Chapter 4: Rumors (Part 1)

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            —Denki's POV—
Before I left to go to school my mom grabbed my arm. "Honey, remember to talk to Sero today, also invite him over you guys should talk at home as well." My mom said, but when she spoke about inviting him over she winked. "Mom what the heck?!" I screamed blushing from what she said. "Just kidding. But make sure you talk to him." She kissed me on the forehead and I started walking to school.
Time Skip When Denki Arrives At School
As I walked in Sero was not in the class and that worried me. So I just sat in my seat and stayed quiet till class started. Right when class started Sero walked in. He looked extremely sad, my goal for today was to fix that.
Time Skip To Lunch
I took a while getting to the lunch room because of all the kids, but when I entered and got my lunch I scanned the room for a certain black haired boy. I saw Sero sitting at a table in the back of the lunch room alone, I walked over as fast as I could. "Hey, is this seat taken Sticky Tape?" I asked with a smile. He looked up and his eyes widened. "Oh, no, you can sit there P-Pikachu." Then I sat down as close as I could to him. "Hey, uhm...I wanted to talk about yesterday." I said blushing. "Oh yeah, I'm sorry about that I didn't mean to...kiss you." He said blushing. " N-No I should be the one apologizing, I...I took it to far." I said glancing at Sero. "Yeah.." "D-Do you wanna have a sleepover this weekend? Since it is Friday?" Sero blushed. "I uhm sure. But won't Jirou be mad?" "Nah, I said I wanted to take a break from our relationship." I said smiling. "So it's fine." "Oh, then I guess I will come over tonight." Sero's said with a smile. "Yup" I said smiling back, then I looked around and made sure nobody was looking and I kissed Sero on the cheek. He blushed and started freaking out. "W-Wait What?! I...I thought you were dating Jirou?!" He said as he put his hand where I had kissed him. "I said that we should take a break from our relationship, and I kinda like you..." I said blushing a bit. "Yeah Sorry, I forgot I'm just really confused.." So, you're coming to my house around nine?" I asked right as the bell rang saying lunch was over. "Yeah, see ya then." He said and looked around making sure nobody was looking and kissed me on the lips. I kissed back, and then pulled away. And we started walking to class with each other.
Time Skip To The End Of Class
Everyone was packing up to head home, and I walked up to Sero. "So nine?" I asked "Well, is it okay if we head to my house pick up my stuff and go to your house? I don't really want to wait that long. I really want hang out with you." He stated blushing extremely bad . I blushed slightly. "Y-Yeah that's fine with me. Let's go." I said as we walked out of the class. Sero's house was not that far from here neither was mine so it was a quick walk. As we were walking I started rambling about how Pikachu was the best Pokémon. And he gently grabbed my hand and held it in his. I blushed I couldn't help it. I pulled him close and caressed his cheek with my hand and I kissed him. He kissed back so we just stood there kissing. But I did not notice that Jirou walked by and saw us. He pulled away and we got back to walking. "We're here.." He said shyly as he pointed to his house. "Yeah, want me to come inside or wait out here?" I asked "Whatever you want, I won't be long." I decided to wait outside and after a few minutes he walked out with a bag for his things for the sleepover. "Okay lets go." And we started walking to my house, in about two minutes we arrived. We both walked in. "Hey you can put your bag in my room if you want." "Okay" He said and ran up the stairs and ran back down and sat next to me on the couch. "Hey I wanted to apologize about what happened about the kiss, I lied so I could protect myself and I regretted it so much. I-I was a wreck I couldn't think straight without apologizing to you, and I'm so sorry I put you in trouble by putting the blame o-" I was cut off by Sero kissing me. He hugged me while kissing me, I hugged and kissed back, he ran his hands under my shirt. Then I realized what he wanted to do. I pulled away from the kiss and stood up. "If were gonna do this lets at least do it in a comfortable place." I blushed and grabbed his hand and yanked him off the couch and ran to my room. But before we entered I wanted to make sure he wanted to do it. "That was your intentions right? When you were kissing me..." His face was as red as Kirishima's hair. "Maybe~..." He said in a tone that ran shivers down my spine. He then ran his hands up and down my chest. Then he kissed me again. I didn't know what to do so I just let him. Then he put his mouth close to my ear. "Well, if you want to and you're fine with it we can." He whispered into my ear. He said as he began to kiss my neck. "I don't know about you but I want to~" I said in the same tone he used. He stopped kissing my neck and looked up at me. "You sure?" He asked to makesure. "Of course I do sticky tape~" I could tell from the way I said it any how I used his nickname that he was turned on. "Well then, Pikachu I choose you." He said, I then opened the door to my room and ran in with Sero and locked it. "You know my parents aren't home either, this is perfect." I said with a smile. He grabbed me by my U.A. uniform tie and kissed me. I kissed back, he put his arms on my shoulders and I put mine on his ass. When I put my hands there his entire body shivered. I could tell he liked it. The kiss started off long and passionate but as we got more into it we became sloppy and desperate. Then he tried to take my shirt off. Then I pulled away from the kiss. " want me a lot don't you." I said with a sly smile. "Yes, I want you so bad." He said smiling back. "Well then." I took off my shirt and pants which just left me in my boxers. And he did the same. When we both were in our boxers he grabbed my arm and practically threw me onto the bed. He straddled me and pulled me into a kiss. He then took one of his hands and rubbed my member through my pants. I moaned and Sero pulled away from the kiss. "Oh my god Sero~" I moaned as he went from rubbing to massaging it. He smiled at me, and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "Hey, I'm gonna do something if you don't want me too, just tell me to stop, okay?" This worried me, what was he gonna do? "Got it..." I said a bit worried. He stopped straddling me and pulled me to the edge of the bed and took off my boxers and I blushed "Oh shit..." I whispered he looked at my length and then looked up at me. He got off the bed and stood on his knees where his head was at the same height as my area. "You ready Pikachu?" He said in that tone again that made me shiver. "Yeah!" I said really excitedly for some reason. He smiled at me and kissed the tip of my length. I looked straight at him I couldn't move I couldn't say anything all I could do was look at Sero, he was someone I knew and liked for so long. I never would have thought I would be doing this with my best friend. He teased me by licking it up and down but not fully putting it in his mouth. I started squirming around a little bit. "F-Fuck! Sero don't tease me!" He stopped and looked up at me. "What's the magic word Kami?" I couldn't believe what he had just called me. I loved it, so much. That turned me on even more. "Sero don't tease me please, also can you call me Kami more often?" He giggled "Of course Kami..." I smiled 'Yes!' I thought to myself. He looked up at me and licked it one final time and slowly put the whole thing in his mouth. I squirmed around a bit to get more comfortable. And I also moaned way to much. "Sero! C-Can you move your tongue around more p-please?" I asked moaning even more. He nodded and sucked harder and moved his tongue around a lot. "F-Fuck! Yes! Sero!" I yelled with moans in between each word. I was squirming around so much I didn't notice but my legs were closing. So while he sucked he put his left hand and held my right leg and put his right hand on my left leg holding them open. I moaned extremely loud and gripped the bed sheets. "S-Sero! I'm about to! C-Climax I'm so close!" I moaned. He blushed and sucked harder and gripped my legs tighter. He pushed them a little wider so he could get more in his mouth which he did. "Sero! Baby~!" Right when I screamed that I cummed. And Sero let go of my legs and moved his head away from my area and licked the cum off of his face. "Holy shit, Sero..." I said panting a bit. He was blushing so much and panting. "S-Sero are you okay?" "Yeah it's just, you called me baby..." I blushed "Oh yeah, sorry I just thought that since were having sex that'd be okay." I said while blushing. "It's fine." Sero said with a smile. "Oh my god I'm kinda tired." Sero said while blushing. "Hey, can we at least do one last thing?" I asked knowing what I was gonna do. He blushed. "Yeah, sure what do you wanna do Kami?" He said while licking his lips. "Okay, uhm like you said imma do something if you don't like it tell me to stop. Y-You need to turn around and lean on the b-bed." Sero blushed. "Okay Kami..." He said, and put his hands on the edge of the bed and leaned on the bed so that his behind was facing me. I blushed I was extremely nervous. I pulled his boxers off and threw them to the side. "Wait! are you doing what I think you are do- Aah~!" Sero moaned as I stuck my half of my length in him. "A-Are you okay Sero?!" I asked a little worried. "N-No I'm fine. I just got surprised that's all." I looked at him quickly and saw how red his face was. And I put my hands on his waist. I remembered how I said they were a perfect size for me...they really were. "Hey, Sero is it okay if I move now?" "Y-Yeah Kami..." I started thrusting at a slow pace. "Oh my god! K-Kami!" He moaned my name so loud, I was worried that the neighbors would hear. But I stayed at the same pace. "F-Fuck! Kami! Kami! G-Go faster!" I did what he said and picked up the pace. "Aah~ Kami! You're so hard!" I blushed I can't believe I was hearing Sero say these was a dream come true. "Kami! Go a bit faster!" I was gonna use this to my advantage "I'll only go faster in one condition!" I said with a smile as sweat ran down my face. "W-What is it?!" Sero screamed clearly a bit annoyed because I wouldn't go faster. "Say Charge Bolt is my daddy!" I laughed a bit. "C-Charge Bolt is my daddy~!" He screamed and right when he said that I went as fast as I could. "Yes~! Thanks Kami~!" I smiled and I squeezed his hips as I tried to go harder. "Aah~! Kami! Yes! H-Harder!" When he said that I went as fast and hard as I could. "Yes! Kami I'm so close!" I bit my lip trying not to moan as well. "Aah~..." He moaned. "Did...Did you just climax?" I asked as I slowed down my pace. "Y-Yeah." I sighed and pulled my length out of him and I had one last plan. Before Sero moved I got on the floor slipped underneath him and licked his length a few times. And stood back up. Sero blushed but didn't complain about what I did. I walked over to the corner where I threw my clothes down I grabbed my boxers and put them back on. Sero walked up behind me and hugged me and put his head on my shoulder. "Kami, are we dating now or something?" I blushed I never thought about that. "Well, I did tell Jirou that we are taking a break. So, it technically means I'm single, so yeah we can date!" He smiled and kissed my neck a few times. "So we are boyfriends?" He asked confirming it. "Yup, but let's not tell anyone yet." Sero smiled and hugged me tightly, I hugged him back and kissed him on the forehead. "Also, can you put on some pants?" I said while laughing, he blushed uncontrollably and quickly grabbed his boxers and put them on. I looked at my phone and it was 8:00 at night. "Jesus Christ! H-How long were we doing that?!?" Sero looked at my phone and blushed. "Oh...I guess we were doing that for a l-long time." He said blushing. "Aw man, you're back to your nervous self?" I laughed. But he looked a little upset. "Oh I'm sorry! I just I was trying to be cool and sexy while we were doing that I'm sorry." "No! It's fine! I kinda like it, you're cute like that." I said kissing him on the lips. He yawned and leaned his head on my shoulder. "C-Can we go to bed?" He asked tiredly. "Yeah sure. Do you wanna sleep with me?" I said blushing. "Wait what?!?" "Well we just had sex I think sleeping together won't be as bad." I said as I sat down on the bed with only my boxers on. "True, I'll go change into some pajamas and come back in here." "You can change in front of me if you would like." He smiled. "Yeah I think I'll change in here." Sero went to his bag and took out some black pajamas and changed into them. "Babe, why are you're pajamas so plain?" I asked confused. "I don't know, I like them like that yours are probably just plain yellow." "Nope!" I said as I put on pajamas with lightning bolts on them. "Mine have lightening bolts on them! Get on my level!" Sero's face went red and he ran over to me and jumped onto me and hugged me, but I managed to stay standing. He wrapped his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck and he was kissing me. To make sure he didn't fall I put my hands on his ass and held him up while kissing him back. He pulled away from the kiss. "Kami, I love you so much!" "Jesus, you got so happy over pajamas?" He giggled. "Yeah, it's just your so good yet so bad. You're so childish and sweet, and you can also be sexy like you were today." I smiled. "And I just love you so much!" Sero said with a big smile on his face. Then I heard footsteps, but I didn't acknowledge them. I walked over to the door and unlocked it with one hand while the other hand held Sero. Once I unlocked it and put my hand back on Sero's butt and held him close. "Sero I love you..." "I love you too, Kami." I loved it when he called me that. I kissed him on the lips and he kissed back like when we were walking to his house we just stood there kissing. Then the door opened and my mom and Jirou walked in. "Holy Shit!" Jirou screamed when she saw me and Sero kissing. We stoped kissing and we both looked at my Mom and Jirou. "Honey, why where you and Sero kissing?" My mom asked, we both blushed, then I remembered the position we were in he had his legs and arms wrapped around me and I had my hands on his ass that kept him from falling. I put him down safely on my bed. "Mom, Jirou, I can explain...."
A/N Holy crap this chapter is longer than the other one! I will be making this into two parts because it's really long. I will start working on that chapter today. Also this was my first smut so if it was bad sorry...

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