9- "Dancing's not a crime, dear."

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  My alarm clock kept beeping only making me get up, not really in the mood. Bogart was chilling, laying down beside me. I didn't want to wake him up so I quietly got off the bed trying not to make too much noise. Forcing myself up and balancing on both feet I looked at the little guy. He looked so peaceful and cute as he slept. I don't think dogs snore but he sure does snore. I quickly got ready for work, dreading to see that handsome bastard. After changing into decent clothes and filling Bogart's bowl up with dog food, I hopped into my car and drove off to work. As usual, I stopped at Starbucks to get a vanilla latte. As I parked outside the building I noticed a man and a woman kissing. Of course it was Brendon and a brunette headed girl. I felt the urge to throw up. I quickly got out the car and ran inside. A pair of brown eyes gazed my way and I could hear footsteps getting louder and heavier. My walking pace grew faster as I made my way to my office. I sat down at my desk trying to clear my mind. Not to mention it was the same girl that came into his office and interrupted our little make out session. A knock came from the door but I didn't bother to answer it. Knock after knock but I still wouldn't budge. Then the knocking stopped. I let out a deep sigh and out of no where there was a loud bang and my office door slammed open. There he was, the man who broke and practically ruined my life with man trust issues and well, problems. His eyes were red a puffy but what stood out more to me was the big red mark on his neck. That damn bitch gave him a hickey. Shocker. I didn't care anymore. I decided to just ignore him. We exchanged glares at each other and that's when I got to work, not acknowledging his existence whatsoever. What felt like hours were only minutes and I could still feel his gaze burning from the back of my head. I just didn't care anymore. "Billie." His voice cracked. "Yes, Mr.Urie?" I asked not really wanting to hear what he had to say but with all do respect, he was my boss. "Don't call me that." He said sternly. "Ok, Mr.Urie." I teased but I guess I went a bit to far. He pushed my chair making me fall to the ground but fortunately, he caught my hand just in time. He smirked looking down at my position I was in. I rolled my eyes and got up dusting my shirt off so it was somewhat clean again. I looked up to see Brendon biting his lip. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other. As tempting as it was to let this go any further, I walked away. He made a puzzled face but I just shrugged it off. "Bebe, you know I care about you right?" He said softly. I shook my head. "No you don't, you never did, if you cared about me you wouldn't have lied! All you do is just make up lies! Straight up, Lies!" I lost my temper at this point. To say he cares for me? No. He doesn't and never did. "I'm not one of your stupid little bitches alright? I know what you're doing and I'm not the one to mess with Urie." I was close up to his face. His tiny brown freckles sprinkled across his face were very detailed. We were only a few inches apart. But me being me, I left. Screw it, I didn't care. My attempt to leave my office failed and I was forcedly grabbed by my wrist and dragged to his office. He locked me up with him and threw me on his desk. He opened his drawer and took out handcuffs, a belt, and a black laced lingerie. "Put this on, now." Brendon demanded. "No." I simply said. "Bend over." He spanked me making me squeal in pain. One by one, he ripped a piece of clothing off my body. He threw the lingerie to me and gave me a death glare hinting me to put it on. I did what I was told and a bulge in his pants grew bigger. Brendon sat down on his office chair and beckoned me to straddle him. I didn't feel comfortable doing this but, I didn't really have a choice now did I? Oh but don't worry I'm just playing along. I started to give him a lap dance and his hands snaked around my waist. He played with the strings that were barley attached to my body. I tugged on his hair pulling a strand of his hair hard making him roll his head back. I bit his lip teasing him. Although, he wanted more I was going to make him earn it if he really wanted me. I stopped in my tracks and slowly walked away. I turned around to see Brendon glaring at me. His eyes were cold and emotionless, he pouted his lips and his hair was poking out everywhere. "I'm not doing this." I said and started to put my clothes back on. "Oh Bebe, you're not done just yet." Brendon said. "I'm not dancing." I crossed my arms. "Dancing's not a crime, dear." He said and pulled me onto his desk once again. "Stay." He demanded like I was some type of dog. I hissed at him only to receive a chuckle back. He opened his storage closet and took out two pair of red high heels. "I have a kink." He said and blushed slightly. He took of his old fashioned black dress shoes and put the red high heels on. "I use these 'bad boys' only for occasions, darling. You should feel special." He said but I just rolled my eyes. I made a run for it but I was rudely tripped by a long red high heel. "Not so fast sweetheart, we're just getting started."

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