The question

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The hand was going up and down your thigh trough the whole class and you kinda liked it.
Mr.Volin ended the class and you look up at Diego and he is biting his lips while looking at your soft lips.
He is leaning forward and about to kiss you when Mr.Volin notices and tell you guys to get a room and get out of the classroom.
You start laughing and walks out.
You see Samantha down the hallway and you run fast to her.
You spill the tea about Diego and she starts freaking out so you tell her to be quiet because everyone is looking at you.
Later that day Samantha is at your house and you're studying but you can clearly see on her face that she want to ask you a 103772 of questions so you put down your laptop and smiles at her while saying "what's your question?"
She starts smiling with her whole face and the first thing that comes out of her mouth is " DO YOU LIKE DIEGO?!"
The words hit you like fist in the face and you don't know what to answer.
What are you gonna do next?

Diego MartirWhere stories live. Discover now