Small Trip Home

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As Tamaki's first class started he found himself not able to focus at all. Not once during the whole day was he fully invested in what the teacher was saying.

After he had found out being gay was a thing, his mind was in a daze. He felt kinda weird for not knowing it was a thing. It was a simple concept.  Yet he had been blind to it his whole life.

Maybe, just maybe, he could give himself a chance. He could tell Mirio about his feelings. Maybe him and Mirio could become a thing. Maybe he could feel Mirio's soft lips on his own-

He was getting carried away.

Okay yeah sure, he found out he was gay and it was okay to be gay. However, he had little to no proof that Mirio liked guys.

Mirio had never talked about having any crushes on girls but neither Tamaki nor Neijire had asked him.

That was all the proof Tamaki might have.

It had plenty of holes in it, like mention no one had asked him, plus he hadn't seemed attaracked to any boy's either.

So Tamaki was at a loss. It could be that nothing would change, that Mirio and Neijire would end up together and he would spend the rest of his life only dreaming of Mirio.

Speaking of dreaming, he started doing it. Well, day dreaming.

He imagined a warm atmosphere, there was a gentle yellow tint to the light in the room.

Tamaki felt big warm arms wrap around his waist and a gentle kiss was pressed to the back of neck and he could feel the vibration of a chuckle.

Tamaki turned his head to the side a small bit and see that signature smile. He saw that soft blonde hair. He couldn't help but reach out and just touch it . . .

Thats when the bell rang and he was snapped out of his day dream.  He found his hand gently reaching out in front of him. Luckily thag seat happened to emypt.

The bell the rang was the lunch bell. He couldn't believe he was already half way through the day. He was glad it was half way over. He wasn't glad about the fact he hadn't learned anything, or even remeber a single thing the teacher had said.

" Tamaki? "
He jumped and shot his gaze over to the girl who was in his face. Typical Neijire. She was always in everyone's personal bubble, but you learned to deal with it.

" Huh, what? "

Tamaki asked as he was fully real ed back into reality.

" I've been trying to get your attention for like a mimute.  Mirio went ahead to buy us all lunch so come on, we don't want to keep him waiting. "

She gave him a smile before she turned on her heal and started to leave.

Tamaki scrambled to get his books into his school bag. He was lucky he didn't trip in his way to catch up to Neijire.

" Tamaki you've seemed distracted ever since this morning, is everything alright? "

" O-oh, yeah I'm fine I've just been thinking. "

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