Part Three: Let's find out

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-y/n pov-
I wake up in what looks like an old factory. It smells like dust and concrete and the lights are dim and orange. My neck hurts but I remember what happened and I know why. I run my hand over the small welts where his nails were. Still there, still real, still making me wonder what will happen next.
Horror fills my mind and I start to panic. I look around and try to find an exit but the room is too large and too dimly lit to find anything of importance. It takes me a minute to recognize that I'm not tied to anything. It probably doesn't mean anything but it makes me think he trusts me. He trusts I can't leave without knowing what happens and I suppose he's right. I stand up and start to walk around. I reach for my back pocket and my phone is even still there. As I realize, I hear a noise from the far right as fluorescent light fills the corner.

-Anti's pov-
"awake finally? Took longer than expected. Usually only takes like 3 minutes."
I analyze y/n's face as I take long strides into the warehouse. They don't seem too bothered by me and make eye contact right away. Their body language is curious and open.
"What is this place? It looks like a factory." They say taking steps toward me. We stop about 2 feet from eachother.
"Well it used to be. But the building was shut down and renovated. They never sold it again tho and left it here."
"So the whole building is yours; technically?"
"Sure is" I say taking a step closer, they back away slightly and I smile.
"You know, you don't act bothered by me. You act so tough and powerful but, I can't help but feel it's a facade."
They take a deep breath and walk back up to me, cracking a smile less than 5 inches from me.
"Fear is only there if you let it be there. I can give myself power any time I want."
"Is that so?" With that I take them by the arm and start walking toward the exit. They scuffle at first but pick up the pace and meet my speed. I can't help but smile when I think about what's ahead. I squeeze their arm hard and hear then gasp and skip a step.

-y/n pov-
I can't tell if I should be excited or scared. There's something different here. This isn't a man. This isn't even human. He looks, talks, feels human, but there's something so wrong about how I feel, and I think he's doing it.
Every time I look into his eyes I think about when they turned all black. The baby blues I see now were gone in a second. Was it a trick of the light?
He's dragging me up stairs and into the main building. Everything is dingy and the lighting is horrible. It's hard to see at all when we come upon a door. It's numbered. 616 is carved on a plaque.
He let's go of my arm slowly and glances at me as he does it. When he's reassured I'm not leaving, he turns and opens the door.
The handle creeks and the door whines as it's pushed open and he walks in. I'm reluctant to follow but when he turns back and looks at me up and down, I follow him inside.
-Anti's pov-
     "what if I like it?" I said.
"When I tried to scare you, you said "what if I like it?" Didn't you?"
They smirk,"yeah, I did," they affirm crossing their arms across their chest.
"Good," I exclaim, shutting the door and flipping the lights on, revealing chains and ropes strewn across the floor and walls, as well as tools of all sorts on every surface already stained and bleached.
I meet their eyes while mine turn pitch black making them gulp and hug themselves tighter while their expression drops.
"Let's find out."
I flip the lights back off. All that can be heard is their labored breathing.

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