Early Morning Shock

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Tamaki's eyes slowly fluttered open. His long,  soft lashed gently brushing against his own cheeks.

He woke up facing the rest of his room,  the light of get sun slowly filtering through the blinds.

It didn't take him long to remeber what happened.  Or to notice that fact that he was in the bed alone.

He understood. Mirio had to sneak out early so he wouldn't get caught in another person's dorm, even if it was of the same sex. Tamaki had wished he woke him up before he left though.

Tamaki felt his heart flutter as he remembered how he had fallen asleep.  Mirio had been holding, spooning him until he fell asleep.

It felt like a dream come true. Tamaki's cheeks felt warm and he felt himself smile.

Wait-what was he doing?

Mirio was a guy. Tamaki was a guy. They couldn't have feelings for each other. Tamaki couldn't have feeling for him. 

Guys like girls and girls like guys. That was the truth of the world.

The dark haired males heart sunk into his stomach.  Sure he and Mirio were close, but so were Neijire and Mirio.  They were as close, if not closer, than Tamaki and Mirio.

Tamaki knew the truth. Neijire and Mirio would end up together. The would start dating in their thrid year. A fee years after graduation they would get married. Then they would have childern, and Tamaki would be some weird uncle.

Tamaki felt like crying again, his lip already quivering, getting ready for the heavy flow of tears. He felt them ready to come, slowly crawling up to his eye lids, but he stopped himself.

He rubbed his eyes just for good measure.  He couldn't have himself crying about reality,  it would come sooner or later and he couldn't just always cry about it.

With a shaky breath he started to jet ready for school. He got his uniform on, tying his tie tightly around his neck like he always would.

Before their first year had started Mirio had spent a week with him just teaching him how to tie his tie. Most of it was just a lot of Mirio laughing at Tamaki's attempts and then apologizing when Tamaki got all quiet.

Tamaki wished he could have time like that with Mirio again. Before he got swiped away. With training, homework, and just life, they didn't get to spend much time together.

Another big contribute to the loss of meet-ups was Mirio was getting popular.  He had spent most of his first year being laughed at for not being able to control his quirk.

He offten got stuck in walls, his butt sticking out one end. Staff always had to try and pull him out. It would normally take about twenty minutes.

Mirio was a hard worker though. He was determined, and strong. Many things that Tamaki believed he himself was not. Because of this things he grew stronger.

He spent long nights training all by himself. He started passing his classmates. Leaving some who had mocked him in his dust.

Now he was one of U.A's greatest students.

Tamaki sometimes wondered how he stayed so strong. He could remeber all the mean things said to him. All the times he was laughed at. That was torture for Tamaki and they weren't even detected at him.

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