Author's Note

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           I decided that I'd write two books simultaneously (my second book coming out soon), so here goes Buckaroos. I've been hoping to write a book based on my personal thoughts/life and I've finally gotten around to it. As you know, I am a teenage cool kid. Which also translates to:
          'I have school five days a week and I'm too poor to afford WiFi in my household so I go to a public library to do all my publishing while also writing offline on my school issued Chromebook. I also have no time in my schedule to get anything done because currently I am rehearsing for a show and I have a job after school. Meaning I have to stay out an extra three to four hours after school everyday, to add onto the original seven-ish hours a day that I'm there and the amount of time that public transit takes to get home. ALSO, I am a scholarly student that takes all honors level classes while also having Drama as an elective. Meaning I do a lot of memorization for lines in my theatre classes and for tests in all the other ones. To add a little more onto that, I own three pets. Now, if anyone reading this owns multiple species of animals then you can relate. I own one lizard (a leopard gecko if you were wondering), and two cats who enjoy fighting to the death with each other (not literally, at least not yet). I also am in a relationship that has been going on for almost two years and we are both very needy people. So keeping up with my writing is hard, but writing is the only thing I have to de-stress. So I'm kinda constantly stressed to the point of a mental breakdown.'

               But that's okay! Because here I am, writing and de-stressing and all that jazz.

              Now, getting on with it. I plan to write about things that, as a pretty decent writer, I have experience in. For example, I can tell you all the things not to do if you plan on writing a book. One, don't be me. Two, never get a job. And especially number three, don't ever ever get a life outside of the writing community. Because then you'll be tied up in all sorts of things that you never thought you would be. So there's that.
           This book is going to be an ongoing book where I publish my thoughts on writing and all the pros & cons that come with the activity. I will include tips on how to write short stories for contests, how to stretch your creativity on writing different genres, and just how to become a writer in general.
           I may not be an expert in the writing game, but I can tell you from my viewpoint that it is hard and it's not always fun. Sometimes you make mistakes, whether it be a mistake in the plot or just a small grammatical error. You will make mistakes, and it's okay to make mistakes! That's how you learn as a writer! While we're on the topic of learning from your mistakes. I would like to move onto the first chapter 'Learning From Your Own Stupidity'.


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