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(A.N. I haven't gone through my comments.  Uh... happy late halloween I guess?) 

(A.N. Musical songs are my motivation someone save me does anybody have a map to the candy store before something stars to burn because words fail but ain't that good for me because there are voices in my head though the loudest one is mine.  I'll just be here chilling in the bathroom.  It's gotten very quiet uptown because the world isn't wide enough.  How pitiful.)

Midoriya [POV]

Todoroki and I walked back to the dorms side by side.  Instead of what she wanted to when we left, she kept her hands clasped in front of herself politely.  I racked my brain trying to think of something to say, anything to get rid of this awkward silence.  But my mind only came up blank every time.

"You know Midoriya," Todoroki wrapped her arms around her torso protectively.


"If anything, what happened, I mean what happened to my body and everything... has brought us all closer." 

I looked over at her my eyes following the way that her hair cascaded down her shoulders in a long braid. "I guess that you're right."

"I don't think that I would ever have the confidence to kiss you if this didn't happen." She shook her head. 

"Yeah." I nodded.

"When this is all sorted out, promise me something Midoriya."

My eyes widened with surprise. "Yeah... Yeah, anything."

She stopped dead in her tracks.  I stopped as well.

"When this is fixed and sorted out..." She swallowed hard. "We need to talk about this, when I'm in the right body and when we can actually talk about this properly okay?"

I smiled softly. "Yeah, of course when this is sorted out we can talk."

"Thank you, let's get back to the dorms now." She continued walking, I hung back for a few moments before I jogged to catch back up with her.  I didn't press on with what she wanted to talk about.  That could wait until later, when we actually have whatever talk she had in mind.

I kept both my hands stuffed in my pockets as we finally got back to the school and our dorms.  I flopped down on the couch in the commons room as soon as we got back.

"How'd it go you two?" Uraraka chirped, I didn't even notice that she was in the room.

"It went well." Todoroki explained sitting down on the couch next to me.

"So, what happened?" Uraraka leaned over the back of the couch leaning her head on her arms.

"We went to get lunch at a cafe then took a walk, nothing much." Todoroki explained, I noticed a faint blush spreading across her cheeks.

"Is that all?" Uraraka poked me in the back of the head playfully.

"Yes, that's about it." 

"Nothing else happened?" Uraraka poked me in the back of the head again.

"Yes, that's all that happened." I finally chimed in, "We just got lunch and went to the park.  Todoroki's brother came by and I talked to him for a bit but that's pretty much everything that happened." I was hoping that my face wasn't nearly as red as Todoroki's was getting but I'm sure that it was knowing me.

"Hm." Uraraka sighed through her nose, rolled her eyes before leaning back. "Okay then, I'll be in my room if you guys need me for anything."

"Thanks Uraraka." I called back as she disappeared down the hallway.

"You'll thank me later," She called back muffled from wherever she was down the hallway.  I rolled my eyes.

"Who knows what she means like that," I commented leaning back into the couch.

"Who knows what any of them mean when they say things like that, especially Kaminari." Todoroki rolled her eyes.

"I guess you're right." I laughed softly.

"I should thank you again Midoriya," she brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 a brief intermission while I perform Hamilton's monologue in the world was wide enough and to rap guns and ships)

"What do you mean?" I raised one eyebrow, I turned to face her.

"I mean, I guess for just not really freaking out about this that much, and not freaking out anymore after what happened at the part." She fiddled with the hem of her shirt.

"Don't thank me, and trust me I was really freaking out." I laughed awkwardly scratching at the back of my neck.

"Yeah but you didn't flip out like I expected you to, like how my dad definitely would." She shrugged, "Just thanks for that, it was fun."

"Yeah, it was pretty fun, thanks for agreeing to go with me." I smiled reassuringly.

"I should go get ready for dinner with my family," she smiled back slightly and stood up, "Thanks again Midoriya."

"yeah, don't mention it.  Have fun with your family." 

"Yeah, probably not." She laughed softly and like Uraraka disappeared down the hallway towards her dorm leaving me alone in the commons room on the couch.  I sunk back into the couch content.

(A.N. so yeah sorry for being gone for so long, idk what I was doing here this is completely motivated by musical songs (Kudos to anyone who can guess all the songs that I was listening to throughout making this chapter lemme know) Thanks for reading, sorry for being gone so long I have nothing to say for myself.)

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