Part one. The look out.

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-Anti's pov-
     it's unbelievable the amount of times the same old kind of person has begged me to find something special in them. The same boring Joe. The little blonde prep at the milkshake shop claiming she's a mastermind, or the lenky grunge boy at the book store saying the book he wrote will blow your mind. Simply put, "people" are boring. I've come to accept I'll never meet an out of the ordinary person again. So here we are, after thoughtful consideration that the scene I should stick with is folk who know for certain they have nothing to offer. They drown that fact in extacy. The construct of a tripping heathen having cried on my bathroom floor after remembering their sad life, is astronomical. Here I am again, because I wish more people would remember; No one is the same, and yet, nobody stands out from the crowd. And you want to know why?'s because they are the crowd.

-y/n pov-
    There's always been something about this side of town that intrigued me. There always will be. All the sad lonesome people making there way to a large room full of those who will pretend they love you, even if only for a single night. It's something the world needs. We can be strong or we can be utterly weak, and yet we all find immediate comfort in the idea of both. Something extremely trustworthy, is the fact that we as humans will fail.
Today in particular a friend needed some help. She enjoys pickpocketing the poor saps in this district and pawning it off. She needs me to watch around and make sure there's always a way out, either if someone notices, or if she needs more time. No big deal on my part. I love to indulge in the eclipsing sadness of the club scene. You can basically smell the desperation on the strangers who dance with you like they've never known touch, and let me just say, I am good at pretending.
As I stood away from the floor and kept an eye on her,
I notice the fluorescence of neon green movement across the hall. His curls lit up in the darkness like a glow stick.
There wasn't much to the initial interaction; quick glances at eachother became a full on gaze which quickly faded with us both walking away. The kind of thing that makes your chest tighten with anticipation only for the high to leave you, what seems like, forever.

-Anti's pov-
    I can't keep up with my mind at this point. I'm not sure what came over me in the few seconds I saw them but I knew something was different. Out of all the people in this room, they were the strangest, and I could feel it like a combat boot on my throat. You can always sense an insecurity in the eyes of a stranger, and yet when I looked at them, not only was there nothing for them to hide-they opened up like I just witnessed a volcano explode with rose pedals. Soft and vicious; I wanted so much more of it.
As I scan the floor I can see that fushia hair out of the corner of my eyes. So intense it's like they filled the room for a moment. Without thinking I turned and reached, but it was too late. They began to back up, and walk away. I can feel a pull in their direction and a need to follow. Where I'm going I don't know, but the building has already faded away.

-y/n pov-
    without a doubt in the world this boy was lonely. I can taste it in the thick air he breathes as he follows close behind me longing for an explanation. There's always been something about the strange ones. There's always something we don't understand until it's too late. So tell me, what am I missing here?
I walk around a corner and into a back room. My friend is gone and I have no intention to leave so soon. The emptiness in those all-black eyes of his are as calling to me as coffee on a cold Sunday morning, and just as dark.

-Anti's pov-
   being the entity that I am, if there was ever a time in my existence that I have been scared, it would be right now. Something was coming over me and for the first time ever, I felt weak.
We enter a room where the only lights are a deep blue and the writing on the walls glow with excitement of past visitors spray painting their feelings.
There's something about how gracefully patient they move that makes me want to make them stay still. There's something in me that can't handle the control. With that feeling, I speed forward never breaking eye contact and as swiftly as I could, grab their hands in one and their hip in the other, planting them against the brightest wall. It was as though I was making even more art. No matter what I am capable of, no matter how much I can manifest or how many powers I have, nothing can match the way they looked into my eyes, and made my knees buckle in fear and excitement.

-y/n pov-
    when you meet a stranger theres always some kind of etiquette. Right now as we stand it's like that word never existed. Here we stood closer than peas in a pod only to be miles apart in our heads
"what do you want to know?" I speak softly; soft enough for him to have to tune out the rest of the building in order to hear me.
"What is there to know?" He smirks and bites his lip ring.  I know this room all too well and I know how to work it's echo. I step away from him and away from the wall, clapping my hands right next to his ear. It creates a ringing acoustic in the room and he covers them. As they ring, my voice is the only frequency he can hear clearly.
"Imagine this room is me" I say, "now imagine that every piece of writing and graffiti is another thing to know"
He's visibly confused with the metaphor but he looks around anyway.
"Now, pick one."

-Anti's pov-
    As my ears begin to stop ringing and they stop speaking, I look around this dim room and begin to read. What it all meant I wasn't sure, but I picked one, and pointed.
"This one" I spoke slightly too loud causing them to chuckle and come closer reading.
Text me your name! 504-555-0276
A name, something to resonate with. A way to remind myself they aren't some kind of God.
"Y/n" they said, "my name is y/n"
The way they spoke it had me shaken to the core. It felt like a mountain had moved and created a rourous sound echoing over the empty earth. Monstrous and astonishing.
They back away, with so much purpose, yet nowhere to be. Stepping slowly to the door, they let in the music that had once filled our ears. In mere seconds I was alone; left with my thoughts. My weak, undetermined thoughts,
and it was beautifully damaging.

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