Chapter 6-Naomi

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Hey guys! So this is a very special chapter. It is dedicated to my best friend and inspiration for Naomi Loveofrain24.

Also the artwork of Ignacio is done yet again by 

Akame アカメ

 I hope you like it!


I turned around and saw Ignacio staring at me with a look of sheer confusion on his face.

“Why did you lie to your mother?”

I looked down to avoid eye contact.

“I don’t want to get my family involved in this.”

I placed my cellphone in a purse that I bought at the boutique when I was buying my sandals.

“Who’s Naomi?”

“She’s my best friend. We go to school together.”

It was then that I realized that I was in California. How was I going to go to school in time to tell Naomi what the heck was going on?

“SCHOOL!” I shouted in a panic.

“What about it?”

“I am going to be so late!”

“You were about killed by agents of the demon prince and all you are concerned about are your classes?” Ignacio said in disbelief.

“Yes! Oh no! I won’t make it in time.”

Ignacio sighed.

“Yes you will.”


“I didn’t want to tell you this but angelic warriors have the ability to stop time.”

“WHAT? Why didn’t you want to tell me this?”

“We are only supposed to use this power in emergencies, but you seem to really want to go back home.”

“Oh I do!”

“Alright but please do not be shocked by what you are about to witness and absolutely DO NOT tell anyone about this!”

After all that I have been through already, nothing would surprise me anymore.

I simply nodded.

Ignacio stopped, closed his eyes and began to glow a pale yellow. I stepped back.

“Rochelle, take my hand.”

I reached out my trembling hand to grasp his illuminating one. I was petrified but this was Ignacio we were talking about. Noted was the fact that I just met him yesterday but I was alone and he was the only one I could trust. I held his firm hand in mine and I began to relax.

He must have noticed how nervous I was.

“Don’t worry Rochelle this will not harm you.”

The yellow glow not began to encircle me. He was right, it did not hurt, in fact I did not even feel it. Once we were fully enveloped in the glow, Ignacio spoke again.

“Frigidus in tempore”(Time Freeze) He bellowed in a deeper voice than his own.

I looked around us as the crowd of people surrounding us began to slow down to a crawl.  Ignacio opened his eyes yet again, which now looked like a lime green in the yellow glow.

“We have to hurry. This will only last an hour.” Ignacio bluntly stated as his wings reappeared.

He held me tightly around my waist and lifted me into his arms yet again.

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