Bad luck

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Todoroki [POV]

I hoped that Endeavor wouldn't notice my change in voice

"Shoto, sorry it's Fuyumi dad needed me to call you" Fuyumi responded, I relaxed a bit

"Oh Fuyumi what did dad need?" I shifted my position so that I was sitting on my knees on the couch

"Well I guess he is wanting to try to be a better father lately and we were going out for dinner tonight, I think he wants to patch up the relationship between the two of you" she explained

"Relationships can't be repaired just like that" I responded coldly

"I know Shoto but can you at least give him another chance, he's trying his hardest, can you just please come to dinner tonight?" She asked again

"If he was really trying his hardest he could have asked me himself" I furrowed my eyebrows

"One second" she muttered, I waited a few moments listening to only silence 

"Shoto?" Endeavor asked, I felt my heart stop hearing his voice though it was only though the phone

"Endeavor?" I asked back

"Yes I wanted to invite you to dinner tonight since you're being so persistent"

"Tonight?" I asked nervously

"Yes I know you have school tomorrow and you are very stubborn with your studies but it's been a while since we've had a family dinner with all of us" he explained

"What about mom?" I asked

"She said she would try to make it" He responded

"Dad give the phone back quickly" Fuyumi exclaimed taking the phone away "Come on Shoto we're all gonna be there"

"I......, I don't know, where are we going?" I asked

"I think that new sushi place that just opened up"

"Oh I've heard of that" I didn't want to go though I figured the way this conversation was going there was no getting out of it

"So you're going?  It's at seven and dress semi-nicely" she instructed and there it was, there was no getting out of this one this time.

"Yeah alright" I muttered

"Though if you're not feeling well you don't have to go"

"What makes you say that?" I asked

"Well you just sound different" she admitted, I knew I could use that as a perfect excuse but that would just dig me into a deeper hole

"No I'm fine" I explained

"So you'll come?" She asked

"I guess, I'll see you at seven" I sighed

"Bye Shoto see you at seven love you" she exclaimed

"Yeah love you too" my phone beeped as Fuyumi hung up, I clutched my phone lowering my arm to my lap

"Todoroki are you okay you went pale" Uraraka asked

"Uhm yeah....., just I have to go to dinner with my family tonight......, the one thing I was hoping not to do....., talk about awful timing" I muttered pinching the bridge of my nose

"What are you going to do?" Midoriya asked

"I don't know it's not like I can get out of this I'll probably just fake a sickness or something" I shrugged

Midoriya [POV]

"We could help you?" Mina and Hagakure offered

"What do you mean?" Todoroki asked

"I mean we've done this before, boys and girls vice versa, it's not that difficult" Mina shrugged

"I couldn't ask that of you I can handle this myself" she responded shaking her head

"Wait shouldn't we tell a teacher about this?" Momo asked

"Yes that would be the proper thing to do" Iida agreed

"I'll go find Aizawa sensei" Todoroki explained

"Midoriya you go with her" Momo instructed

"Yeah okay" I nodded standing up with Todoroki, we walked out of the dorms

"Todoroki are you sure you'll be okay?" I asked


"What are you going to do?"

"I think I'll just be honest, lying is too much work" she explained

"Yeah you're right" I agreed, my heartbeat sped up, maybe I should tell Todoroki now.  Maybe she would understand better like this or maybe it would just be the worst time.  What if I just made her mad or upset?  She could hate me and then we wouldn't be friends anymore

"Midoriya is there something on your mind?" Todoroki asked

"Why do you ask that?" I asked quickly

"You just seem lost in thought, sorry I don't want to intrude on anything" she explained staring straight forward

"Do you have a crush on anyone" I exclaimed feeling my face burning up

"Where did that come from Midoriya?" she asked

"Well..., just I don't know" I shook my head

"yes I do" she muttered quietly

"I do as well" I agreed, the rest of the walk was in complete silence.  We walked around the school but decided to go to recovery girl's office to see if she knew where Aizawa was.  I knocked on the door

"Come in" Recovery Girl called, I slid open the door

"Recovery Girl do you know where Aizawa is?" I asked stepping into her office

"I saw him yesterday but I wouldn't know where he would be right now, why?" she responded "Is something wrong?"

"Well we think a villain or something broke into the dorms last night or maybe it was this morning" I explained

"What makes you say that" she asked, I grabbed Todoroki by the wrist (It was so much smaller than before, so frail) and pulled her out from the hallway into her office

"Well this happened to Todoroki" I explained

"oh dear" she exclaimed "Did anyone else get affected?"

"No everyone else in the dorms are fine, that's what I don't understand, why just Todoroki?"

"That does raise a few questions, maybe someone was targeting you for a specific reason" Recovery Girl suggested

"Well I have a family dinner tonight which makes this even more bothersome" Todoroki added

"Maybe they were just doing it to ruin your reputation but I'll watch out for Aizawa for you two just go back to your dorms and relax for now we'll figure something out, don't worry Todoroki" Recovery girl reassured

"Thank you" we both said before leaving

"I will say again, to you Midoriya, Don't worry too much about it, I'm not worried too much about Todoroki overreacting but you tend to have a lot of emotions when it comes to situations like this" Recovery girl called as we left

"Recovery Girl is right, I shouldn't worry about this, everything will be fine" I muttered to myself

"Why?  are you worried about this?" Todoroki asked which took me by surprise

"Oh sorry I'm probably being annoying aren't I?" I asked

"No that's not what I meant it's just why are you worried about it?  This is my problem"

"Well you are my friend so I can't help it" I shrugged

"Oh" she muttered and seemed to be lost in thought the rest of the walk back to the dorms.

Man up [Female Todoroki] DiscontinuedUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum