Chapter •| Six

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"So what if he is?" Cole says sassily. "That wouldn't change anything would it? Now do you really think he'd like me knowing I'm risking his life? No." He bursts, and walks away from a shocked brennen.

"Oh now you're soft for him?" Brennen asked. "How about all those other people we've robbed from. Were they your little boyfriends too?" He asks, his voicing going out. He lets out a humorless laugh. "We're never gonna find the damn safe" brennen said, and kicked a book that had fallen onto the floor.

Colby scoffed. "Finally you have some common sense" he says under his breath, and continues to look through files that may lead to a code; or even lead to where the safe may be.

You may be wondering what happened to Sam. Oh, well..he's just sitting on the couch, hearing the two boys argue back and forth. At this point, Sam wasn't threatened at all anymore. He just wanted this to be all over because he was getting tired of it. He still had the option to take off his blindfold, but he chose not to in Sake of his own life.

Sam huffed, and pushed himself off the couch, and walked into the room they were in. In this situation, it felt like bird box to Sam. Sam was a helpless victom, and if he took off his blindfold he would die from the weird force in the air; or, in other words, brennen and Cole.

"You should hurry up, it's getting really boring listening to you two argue about a safe that probably isn't even in the house." Sam said sassily, and walked further into the room. "Maybe you should consider not tearing up my house but maybe think about the fact that the safe may be elsewhere, right? Unless you guys are too hard headed to accept a thought, hm?" Sam stated, and crossed his arms over his chest.

Colby squinted at Sam even though he couldn't see it. Brennen just straight up ignored the blond and continued looking through things.

"Stubborn much" Sam grumbled under his breath. He was about to exit the room, but someone grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the room before he got the chance to do it himself.

He felt himself get pressed against a wall. "Listen, Blondie. I've been trying to be nothing but nice to you. It's pretty pathetic that you have no hope in this situation, now is it?" The voice says, and it's nearly unrecognizable because of how quietly this person is mumbling.

He pushed whoever it was off of him. "How am I supposed to have faith when two guys break into my house, keep me captive, and make my house a damn mess trying to look for a safe that isn't even here! How many times must I tell you? IT. ISN'T. HERE." He finally yells, and walks past him, not caring if he bumped into a wall.

Cole sighed as he watched Sam walk off into the living room. He wasn't sure of why he took out his stress onto Sam, but that seemed like the only way. If he did it to brennen, he'd lose his head in the matter of seconds.

He walked back into the room, and saw brennen sitting on a chair, probably giving up. "He should see our face. I'm telling you. He can't really report anything beside the fact that we broke in; but I always have an excuse in that situation" brennen breathed out.

Cole groaned. "He's not gonna let us, you already know that" Cole said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Brennen stood up from the chair and walked out of the room. Cole being Cole, he followed after his friend of 5 years. Once he had arrived where he was headed, brennen was squatting in front of Sam who was sitting on the floor in the corner of the room, looking like a child who had gotten time out because of the frown/angry expression on his face, and his arms crossed over his chest.


"Okay. Whether you like it or not, we're going to show you our faces. And I swear to god, if you tattle on us when we let you go, I will make sure you'll never be able to see another person's face again, got it?" Brennen asked Sam, but Sam didn't reply.

(Okay so I can't remember if he still had a blindfold on, or if he just had his eyes closed, but I'm going to just make it to where he still has a blindfold on.)

Brennen stood up from his squatting position and bent over, untying the blind fold.

He slowly took the blindfold away from the blondes face. And Colby could tell he was nervous.

Brennen finally dropped the blind fold, and the blonde seemed to have refused to look at us, since he kept his gaze on the ground. His hands were shaking as he slowly started to lift his head, and colby got to finally see what eye color he had. They were so much more beautiful than he had expected, and his breath hitched. He couldn't have possibly had a crush on a victim. No.

Sam's gaze met Colbys, and he gasped.

Sam just looked so stressed out from what's been happening and Colby could tell he hasn't been sleeping well from the dark circles under his bright blue eyes.

Colby just couldn't look away from those beautiful blue eyes, they were almost hypnotising.

(A/N hey guys! I've have this in my drafts for so long, and I just started finishing it. I'm so sorry for the long wait.  I just started school like 4 days ago. I'll try to update more but school is so tiring. Also, I can't tell if I've gotten better as a writer. But, while you wait for this to get updated again, you can go and read My strange addiction, another one of my stories, it seems to be one of my best books right now, and you might enjoy it as well :) also where you see the "-" is a divider from where I last updated and from when I updated today. :) )

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2019 ⏰

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