Chapter 4: Rumors (Part 2)

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"Oh I don't think you can explain..." Jirou said with a hint of anger in her voice. "Yes I can, also why are you here with my mom?!" She held up her phone which had a video paused. "What is that?" I asked "Oh, you and Sero should come over here and watch it." She said, I got nervous, why did me and Sero need to see this? We both walked over to Jirou and she hit play on the video...I couldn't believe my eyes...It was a video of me and Sero having sex...when the video ended I was filled with confusion and anger. "How did you get this video?!" I asked. Sero looked petrified. He looked like he had just saw a ghost. I grabbed his hand and held it gently. He looked at me and slightly smiled. "When I left yesterday and slammed the door, it broke. And today I went to go visit you to apologize. When I walked up the stairs I heard moaning, so I looked through the broken part and saw you two and I filmed it." I was filled with anger. "What would you film that?!" I yelled. "So I have proof when no one believes me." She smiled at me, my moms face was like Sero's she was so confused. "Honey, did you and Sero actually have sex?" Sero looked at the floor. And I blushed. "Yes, we...we did." She looked at the floor. "Well, at least you two can't get pregnant." She said as she hugged me. "Y-You're not mad?" I asked while she hugged me. "No, I said yesterday that I would never be mad about this stuff." She backed away from the hug and I smiled at her. Then she looked at Sero and he tried to evade her eyes. "Sero, are you alright? Do you need anything?" She said in a caring way. "N-No, I'm fine." I wondered how weird it was for him. Having to talk to the mom of the boy he was dating after having sex with him. My mom clapped her hands. "Well, Jirou you can leave now. And I'll let you boys get back to your business." Me and Sero blushed when my mom said we could get back to our business. "Yes ma'am, have a nice day. Also, bye Kami~!" Then Sero's face was filled with anger. "Don't call him that!" Sero said with anger in his voice. "I can call him anything I want you bastard!" Jirou said with a smirk. Tears filled up in Sero's eyes, and he tried to run at Jirou but before I did I wrapped my arm around his waist. "You bitch! Don't call me a bastard! And don't call Denki, Kami, only I'm aloud to do that!" He screamed and started crying. I pulled him away from Jirou and hugged him and he buried his face in my chest and cried. "Jirou you need to leave now or I'm calling your parents." My mom said sternly. "Fine!" Jirou said coldly and left the house. I picked up Sero bridal style and put him down on the bed, he put his face in his hands and cried. I looked at my mom with a worried face then looked back at Sero. "Mom, can you leave? I want to talk to Sero in p-private" I asked. "Of course honey, I'll be in the living room if you need me." She said as she left the room and shut the door slowly. I turned to Sero who was still crying, I sat down next to him and wrapped my arm around him. "Babe, are you alright?" He looked up at me and stopped crying, he then put his head on my shoulder and sighed. I pulled him closer to me and kissed his forehead. "Kami, do you ever feel like you do something for nothing? Like, you try so hard to fix something, but...someone else takes your hard work. Or, ruins the work you did." He said extremely sadly. "N-No, why are you asking this, is something wrong?" I asked now getting worried. "Nothings wrong, why don't we go watch TV in the living room with your mom or something?" He said standing up from the bed. "W-Wait! If you need to talk about something, please talk about it now while we're...alone." He blushed and walked back over to me. But instead of sitting on the bed he sat in my lap. I didn't know why he did this. He sat sideways so that part of his legs went off my lap, he also leaned his head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him. "Okay—now that you're comfortable—what's wrong babe?"  He sighed. "Well, when you were still dating Jirou. I liked you, and I tried everything to get you to like me, but...but she kept taking everything away. Like, when she walked in on us kissing, or filming us doing...that...she always ruined my chances. And, I got mad because she had took you away from me." I could tell in the tone of his voice that he was extremely embarrassed and upset. "To be honest, I started dating Jirou because I had feelings for you...but I was to scared to come out as gay, so I kept all my feelings on the inside and dated her. But our relationship was going bad so that's why I kissed you, to see if you were into me so I could date you instead." He smiled at me and passionately kissed me on the lips. Then my mom walked in when we started kissing again. I pulled away from the kiss and Sero laughed. "Mom!" I said with red spread across my face from embarrassment. "Oh, I'm sorry charger! I just wanted to check on you two." She said with a smirk. Then Sero looked at me confused. "Is that another nickname?" He asked with a smile. I shook my head at my mom. And mouthed 'Don't tell him!' "Well, when Denki was about one or two, he put a charger into his mouth and that triggered his quirk and that was the first time he short circuited. So he was crawling around the house with his thumbs out and babbling random words.
But he mostly said 'yay' so that's why we think he saids 'yay' when he short circuits today." My mom said laughing, Sero started laughing as well and I just sat there blushing. Why was my mom telling Sero this?! Then my older brother walked in. 'Shit...' I thought to myself. "Wait, is lighting hair gay?" My brother said with a confused look. I sighed, Sero was to busy talking to my mom to notice. "Yes, Yes I am. And this is my boyfriend." I said pointing to Sero. "Oh. I'm sorry for making all those jokes when we were younger then." He said. "Nah, it's fine." But then he heard the conversation my mom and Sero were having. "Oh! Are we telling stories of when Denki was younger?" My brother asked, I got worried, what was he gonna talk about?!? "No, Sero just asked about a nickname I gave Denki, so I just told him the backstory behind it." I blushed 'Mom! What the fuck are you doing? He's gonna say something really embarrassing!' I thought to myself. "Wanna hear about one that I call Denki?" My brother asked. "Sure!" Sero said clearly wanting them to spill tea about me. "Well, I call him lighting hair because when he was born he was born with the lighting bolt in his hair. Well, we also know that any other hair on his body will have a lighting bolt on it as well." My brother said and started laughing out of control. I blushed and covered my face with my hand so Sero couldn't see me. Sero started laughing as well and he blushed. "C-Can you and...and mom just leave?" I said trying to cover my face because of all the redness on it. "Oh fine, you're such a big baby!" My brother said as started laughing then he and my mom left the room and shut the door. I sighed and looked at Sero who was still sitting in my lap. He smiled at me and began to laugh again. "Yeah, yeah. Real funny." I said blushing he stoped laughing and kissed me on the cheek. "I love you, but you need to learn when someone tells a joke about you not to get so offended." He said starting to run his fingers through my hair. I glared at him, I wanted to be upset...but I couldn't. I loved him to much. I kissed him on the lips once, then he started messing with my hair. He was specifically messing with the lighting bolt part. I blushed and looked at him, when he noticed I was looking he stopped and got off my lap and stood in front of me off the bed. He smiled then stepped back onto the bed and straddled me. "W-Wait! We literally just did this like an hour ag-" He cut me off with a kiss and then pulled back "You talk to much." He said with a smile and the leaned his head in near my neck and began to kiss my neck. I didn't stop him, I couldn't. "Sero? W-What are you doing?!" He looked up at me and stopped kissing my neck. "I think you can see, also this is my apology for laughing at you." He smiled at me. Then an idea popped into my head. "I will only accept this as an apology if you leave a few hickeys and be a bit rough." I said with a smile from ear to ear. He shrugged. "If it makes you happy and counts as my apology then of course Kami." Then he began to kiss again but slowly he went from kissing to sucking. "Mhm...Sero~" I moaned when he started sucking. He wrapped his arms around me when he started sucking to get a better grip. I put my hands on the back of his head and from time to time moved his head to were I wanted him to kiss or suck. Then he looked down and stopped for a second. "W-Why did you stop?" He looked at me and laughed a bit. "Kami, why are you so hard? I'm just kissing you." I blushed. I didn't know what to say, he literally just asked me why I like it when he kisses me. "I don't know, I just like it when you kiss me." He smiled at me and rubbed my bulge. "Well, you like it a lot then." He said and he kissed me again without removing his hand from my bulge. I looked down at my neck and there was a few hickeys there. "Sero thats...that's enough." He smiled at me. "Why? Are you to scared to get more turned on?" He said kissing me on the cheek. "Maybe.." He laughed and hugged me. "That's fine Kami. Why don't we go to bed?" He said yawning as he leaned his head on my chest. "Yeah sure." He got off my lap and laid down, then I laid down behind him and hugged him. I looked at my phone and it read 10:00 pm. I yawned and kissed Sero who was already asleep. I smiled and cuddled him and went to sleep.
                    Time Skip
I woke up to my phone buzzing. I looked at the time it read 12:45 a.m. I yawned and opened my phone to get to the notification. The notification was from a chat room all of Class A were in.
Jirou: Omg! Sero is such a bastard!
Icy Hot: Jirou, what do you mean?
Jirou: He slept with Denki, and made out with him.
Innocent Broccoli: I didn't need to know that...😐
Jirou: But, you should watch out! He will probably steal Uraraka from you Deku! And he would probably steal Momo from you Todoroki! And Kirishima from you Bakugo!
Innocent Broccoli: N-No!
Icy Hot: Midoriya, don't listen to her...
Jirou: Dude, we all know you do.
Pikachu: Jirou, why the fuck are you talking about Sero like that?!
Jirou: I'm just warning the rest of our class about him. Also, he is probably sleeping with you right now!
Pikachu: So what if he is?! I love him and you should accept that!
Innocent Broccoli: 🤭 Kaminari you're dating Sero?
Pikachu: Yeah! And who cares?! I love him and that is my problem to handle. And can y'all stop chatting cuz' Sero is trying to sleep and if he sees this he will be very upset!
I looked away for a second and grabbed Sero's phone and turned off notifications so he wouldn't hear. I looked down at him and smiled. 'He is so cute...' I thought to myself. I kissed his forehead turned my notifications off on my phone, placed both of our phones on the nightstand and cuddled with Sero and went to sleep again.
Time Skip To The Next Day
I woke up to Sero with his legs wrapped around my waist and him using my chest as a pillow. I smiled to myself. I reached over him and grabbed my phone off of the nightstand and played around on it till my mom walked into my room. "Good morning Denki." She whispered because Sero was still asleep. "Morning." I responded. She had a worried look on her face. "I-Is there something wrong?" She nodded her head. "What?" She held up here phone and a picture of me and Sero kissing was on the screen. "Sero's Mom just sent me a link to this post, Jirou posted this picture online." "Was...was that picture from last night?" I questioned remembering how intense the kisses were that night rather than that day. "No, it looks like y'all were near Sero's house. And it looks like the afternoon. Do you remember this?" A blush spread across my face as I remember that kiss. It was when he started holding my hand and I just couldn't resist to kiss him...and it kinda escalated. "Yeah, I...I remember that kiss while we were walking to my house he grabbed my hand and I c-couldn't help but kiss him...are you upset?" My mom rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips. "I have said this so many times Charger! I won't be mad at you for this type of stuff! I just wanted to know!" She said and snapped a picture of me and Sero laying down together on her phone. "Mom! What the frick?!" She laughed and smiled. "You two are just so cute together!" I blushed and from all the screaming Sero slowly woke up. "What's going on?" Sero said drowsily rubbing his eye. "N-Nothing babe" A smile spread across my moms face when I called him babe. Sero turned around and saw my mom and blushed and covered his face with his hands. "M-Mrs. Kaminari! G-Good morning!" He said trying to cover himself up with the blanket. I laughed and kissed Sero on the forehead. My mom laughed and smiled. "Sero there is nothing to be embarrassed about. I think you two are cute together so you can show as much affection to each other as you want." My mom said, this made Sero's face even more red. "Denki, can you tell Sero about the picture? Because his mom is coming over today to talk about you two dating and stuff like that." Sero blushed and gripped my shirt. "W-Wait what picture?!" He asked still gripped my shirt. "I'll tell you about it..." I said and kissed his forehead. "I'll let you boys go back to whatever you were doing, Sero you mom is coming to talk about this stuff around lunch time. Just wanted to tell you." My mom informed him. "O-Okay, thanks for telling me. Now Kami tell me about this picture..." He said as my mom left the room and closed the door. "So, apparently Jirou posted a picture of me and you kissing and your mom sent the like to the post to my mom. And now our moms wanna talk about the situation were in. dating." He blushed and looked extremely worried. "Okay, Well then we should get up and get ready before lunch." He said and hugged me and kissed me.

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