Chapter 3: Nerdy Syaoran Li

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"So I guess let's go to the next world?" Shaoran asked them, while everyone were looking at Syaoran and Sakura.

"I missed my Sakura..." Xiaolang said, sighing.

"Yeah... but It's kinda awkward to interrupt them you know?" Jack snickered. "We still need to ask Sakura to teleport us-" Jack stopped as he felt his phone vibrated to his coat. He pulled it out and answered the call. "Yeah, Jack here what's wrong?" he asked.

Shaoran looked at the high technology phone that Jack was using. "I need to have one of those, I can talk to anyone beyond the dimensions" he smirked.

"What?!" Jack yelled. Then he looked at Shaoran. "Oh-Oh okay... I'll tell them." He ended the call and looked at everyone. "I just got a phone call from the Dimension Agency." He gulped and looked at Shaoran.

Shaoran made a face, "There's a dimension agency?"

Jack ignored his retort, "Do not freak out okay?"

She What?!

Sakura and Syaoran realized that they were not alone. But before Syaoran could react in embarrassment and frustration, Sakura grabbed him and they run towards them.

"What's wrong?" Sakura asked, looking at Shaoran's pale face.

Jack sighed, "Sakura... his Sakura has been kidnapped."

Eriol closed his eyes and as he waved his staff, a mirror appeared before them and Keroberos showed up. "What happened Keroberos?"

"She just disappeared! When I came to her room, after my dinner... she was gone!" Kero-chan said, panicking.

"Where is Touya and Fujitaka?" Eriol asked,

"They went to the Police Station" Kero-chan said shaking his head.

"But I don't think the police can handle it." Yukito said, and then he closed his eyes and transforms into Yue, "The one who kidnapped her is no ordinary person."

Shaoran growled, "I am going Home." He said, looking at Jack.

Jack shakes his head, "You cannot go home unless you finish your task... there is no turning back in the dimension."

"So what do I do?!" Shaoran yelled, "I just can't sit here and wait for news to come! I've got to save my fiancée!"

"Shaoran, CALM down." Eriol said, Shaoran was about to retort when he saw Eriol looked at him, he knew that look so he looked down and nodded. Eriol looked back at the mirror. "Keroberos, Yue. Do everything that you can to find the kidnapper." Kero and Yue nodded. Then he looked at Jack sternly. "Jack, since you pull us in this predicament. Your staff must help"

Jack nodded, "They will."

Shaoran sighed, "We have no choice, so let's just finish this mission" he murmured. He couldn't help but to worry, but he knew that he can count on his friends to save his fiancée. I must calm down...

Eriol took a deep breath; he smiled a bit seeing how his descendant matured. "Yes, Shaoran... keep calm... and focus on the important things... one step at the time." Then he looked at Sakura, "We need to go to the other world. Can you teleport us there?"

Sakura looked at her Syaoran, when she saw him nodded, she looked at Eriol and nodded too.

Syaoran took a seat under the Cherry Blossom tree, he took a deep breath and allowed himself be mesmerized at the scenery. And then he pulled his glasses out of his pants pocket and opened his book. After that, he closed his eyes You can do this Syaoran. You have already memorized everything. He opened his eyes and begun to recite, "In Kilowatt-hours the unit commonly used for large amount of electrical work of energy. The Amount is calculated simply as the product of the power in Kilowatts multiplied by the time in hours during which the power is used. As an example... a light-" He stop when suddenly he saw a light, "What the-" he run towards the light and saw guys falling down after the light faded.

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