A shadow?

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The next day you tell Samantha that it wasn't your brother who was outside the door listening to your conversation because he wasn't even home.
Both of y'all gets scared and can't focus the rest of the day.
Your thoughts are so loud you can't hear anything anymore.
Who was in the house when we were ALL ALONE?
Did they/he/she wanna hurt me or us?
When you keep seeing how you go to the door to look after your "brother" you can see a shadow fast disappearing behind a corner down the hall.
The day it all happened you didn't see this "shadow" but now that it keeps repeating in your head all you see is the shadow fast disappearing.
You tell Samantha what you keep seeing and she gets even more scared.
S-Should we tell your parents?
Y-NO definitely not! They will be so protective over me and I won't be able to have friends over or go to anyone anymore.
S-But what if.....
Y-what if what?!
What is Samantha about to tell you?
(Leave a comment saying what you think about this "chapter" also y'all have been waiting for this one haha❤️)

Diego MartirDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora