Our Spot

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You stopped crying after 2 minutes of walking. When all the sudden you accidentally saw the park you guys looked at the stars, the night he fell in love with you. You couldn't help it, you walked to the spot you guys laid. You laid down and looked at the stars.

"Come on you can do better than that, here lay your head on my chest." You whispered to yourself laughing. You would do anything to go back to that day, it was perfect. "I wish he would of kissed me here under the stars that night." You said to yourself out loud.

"Your right, I should've." You heard Soul say. You sat up and looked behind you. "What, are you doing here?" You said looking at him sadly. "I'm talking to a pretty cool girl." Soul said as he went to sit by you. Soul laid down and laughed. "Don't look so uncomfortable." He said smiling. You laid down by him and smiled. "Come on you can do better than that, here lay your head on my chest." Soul said chuckling.

You laid your head on Souls chest and smiled. "(Your name) I do love you. I haven't noticed it til you just left me again. I felt broken." Soul said softly stroking your hair. "Soul, I've always loved you." You said blushing. "We all know (your name) it's kind of obvious." Soul said laughing. "Soul, I'm yours." You said softly. "Forever and always?" Soul asked softly. "Forever and always, promise pinky swear." You said quietly. "This is our spot okay? We're going to get married here one day. And for our babies first birthday we'll come here." Soul said happily

Soul Eater EvansXReader: Together Again (part 3)Where stories live. Discover now