Junk Bros

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In Wardenclyffe , New York , two best friends named , Sonny Quinn and an African American kid his age named Sam Carter were starting a garbage business called the Junk Bros.

They enter in an old creepy house. Once they head upstairs , they look around and Sam spotted a black stuffed cat above the fireplace. It had red eyes and it was in a vicious hissing pose.

Sam- Who stuffs a cat ?

Sonny- How much are they paying us for this ?

Sam pondered for a few seconds.

Time Skip....

Sonny and Sam were outside and threw a silver metal ladder out in the dumpster.

Sonny- I can't believe you told them we work for free .

Sam- It's not for free. The lady on the phone said we can keep any junk we don't throw away . Some of that stuff can have monetary value.

Sonny- You know what else has monetary value , Sam ? Actual money.

Sam- Just start cleaning . Come on .

They head back into the house and collected several old and unused items and put them in a few separate boxes.

Sonny- ( sets a box down ) Found some more stuff from the attic.

Sam looks over to that box to find something interesting.

Sam- Okay , What do we got ?

Sonny- ( Looks at the stuffed cat ) Maybe this is worth something.

Sonny walks over to the cat and was about to grab it but when he tried to pull it off , it was stuck.

Sonny- It's stuck.

He tried a few attempts to pull it clean off the fireplace but when he pulled too hard , it finally moved to a different direction , causing Sonny to let go and fall with a yell. Sonny spots the inside of the furnace moving , revealed to be a small secret door.

Sonny looks at Sam and then back at the furnace , as Sam crawls closer to it , seemed to be very aghast. Then they spot a small trunk inside. With joy , Sam smiles excitedly.

Sam- Dude , I just think we found a treasure chest !

Sonny- Go get it.

He crawls halfway inside and looks around before he pulls  the trunk out.

Sam-  Jackpot.This is amazing. It's like a whole room in here. I told you. We come here and find treasure. Helo me with this.

Sonny helps him pull the trunk in front of them.

Sam- I bet this thing's filled with gold and diamonds and bitcoins !

Sonny- Uh , you know bitcoins are cryptocurrency , right ?

Sam rolls his eyes in annoyance at his friend's intelligence .

Sonny- It's not real coins , it's virtual coins . It's really cool. It starts with a process called mining--

Sam cuts him off with a bored and aggravated look .

Sam- Stop being a nerd for a second and help.

Sonny- Yeah. Sorry.

Sam- Thank you. Here. You ready ? Three... Two... And--

The Junk Bros open the trunk to reveal two books.

Sam- What ?

Sonny takes the first book and Sam takes the second one and try to open them up but they were locked.

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