How Much I Love You

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"Hey I got a game for us to play." Soul said as you guys sat on the bench at a park. "Yeah really, what is it?" You asked smiling. "We can play How Much I Love You." Soul chuckled. "What's that?" You asked confused. "Just say how much you love me and I'll say how much I love you." Soul said smiling at you. "Alright let's do this." You said laughing.

Soul tickled your hips because he knew how much it tickled you. "Soul stop!" You yelled laughing. "Stop what? I'm not doing anything." Soul said laughing. "Stop tickling me!" You laughed hard as you moved his hands off. Soul grabbed your hand and held it tight. "I'll go first." He said smiling.

"I love you more than Kid loves symmetry." Soul said smiling. "Not bad. Haha, I love you more than how red your eyes are." You said looking in his eyes. "I love you more than how dumb Patty is." Soul said smiling. "Soul that's mean!" You said punching his shoulder. "It's true." He said rubbing his shoulder. "I love you more than how mean you are." You said sticking your tongue out at him. "Well I love you more than how beautiful you are." Soul said putting his arm around you. "Ah I win." Soul said laughing. "How did you win?" You yelled pulling away. "Because your beauty is never ending." Soul said softly touching your face.

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