7- We Meet Again Pt.2

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As we continued what we were doing Brendon grunted as a knock was made on the door. "Under my desk." Brendon pointed to his desk gesturing me to go under his desk. "Mr.Urie, let's pick up where we left off baby." A girls voice said. "No I can't please leave my office and don't come back." Brendon hissed. A sob escaped from the girl and multiple footsteps ran away. Brendon sighed. I looked up from under the desk to see a smirking Brendon gazing my way. He slowly walked towards me. I scoffed and smacked away his hand that was tempting to touch my thigh. "You're just going to act like nothing happened? I was right people don't change." I got up and put my clothes on and before Brendon could do anything I was already out the door. I ran and ran. I was done with putting up with his bullshit once and for all. I don't care about him. Hating him is an understatement. He's a liar and a fucking narcissistic bitch. He can kiss my ass goodbye because this will be the last time I see him. I finally made my way home parking my car in the driveway, taking the key out of the ignition. I just wanted to sleep. To be by myself or maybe I should go adopt a puppy. I've always wanted one since I was a little girl. I've never owned a puppy or a pet for that matter. I decided to put the key back into the ignition, the roaring of my car's engine could ignite a fire. I made my way to PetSmart, getting through traffic and all the stupid drivers who can't drive for their own life. After pulling the key out of the ignition of my blue car, I made my way in the store. I looked around the aisles until I found the perfect puppy. I stopped when I was face to face with Brendon. I turned around quickly wanting to get out but I was stopped with a puppy. The pup was looking straight into my eyes crying out to me, wanting me to adopt them. I made the decision to adopt the puppy and so I did. "What will you name this puppy ma'am?" The clerk asked. I looked at the puppy, he was brown with spots of white. "Bogart." I said as I pet the cute thing and out the door I was. I ignored Brendon's death stares that we're targeting to the back of my head. I knew he was there. But I just didn't want him to exist. "Billie, wait!" Brendon called out to me. I was already in my car but I guess Satan possessed me so I rolled down my window. "What?" I growled. "I just want to t-" he tried saying something but I didn't care half the shit that comes out of his mouth anyway. I already left the store leaving Brendon alone. As I drove back home a car was following me. It was Brendon's car. For fuck sakes can't he leave me alone? But little I know he couldn't. Maybe because I'm pretty? Or does he really want to get in my pants that bad? Well, that's not going to happen, ever. I don't want nothing to do with him but I could just get revenge. He hurt me so, why not hurt him back. Heart break is always the key. Oh Brendon, why do you do this to yourself? I thought. It's honestly a good plan. Little lies here and there but the scary part about is that he falls in love with me or I fall in love with him. But that won't happen, right? It can't.
"Bebe!" Brendon called out to me. I didn't answer until a pair of hands turned me around and gave me a hug. I hugged back. He pulled away, staring at me with his soft brown eyes. I shook my head and before I knew it I was in my house on my bed, watching a movie with Brendon. It was nice but I could get attached to him. I have to act like I care when really I don't. I start to tease him a bit. My hand was already on his thigh under the covers. My hand slowly went down more and more. Brendon stiffed up and grunted pulling his gaze from the TV to me. "Stop." Brendon groaned, rolling his neck back, a strand of hair falling down his face. I didn't stop. I went farther until I reached his most sensitive area. I took off his pants, leaving him in his black boxers. Before I knew it he moved my hand away. "It's my turn Bebe." Brendon growled and pinned me to the bed. Our breathing picked up its pace. "Wait." I told him, getting up from the bed and pulling out so alcohol. "Here." I poured some in two shot glasses. "Trying to get me drunk?" Brendon smirked taking a sip of the drink. "Maybe." I laughed, taking a sip of my drink and getting under the covers. A pair of hands griped on to my wrist. "You know trying to hurt me is only going to end up hurting you, I'm not stupid Billie, I can read you like an open book." Brendon stayed and I froze. His lips crashed on to mine. "Because I'll hurt you before you'll hurt me, darling." His words muffled against my lips. I pulled back shaking my head. I looked down and his gentle hand picked my chin up, making me face him. "Why?" Brendon asked. "Because you hurt me." I gulped, holding back a tear. I didn't want him to know he put me through so much pain. I didn't want him to know I care. Because if he finds out, he wins. I don't like losing. So he won't find out. Or will he?

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