"I swear I'm Gay"

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Midoriya [POV]

"You know I didn't expect you to come out" I exclaimed walking with Todoroki to the park

"Did you know I was gay?" she asked

"No not really but I didn't expect that" I laughed

"I see" She responded thoughtfully "I guess I don't really care if people know I'm gay or not, a lot of people make a big deal about it but I guess, I don't really care about it" she looked over at me a faint smile tugging on her lips

"That's good, you are right about that a lot of people make a big deal about their sexuality but that's only because the other people that their telling it to make a big deal out of it as well" I explained 

"Yeah but I guess I felt so comfortable coming out to you was because I know that you're chill and wouldn't make a big deal out of it" the park started to come into view as we continued walking

"I'm glad that you're comfortable around me Todoroki because before the sports festival you were a real jerk" I told him crossing my arms in front of my chest stubbornly just to make my point

"I know, but that was because I was still mad at my dad and I had no way to express my anger" she insisted 

"Yeah I know, I'm just glad that I got into your head before you could do some serious damage to yourself or something else" I tapped her on the side of the head laughing

"You know, I feel a lot better Midoriya" she started looking straight ahead at the sidewalk "Thanks for taking me out, the whole gender thing and the dinner party was really getting to my head, I think if I would have stayed in my room for any longer the anxiety would have drove me to insanity" there was still a hint of anxiety lacing her tone whenever she talked about the complications with her gender and with her family but it was getting smaller and smaller

"That's why I wanted to take you out, I wanted to help you clear your head and you know Todoroki you don't have to deal with it all on your own.  The entire class would be willing to help you, in a heartbeat even because we know you'd do the same thing" I explained with a smile

"Ugh could you guys be any more kind to me, it makes me feel awful about the first few months of school, you can't be so nice to me until I'm able to make up for it" Todoroki whined

"Well we're all friends so it's only understandable, and you don't have to make up for anything Todoroki, you were angry at your father, and there were things still going on at home that made you angry and it's only natural that you were like the way you were in the first few months of school, I mean with your fathers influence and what you went through in childhood" I shrugged "It was only understandable"

"the fact that it was understandable doesn't make it an excuse, I had no right to treat you guys like that, even though we are all technically competing against each other because we need to, but I didn't need to treat you all like crap" we walked up to a bench in the park and sat down, children were running around playing with their friends and pets "Ugh I just feel really guilty about it, especially during the entrance exams but I don't really want to talk about that major screw up" there was a few moments of silence before I spoke up

"I think we all know that you feel guilty about that though we haven't treated you any different than a friend, even though people say that first impressions are the most important, not to lie you would get an award for worst first impression but those first impressions fade over the time of knowing the person, and that's what happened" I smiled crossing one leg over the other "You were cold and mean in your first impression but that was just because you had some problems going on at home but no one thinks of you like that anymore apart from the people who have only seen you a few times and haven't been able to really get to know you, that doesn't matter though, no one in class sees you as that cold heartless boy who only cares about winning, that's Kacchan" Todoroki laughed at that last bit

"Thanks Midoriya" she explained "I try to feel bad about myself, I really do because that's just how my brain works but you don't stand for any of that [crap] do you"

"No of course not, my friends cant feel bad about themselves I won't let that happen" I insisted stubbornly

"Thanks for that Midoriya" Another moment of silence settled around us as Todoroki tilted her head back looking up at the sky watching clouds pass, neither of us said anything, neither of us really had anything else to say.  Though the silence wasn't awkward, it felt comfortable, like it should be there rather than silence where, desperately you tried to think of something to say to get rid of it.  It was comfortable just being in each others presence.  I watched kids run around playing tag or other games with each other, ten minutes of silence like that passed.

"You know Midoriya I've been thinking" Todoroki started still looking up at the sky

"What?" I asked raising one eyebrow turning to look at her

"I know before I said that this was only platonic I know I said that but while I was thinking, I don't think to clear my head was the real reason that I agreed to come with you" she explained folding her hands together in her lap

"What was the real reason?"

"I'm not entirely sure the real reason but it wasn't just to clear my head, I would have been able to do something like that on my own it would have just taken a little longer" she ran her fingers through her bangs looking over at me examining my face

"I don't think I'm following Todoroki"

"I don't know how to phrase this exactly but I said I was gay and I said that I wanted it to be platonic because of the body that I'm in right now is against my sexuality I guess and it didn't feel right" she pressed her lips together in a thin line thinking for a bit before it stretched into a frown "You know what Midoriya, I don't really care what body I'm in, I'm still a male just in a different body and I'm still very much gay" I felt my heart start to speed up in my chest trying to comprehend what Todoroki was saying and where it might lead, I wanted it to lead somewhere but with Todoroki I would never know she could just be rambling

"What are you talking about?" I asked

"Ah- [Crap], screw it, I don't care anymore, I'm still hella gay just in this cursed body" Todoroki sat up straight cupping my cheeks in my hands.  My eyes widened with surprise as I felt Todoroki's lips make contact with my own.

(A.N. sorry for not updating in a while hope you enjoyed this chapter)

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