Tommy Madigan & Bike Chase

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Outside of the creepy old house , the boys gathered up their things and put them in the back , and put Slappy and Jennica in the same box.

Sonny- Don't know why you took that thing. The doll I don't mind but the puppet... It's beyond creepy.

Sam- What do you mean ? He's awesome. And I think Him and little Jennica over there make a cute couple . Am I right ? 

Sonny- Whatever.

???- Hey , it's the Junk Sisters !

Just their luck. Tommy Madigan , the school bully , and two of his friends were riding their bikes and stopped in front of them.

Sonny- Great.

Sam and Sonny turned around and walk in front of their junk crate.

Sam- Well , at least we know our marketing's  working.

Tommy and his friends walk up to them.

Tommy- No teacher around to save you now. ( notices Sonny's sweater ) Are you wearing my old sweater from my grandma's yard sale ?

Not having any of this , Sam bravely snaps at him.

Sam- Leave us alone.

Tommy- Okay . ( to Sonny ) give me back my sweater and I'll let you go.

Sonny- ( Sarcasm ) Really ?

Tommy- unless you want your face punched.

Sonny- Whatever.

Sonny takes off the blue plaid sweater and hands it to him.

Tommy- And your box.

Sonny and Sam look at their boxes , and then back at the trio of bullies. Sonny huffs and gives his box to Tommy.

Sonny- Just take it.

Tommy- Yo , what we got ?

Tommy and his friends began looking through the box but haven't found anything interesting.

Tommy- Okay , old radio.

Crony 1- A ruler ?

Crony 2- That's a dog toy.

Tommy- And a stupid book.

Slams the book back in the box.

Tommy- Wow. ( puts box down ) Great business you guys are running .(looks at Sam ) Your turn.

Sam- ( shakes his head ) No no.I'm not giving you my box.

Sonny- ( whispers ) Sam just give it to him. I like my face unpunched .

Sam- No way. We work for this stuff.

Tommy then pushes through the boys and grabs the doll and the dummy.

Sam- Hey ! Tommy !

Tommy- Oh ! Look at that !

Sam then attempts to retrieve the porcelain doll and the wooden dummy.

Sam- Tommy , give them back !

Tommy- You want your dolls ?! You dress them up when you get home ?

One of the cronies grab Jennica by the neck and raised her up high .

Crony 1- What about this one ? Is she your girlfriend ?

Sam- Tommy , this isn't funny !

Sonny- Sam...

Suddenly the dummy's eyes landed on Jennica. Seeing how she's being manhandled. Then Tommy's belt has unbuckled and mysteriously pulled down by an unknown force , revealing his dark blue banana boxers. Sonny and Sam laugh as Tommy drops Slappy and pulls his pants back up. Then Slappy's eyes look up at Tommy and his pants were mysteriously pulled sown again. Sonny and Sam were cracking up more

Tommy- What is going on.

Tommy tries to pull them back up again but this time he couldn't .

Crony 1- Tommy , pull up your pants !

Tommy-  They're stuck !

Having the opportunity , Sam picks up Slappy off the ground and snatches Jennica back from the crony's grasp before running back to their bikes.

Sam- Thank you very much. Sonny , we need to go !

He puts Jennica and Slappy inside the junk crate and they tale off in their bikes. Tommy spots his victims escaping so he urges his friends to go after them. Slappy looks at the bullies getting on their bikes and chasing them down. As they turn to  the next block , Tommy and his cronies were already catching up to them .

Tommy- Ya better pedal faster !

Sam- Oh no !

Tommy- Come on , don't make it easy for us !

Sam- Oh , man ! We need to go !

Tommy- We're gonna get you , man !

Sam- They're gaining on us ! Faster !

Slappy's eyes spot a garden hose , them suddenly the green hose stretches out across the street and the bullies ran into it , causing them to fall down off their bikes. Sonny and Sam stop pedalling and turned around to look at them.

Sam- ( Looks at Sonny ) What just happened ? ( looks back at the trio )

Sonny- I have no idea.

Tommy stands back up.

Tommy- Come back here , you two !

All of the sudden , his pants were pulled down again ; Much to his embarrassed annoyance .

Tommy-  Why does this keep happening ?

To Be Continued....

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