. I'm so fucking stupid," he whispered the words out and gasped as he inhaled the oxygen in desperately.

"Kaito, no. Just no. Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault for rejecting the bond trying to keep Hakuba-kun safe. It's not your fault that you didn't know what would happen if you reject the soul bond."

"Kaito I want you to breathe with me okay? In- and out. In- and out. That's good. Now I want you to focus on me, on my voice. It's already been done. All you have to do now is fix this. Fix your relationship with him. Stop blaming yourself," Shinichi said softly but stern.

"Okay.." Kaito said back in the same soft tone, focusing on Shinichi's breathing and comforting words.

"I'll call again tomorrow okay? Stay safe, Kaito."

"You too, Nichi.. Thank you for helping me.. I love you.." he said.

"I love you too, Kaito. Hattori said good luck."


Kaito put down the phone as Shinichi ended the call and stared at his phone blankly before breathing in a deep breath to clear out his mind.

He just noticed that Saguru's parents had left and thought that maybe they already went home to rest. He reentered the room once again and looked at Saguru, who was staring at the wall like a creepy doll.

"Are you hungry?" Kaito asked softly as he sat at the edge, looking at Saguru gently, letting down all his barriers to let Saguru in.

The blonde paid him no attention or recognising that Kaito spoke to him whatsoever.

He bit his lips and grabbed onto one of Saguru's hands, tracing the calm mindlessly before kissing it, putting the warm hand on his cheek as he looked at Saguru who was now watching him with dull maroon eyes.

Kaito felt his breath left his body as he gazed at the beauty in front of him. The sickly pale skin was oddly attractive to him. His dirty blonde hair disheveled and a messy mop on top of his head. His eyes was dull but still beautiful in his eyes, the colour.

He reached out to caress the male's cheeks with a soft smile. "I never noticed that you're so beautiful. Now that I'm really looking at you, I don't think I want to look at anyone else like this," he said softly.

Saguru's lips twitched at the edge just slightly.

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