Evil and Creepy

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Im the middle of the night , after the mother came home , everyone went to sleep. Jennica took the couch and Slappy sleep on a chair in Sonny's room. Suddenly , the puppet's eyes snapped open as he sits up and exits the bedroom. He walks down the hall and teleports to the kitchen drawer and grabs out a screwdriver before he walks over to Sonny's Tesla project and starts to sabotage it's circuits , causing some sparks to spritz out.

After several minutes , Slappy hops off the chair , quietly not to wake anyone and places the tool back onto the drawer before he silently shuts it. Slappy teleports to the couch and sees the beautiful doll sleeping blissfully , breathing softly in and out. Slappy gives the doll an evil grin as his warm brown eyes stare down at her.

Slappy- ( Quietly ) Soon , Jennica. Soon you and I will take over Wardenclyffe... Together !

With that said , he takes out a glowing red gem and looks down at it . He still kept that maniacal smile on his face as he plans his upcoming evil scheme.

To Be Continued....

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