Chapter •| One

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"I'll be fine, I promise!" Sam assured his mother, who was getting ready to go on vacation with his father, and they wouldn't return until the following Sunday.

"Okay, just call me if you need anything" his mom said, still worried.

"Yeah yeah, I will" Sam said, just wanting to have the house to himself already.

He had lived in a massive house. A mansion to be specific.

"Are you sure you can handle it on your own?" His mother stalled again, worried.

"I'll be fine!" Sam said again. "Now have fun"

His mother sighed. "Alright alright, but this house better be as clean as a hospital when we return, and no parties, got it?" She said strictly, grabbing her suitcase.

"I wouldn't throw a party" Sam said, giving her a look.

"I hope that's not sarcasm. You better listen to your mother" his dad chimed in.

Sam groaned "just have fun!" Sam said, pushing his parents gently out the door. "Alright, we'll be going now. Love you!" His mom said, blowing him a kiss. "Love you too"Sam said finally, and shut the door.

He leaned against the back of it and sighed. "Finally" he said.

There was a silence before Sam pushed himself off the door. "Well, guess it's just you and me" Sam said, immediately cringing after, once he realized he just spoke to the house.

"I really need some friends" Sam sighed again,  shaking his head.

He realized he was going to be alone for a week and a half, and suddenly smirked to himself. He liked being in peace for once.

He made his way over to the fridge, looking inside. There wasn't very much options. He groaned once he realized he was going to have to go grocery shopping at one point.

He shut the fridge, and sighed. "Better get it out of the way" he said to himself, grabbing his keys and exiting his house.


After Sam had gone grocery shopping, he walked back to his car, and drove home.

He hummed quietly to the song playing on the radio and pulled into his driveway.

He opened the door with his house key, and pushed the door open. He carried the heavy groceries in, and set them on the counter that contained random paper.

He started putting the things that needed to go in the fridge, in the fridge.

He decided he would put the milk in last since it's the biggest thing. Usually it would be the other way around, but he did things differently.

He put everything else in the pantry, and finally put the milk in the fridge.

As he was putting it in, he heard a noise come from upstairs. It caused him to get startled and accidentally bump his head on the top of the refrigerater.

He slowly peered around the corner to where the stairs were, and stood there for a few seconds. "Hello? He called out. No reply. He hesitantly shrugged it off and continued to put things in the freezer.

- unknowns p.o.v -

"Are you sure?" I spoke into the phone, making sure the house was empty before I even tried going in.

"Yeah, trust me. The family went on vacation" brennen spoke into the phone.

"Is there anyone home?" I ask, making sure.

"Not that I know of. They have a son but I'm expecting he went with them. Hurry up Cole! We don't have a lot of time! Just climb in through the upstairs window." He instructed, and hung up. I sighed and started climbing onto the visible balcony that lies above.

Once I make it up, I let out a sharp breath.

I pulled out a crowbar and pried open the window, and fell in. I cursed to myself for making noise, but brushed it off since no one was home..right?

I brush myself off and stand up straight. I dial brennens number.

"Yes?" He asked, inpatient.

"I made it in." I say. "All I need to do is- " I stop speaking. I hear a faint "hello?" Come from downstairs. "Crap" I hiss into the phone. "I think someones here" i quiet my voice.

"Who?!" Brennen panicked. " I don't know. I think it's their son. I'll call you back" I said. "Cole, you bet-" I hang up before he could nag me even more, and quietly took the gun out of my pocket. Brennen told me to bring it "just in case I needed to kill someone" I roll my eyes at the thought and looked around the room .

I spot a scarf. "As long as he doesn't see me, I'll be fine" I murmur to myself, stuffing the scarf in my back pocket. I make my way quietly down the stairs, seeing a person with blonde hair grabbing a water bottle from the fridge, his back facing me. I slowly walk up behind him, pressing the gun to his back.

"Close your eyes!"I demand, startling him .

"O-okay!"He squeaked out and closed his eyes tightly. I couldn't see his face, but I could tell he was nervous.

"Don't move!" I demand again, and lower my gun, taking the scarf from my back pocket, tying it around his eyes.

I felt the boy shaking. "Calm down"I sternly say.

He stays quiet and nervously started shifting slightly.

- sams p.o.v -

"Don't move!" He demands as he wraps something around my eyes. I nervously start to shift and my anxiety starts going through the roof.

"Calm down" he said sternly, and I only started to shake more.

He groaned clearly irritated, and started to drag me somewhere.

"Sit"He said, and I silently sit on the floor, choking back tears.

"Where's the safe?" He asked.

I couldnt see his face, but I felt him glaring at me.

"W-what safe?"I lied. My father has a safe he keeps hidden around the house, and It had a whole bunch of money inside.

"Don't play dumb, I know you know where it is." He whispered deeply to me. "Where is it?" He asked again

"I-i don't know! I promise" I say, trying to hold back my tears. That part, I wasn't lying about. I had no idea where he kept it. He had told me once, but after I had moved for college, I had forgotten until now that he even had a safe.

"You're lying, aren't you?"He asked, coming closer.

"No- I-i i promise!"I say, stumbling over my words. I raise my hands to cover my face,

I felt him stand up. "Stand" he demanded, and walked away. I nervously stood there, not being able to see anything. He came back.

I heard the sound of tape. He took a piece off. "W-what are you doing?" I ask, in a whisper.

"Tying your hands together, what do you think I'm doing?" He said, not so nicely.

I go quiet. He finishes tying my hands together, and tells me to follow him.

"I would be flattered, but I can't see, idiot" I suddenly become sassy. 

"Watch that mouth of yours." He warns, "what's your name?" He asked abruptly.

"Sam"I mumble, and looked down at my feet even though I couldn't even see them.

"Nice to meet you, Sam."He said, somewhat sarcastically. "I would tell you my name, but I would have to kill you"

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