To 7th grade

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Haley was a very talented artist, but she doubted herself for a long time. After Haley was taken from Ocean Springs (and Christina again) she felt like her world was falling apart. Haley spent two happy years in ocean springs with her dog loki, learning many art tips from her talented friends, emma, Raylen, Airabella, and Christina. She also had a bully, and she sent this girl, Emilia, to the school counselor, Mrs.Hurt. Now that she was gone from her school she had to start over. The school she went to was for 6th grade. It was in Louisiana, but it was called Iowa, located near Lake Charles. Haley met some kids that lived right across the sidewalk from them, and they became friends. Finally after a while of going to school she made friends her age, but then Hurricane Harvey hit. It got water stuck under the floor bords and they had to move again. The house they where moving to didnt allow big dogs, and a hole grew in Haley's heart whenever she learned the bad news. Loki was her only friend that followed her when she moved and now she had to leave. Haley felt like the world had turned on her, and slowly developed anxiety, which yes, turned into depression. Haley met many new people at this school in 6th grade, but in 7th grade one of the girls, Kirsten, brought alcohol to school, telling people to take shots. Haley didn't know this happened until the principal came in and asked if she drank it. Haley didn't, but many did. A lot of the people who did became in a further distant relationship from Haley, and eventually grew apart completely. Haley was alone. Haley didn't have what she wanted. Haley started having panic attacks. These panic attacks started off small, just a small sob and shake and it was over, but they grew worse, and her therapy didn't help. Eventually she stopped going to therapy sessions, and she tried to deal with it on her own. It was difficult. *DING* her phone went off. She looked down at the screen and realized someone commented on her youtube video on Copic Wolf ( Guys this is serious, go check out her channel and look at heart and soul piano tutorial. You will see that 1d10t1c 3x93rt comments on almost all of her videos after this)
It had been a comment from someone at her new school. She talked to him for a few hours, which turned into days and eventually a month. Haley and him became close, and they started dating.

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