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Mathematics is the worst class anyone could be in. It has many reasons as to why it was the worst class out of the whole school. Some hated it because of the difficult questions, but most students hated the teacher.

Instead of teaching the class some materials for the upcoming test, the teacher was currently lecturing the class on how "you should always do your homeworks and collect it afterwards".

Baekhyun was sitting on his seat with his head buried in his folded hands. He was tired of the teacher's constant lecture every time a student, on purpose or not, didn't collect their finished homework. Baekhyun sighed as he tuned out the teacher's lecture.

He felt something hit his arm and looked to his left to find Jongdae throwing a paper ball at him, whispering something about opening the paper. Baekhyun did as he was told and saw Jongdae's familiar handwriting on the paper.

' Why do you look so distracted lately? ' was written on it. Baekhyun lifted one of his eyebrows in question but Jongdae just ignored him and continued to pretend to listen to the teacher.

' I looked like I'm distracted? When? ' The older wrote inside the paper before tossing it smoothly to his best friend. He was hoping that the other wouldn't know what he had been thinking about.

Jongdae was about to threw the paper back to him, but the teacher suddenly started to hand all of the students an assignment. The whole class groaned internally at the teacher.

Baekhyun was so done with this class.


"Baekhyun-hyung!" Baekhyun was about to turn his head when someone taller than engulfed him into a warm hug. Baekhyun smiled at the hugger, already knowing that it was his favorite dongsaeng, Zitao.

Zitao pulled back from the hug and stood with a huge smile on his face. Baekhyun was so soft right now.

"Hyung, do you have plans for today? Sehun wanted to let you know that we're all going to hang out today. Are you coming?" Zitao asked with excitement in his voice.

Baekhyun though for awhile. Well, he heard that there was a biology homework due tomorrow, but he already finished half of it so he can just continue it at night.

"Of course, i'm free, Tao-yah," Baekhyun answered after thinking for a bit. "Alright," Tao started, "we'll be going to the park right after school. Meet us at the gate, hyung.

Tao waved goodbye to him to go to his next class, a small smile still lingering on his lips. Baekhyun waved back before running downstairs to the music class. His favorite subject.

He arrived at the class and went to sit at his usual seat, second from right, third from the back. He was playing with his phone as he waited for the teacher to come in when he felt something hit his arm.

A paper ball. A fucking paper ball.

Baekhyun took a deep breath, holding the annoyed feeling. He forgot that those kids were in his music class. He frowned a little. Why wasn't Jongdae in the class yet?

Another paper ball hit him, this time hitting him on the side of his head. He he took another breath before looking to the left side, only to land his eyes on a certain someone sitting behind the paper ball thrower.

The paper ball thrower snickered at Baekhyun's sudden action to stop looking annoyed, but Baekhyun didn't care about him anymore. The tall person behind the thrower is distracting him from everything else.

Chanyeol was sitting on the chair at the very back, a few seats beside Baekhyun. Instead of trying to annoy others like his friend, Chanyeol was very focused on his guitar instead, checking every tune coming from the strings.

His eyes twitched cutely every time he played the wrong note and a small frown formed on his lips. It took Baekhyun 3 minutes to realize that he had been staring at the cute eared giant.

"Byun Baek, what are you looking at?" A familiar voice came from beside him. Baekhyun snapped out of his thought and looked at the speaker.

Jongdae turned his head at the direction Baekhyun was looking at, but found nothing and no one that Baekhyun would be so interested in.

"It's nothing, Jongdae," Baekhyun replied in his usual tone, but in reality, he was thinking of an excuse to say to his friend. "I was just searching for you," he said, now focusing to the front of the classroom. As if that would work.

"You're totally going to find me by looking at one place for a whole minute," Jongdae said, sarcastically. Baekhyun just hummed at this as the teacher entered the room.

"Good morning everyone," the teacher started, "today, we will begin with the history of music."

The class groaned along with Baekhyun. The only thing that he disliked about the class was that it has history. Fucking history in music.

Baekhyun really hoped that the class would end soon.


Jongin held the stack of books tightly in front of him as he walked through the hallway. The teacher told him to submit the work she gave the class to her desk after school.

Jongin sighed. She knew he was one of the shiest students in the class. To receive the other student's works and having to talk to them if they haven't submitted yet was too much for him. He felt like he could pass out any moment.

He was glad that the hallway was pretty empty by now or he'd probably meet some nasty students on the way. Fucking bullies.

He stopped walking when he saw a certain student walked out of the bathroom on the same hallway with the teacher's office. He gulped, contemplating whether he should run away or keep walking as if he didn't saw him.

The student wasn't tall, big and buff- heck, he was even shorter than Jongin for about 5 cm- but he was scary and intimidating, and it's not in a good way.

Jongin quickened his pace and stared at the gray floor, avoiding any type of contact with the other. The other student looked straight ahead, not caring about Jongin's presence as he walked passed him.

The metal on his name tag shone brightly for a second, his name carved with black ink on top of it. Kang Seongho.

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