Chapter 1: Friends Drift Apart

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   —Sero's POV—
'Friends drift apart sometimes sweetie.' That was all my mom said when I talked about how Denki didn't hang out with me as much. We were friends as long as I can remember. We met in the first year of middle school we became friends and both went to U.A., until Jirou came into the scene. She seemed to just snatch Denki away from me. I just...felt this urge to be around see him smile...and laugh...not at Jirou's jokes but mine. 'I am jealous...' "Sero...Sero..." Mr. Aizawa snapped his fingers in my face causing me to jump. "Pay attention, I took time to make a lesson today instead of sleeping." "Yes sir, s-sorry." The class began to laugh a little, I saw Bakugo whisper to Kirishima "He was probably day dreaming again..." This made me blush, then Denki turned around when Mr. Aizawa was facing the bored and whispered to me "Dude you okay? You've been zoning out a lot lately..." He said concerned, "Nah, I'm fine...just...just got a lot on my mind." I responded trying my best not to blush or stutter. I looked down at my desk. "Do you w-wanna hang out aft-" I looked up and Denki was back to looking up at the bored. My heart seemed to snap in two when I saw him turn away. Usually he always wants to talk, he normally is a huge chatter box and Mr. Aizawa needs to tell him to be quiet two or three times a day. I looked at the clock, we had ten minutes left in class.
—Time skip To End Of Class—
I didn't pay attention to Denki and started leaving because he was talking to Jirou. "Wait Sero!" I turned around to see him waving his arm for me to come over there. I slowly walked over and Jirou walked away waving to Denki but not me. "Hey, were saying something in class I didn't quite hear you. What did you want to say?"
He asked nervously "O-Oh...I...I was wondering if you wanted to hang out after...after c-class." I said twiddling my thumbs. "It's fine if you have plans with Jirou...we could just choose a different da-" "No!" Denki interrupted. "I had plans to go with Jirou to a ice cream place, but you deserve the same amount of love as she gets! I'll just reschedule the day with Jirou!" Love...what a strong word...does he mean love like the love I feel for him? Probably not. "Are...are you sure? Won't Jirou be mad?" I asked worrying about the consequences. "Nah, she won't. Want to go to my house and play Pokémon?" Denki asked with a big dopey smile on his face. When he said Pokémon my mind filled with nostalgia, we used to play that all the time to calm the nerves of a hard school day. "Y-Yeah! That sounds great!"

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